Chapter 9

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Previously on Chapter 8

Then we pull away after a while. I lean my head on his shoulder once again. For the first time since 8 months... I can finally be at ease.

-Peter's Disappearance-


We reach our next destination. Apparently someone contacted our teacher that someone sponsored us for a trip to Prague. Kinda fishy... but whatever... might as well enjoy it while we can.

I'm just sitting in the hotel's waiting room.  They are talking about the new hero that appears and defeat that water monster back in our previous destination. 

"He inspires me so much..." Flash said. "Inspire you to do what?" One of our classmate said. Flash smile at him. "To be a better person..." he said. He walks past Peter "sup penis Parker" he said, bumping him. Peter just let out a sigh as he walks towards me. He sits on the arm rest of the couch I'm sitting on.

"He's really saying that... when he's been nothing but a bully to you..." I said. Peter just caress my hair. "It's okay... what he said didn't affect me anyway..." he said. I turn my head to look at him. Since he's a lot higher since he's sitting on the arm rest.

"Yeah... but still... he annoys me..." I said. He leans down and place a soft kiss on my forehead. "Don't think about it..." he said, smiling softly at me. I just let out a sigh and nod my head.

"Alright attention please..." Mr. Harrington said. All of us stops what we are doing and turn our heads to look at him.

"I have good news for you!" He said, sounding very excited. "We have tickets to an Opera show..." he said, showing us tickets in his hand. "But... there'll be a carnival..." Brad said, protesting. "Young man... this is a one time opportunity! We might not get this opportunity again!" He said. Brad just rolls his eyes at what he said.

Peter P.O.V

This must be Nick Fury's plan. This is good. Y/N and the others could go and watch the Opera. They will be away from the carnival. They will be safer that way... Y/N will be safe.



I'm getting ready for the Opera show. Good thing I pack a dress for this trip, and this is perfect.

Then I put my hair into h/s

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Then I put my hair into h/s. Along with a simple make up. I don't wanna look like I'm desperate. But I wanna look presentable... does that make sense?

Anyway... after I make sure I look okay. I grab my purse and walk out of my room, and turn left only to jump when I come face to face with Peter, who is leaning sideways against the wall with his arms cross.

I let out a huffed as I place my hand against my chest to feel my heart beating at a rapid pace. "You scared me..." I said. He lets out a chuckle and pulls himself away from the wall and walks towards me. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer. I place my hand on his chest.

"I'm sorry baby... I didn't mean to scare you..." he said, smiling softly at me as he place a soft kiss on my forehead. Then he leans down and was about to kiss me on my lips. But I place a finger on his to stop him.

"What? You don't want my kisses now?" He said as he stares at me in confusion. "It's not that... I do want you to kiss me. I just don't want your lips to have lipstick stains on them..." I said, pointing my lips which have a f/c lipstick.

"Oh... well..." he said, stealing a kiss. Which makes my eyes widened. "I don't care... I could just wipe it off..." he said. He lets out a chuckle as he looks at my surprise face. I snap out of my daze and pout at him.

I grab a handkerchief from my purse and wipe his lips. Then I take out the same lipstick and give my lips a touch up.

"See? Piece of cake..." he said, winking at me. I just roll my eyes at him. "Whatever you say..." I said as I pinch his nose, making him laugh and nudge his nose against mine. I can feel my cheeks turning a shade of pink.

"Come on... we don't wanna be late..." he said. I just nod my head. He holds my hand gently and pulls me along with him to where the show will be held.

When we get there, most of my friends are there too. "I'll go and look for a place for us to sit..." I said, as I turn to look at Peter to see him looking at his phone. He didn't respond to me.

Peter P.O.V

As we reach the place. I can feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I take it out and read it.

Nick Fury
Where are you?

Nick Fury :
Come quick!

Nick Fury :
We need to form a plan for the attack

This is not the best time! What am I suppose to say to Y/N? I can't just say "hey baby... I have to go. A monster is going to attack somewhere near by. You can go on and enjoy the show." 

"Peter?" I hear Y/N said, trying to get his attention. I snap out of my thought and turn my head to look at him. "Huh?" I said. "Is there something wrong? You just zoned out and you look worried..." she said, as she looks at me with a worried expression.


"No... nothing is wrong. I uhh... my stomach hurts a little. I have to go... I'll be right back... you can go on and watch the show..." he said, turning around and starts running. I can hear the panic in his voice.

I'm so sorry, Baby... I just don't want to put you in danger. I can hear his voice echoing in my head. I flinch at it, because it's been a while since I use any of my ability. But that's not what I'm worried for. It's Peter...

Where is he going?

*to be continued*

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