Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

He's the first to pull away. He smiles happily at me. "Oh how much I miss those lips... I miss you, Y/N... promise me you won't push me away... promise me you'll try to be the old Y/N..." he said. "I promise I'll try my best... and I promise I won't push you away anymore..." I said. He smiles and pulls me in for another kiss.

-School Trip To Italy-


We are now standing at front school yard. I just sit in one of the benches. Peter is next to me, holding my hand in his lap. I lean my head on his shoulder. We are waiting for the bus to come.

I yawn softly and Peter notice this. He turns his head to look at me. "Are you sleepy?" He asked. I just nod my head. "Sleep... I'll wake you up when the bus is here... or I could just carry you later..." he said. I just nod again and close my eyes.

Peter P.O.V

I glance at Y/N to see her sleeping softly. I smile and caress her hair softly... along with a soft kiss on the side of her head. I'm happy... Y/N is slowly turning back to the way she used to be. I really miss the old her.

The bus soon comes and as I said earlier. I pick Y/N up. I ask Ned to carry her stuff. I carry her inside the bus, placing her next to me. Then gently place her head back on my shoulder. Soon enough the whole students have abroad the bus. Then we start heading for the airport.



I open my eyes and realize I'm inside a bus. I move my head from Peter's shoulder. He turns to me and smile. "Sleep well, baby?" He asked. I just nod my head and turn my head to look out the window.

I can hear him sighing. I turn head to look at him and leans over so my lips is right next to his ear. "I slept well... thank you..." I said, in a hush tone which can only be heard by him.

He turns to look at me with a surprise expression. I smile softly and leans closer to place a soft kiss on his cheek. He blinks in surprise, making me giggle softly. He get over his temporary shock and place a hand on the back of my head, pulling me close to place a soft kiss on my forehead. Then he wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to his side. I lean my head on his shoulder once again.

Soon enough, we reach the airport. Ned hands my stuff to me. I smile gratefully at him. Then we get off the bus and enter the airport.

It didn't take long for us to board the Airplane. I look around for my seat and found it. I turn to look at Peter to see him looking at me with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, babe... but we're not seat mates..." he said. I just smile sadly at him. I move to sit down after placing my back in the cabinet. Then I wait for the airplane to take off.

I can feel someone taking a seat next to me. I turn my head to see a boy, whom I know experience blip as well. But I don't really know his name.

"Hey... my name is Brad David... I don't think we've talked before..." he said, offering a hand for me. I just smile, acknowledging him. He looks at me in confusion before pulling his hand.

Since I'm sitting by the window, I just look out. I can see the passenger getting on the plane. Why do I have to sit next to this guy? Why can't it be just Peter or Ned. I don't feel like talking.

Peter P.O.V

I turn my head to look at Y/N. She looks uneasy as she is seated next to Brad. I let out a sigh. What can I do... what can I do to switch place so I could sit next to her.

"Hey, Parker!" I heard someone call out. Making me internally groan as I know who the voice belongs to. I turn my head to look at Flash. Who have been nothing but a bully for me. If only he knows who I truly am.

"This is called an airplane... I bet you never get on one before" he said, holding a glass of champagne. I just stay silent, trying to ignore what he just said.

"Um, Miss... he blipped... so technically he's hasn't turn 21..." I heard Y/N said. I was shock, she rarely said anything after what happened. But now she's standing up for me.

I turn my head to see flight attendant take the glass away from Flash. I turn my head to look at Y/N, to see her smiling softly at me. "Thank you" I said. She smiles and sits back down.

I sit back and smile to myself. Little by little, she's coming out from her bubble. I'm sure soon enough, she'll be the Y/N I used to know. Now I just have to think of a way to sit next to her... because I don't trust this Brad guy.

I tap Ned and he turns to look at me. "What?" He said. "Help me... do something so I can sit next to my girlfriend..." I said. He thought about it and nod his head. "I got you, man..." he said. Then he stands up and walks towards Mr. Harrington.

He said something about me having allergy. I face-palm hearing what he said. Seriously... he couldn't have think of something else!

Instead of moving me to sit next to Y/N... he made me move to sit next to a woman. I let out a sigh as I walk there. I make sure to glare at Ned on the way there. He just laugh nervously at me. I roll my eyes and sit down.

This is going to be a long and boring flight

*to be continued*

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