Chapter 19

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Previously on Chapter 18

He smiles and stands up, placing the ring in my ring finger. He gently cups my cheeks and place a soft kiss on my lips. I slowly wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back.

-Wedding Day-


I hold Peter's hand as we make our way to my house. I'm so nervous. How will mom react when I said that Peter and I decided to get married. We're only 17 and all... and we're still in high-school. But I love him, as he loves me.

We were hanging around in my house's backyard. That was when he propose to me...


I'm laying in a grass by the backyard of the Stark tower, with Peter next to me. He have his arm under my head, letting me rest on it as my pillow.

"Babe?" He said. "Yeah?" I said, turning my head to look at him. He turns to look at me and smile softly. "I know I said we have to wait until graduation to get married... but I don't think I can wait for that long, Y/N. So... will you marry me? For real this time?" He said.

"Peter..." I said, sitting up. He stands up and offers his hand. He move to kneel down in front of me. He takes out a ring box and opens it to reveal an actual proposal ring.

"I know we're young, Y/N... I know we're still in school. But I love you too much to only see you as my Fiancé. I want you to be my wife. To spend the rest of my life with you. So... please? Will you marry me?" He said. I smile and nod my head. "Yes... I will..." I said. He grins and place the ring in my ring finger and pulls me into a kiss.

End of Flashback

We make our way inside the house. "Mom?" I called out. "In here, honey!" I hear her voice which comes from the living room. I gently pull Peter along with me.

Mom is sitting on the couch, while reading a book. Mom..." I said. "What is it, sweetie?" She said. "I... um..." I stuttered. I turn to look at Peter as he looks back at me.

I take a seat across from her, with Peter sitting next to me. "Peter and I..." I started. "What's wrong? Did something happened? Are you fighting?" She said. I shake my head. "No! We're doing fine, Pepper" Peter said.

"So? What is it?" She said. "We uh... decided to get married..." Peter said. "So I want to ask for your blessing" I said. "Married... are you sure? The two of you are still a high school students. Not to mention, you're still 17..." she said.

"I know. But there are others who married at our age too. We love each other so much, Mom..." I said. She hums softly and nod her head. "Very well... if that's what's your choices are. All I can do is support you. I just want you to be happy..." she said, smiling at me. I grin happily and rush to her to give her a hug.


It's finally the day we're going to get married. I'm so excited to know that soon, Peter and I will officially become husband and wife. I love him so much and I can't imagine having to live without him.

I'm sitting in front of the dressing table. Mom and Aunt May is helping me with my make up. Mom helps me with my hair, while Aunt May is doing my make up.

"Oh... you're going to be the most beautiful bride!"Mom said. "Thank you mom..." I said, blushing a little. "Peter is lucky to have you, Y/N... he better take good care of you. Let me know if he mistreat you. I'm going to ground him so bad!" Aunt May said. I let out a soft giggle.

"Oh... don't worry, Aunt May. He always treat me with real love and sincerity..." I said. "That's good. He better" she said, nodding her head. I let out a laugh at her respond.

There's a knock by the door. "Come in..." mom said. The door open to reveal the wedding planner. "The wedding is almost starting. Is the bride ready?" She said.

"She just need to get into her wedding dress and she will be ready to go" mom said. "Very well... we will be waiting" she said. "Thank you..." I said, smiling at her. She smiles back and leaves the room.

"Now... let's get you into your wedding dress..." Aunt May said. I smile and nod my head. I get up from my seat and walk towards the dressing room.


I'm now standing behind the double door. Beyond this door... Peter will be waiting for me. We'll give vows to each other and then we'll officially be a married couple.

The door opens and music begins. Mom will be the one to walk me down the aisle. Mom kisses me on my cheek and we start walking. This wedding is a private one... so only the Avengers and close people are invited. Which includes Ned... the poor guy nearly fainted when he meets the Avengers.

I stand in front of Peter. "Take care of my daughter" Mom said. "With everything I have..." Peter said. He smiles at me and offers a hand. I smile and place my hand on top of his.

"You may start giving your speech..." the priest said. I nod my head and turn to Peter. He holds both of my hands in his.

"Peter... everyone here knows how I was before I met you. Ever since that incident happened. I've always been scared to be outside and meet people. But soon, Dad told me I need to go to school. But I was a bit hesitant. I almost back down, because the anxiety I felt was too intense. I'm so glad that I chose to go... because there I met you. You taught me how to be open once again. I'm back to the old me... and it's all thanks to you. Then the war happened and I lost my dad..." I said, turning to look at an empty chair with Dad's picture placed on top of it.

"I was devastated. I became depressed and always keep things to myself, much like how I was before meeting you. You could have chose to leave me and be with someone else. But you didn't... you stick with me even in my lowest time. I'm very grateful for that, Pete... I'm very grateful to have you by my side. So I promise you... I'll do the same. I'll always love you... be with you. No matter what..." I said. He smiles at me with tears in his eyes. He lift my hands and place a soft kiss on the back of my hand. Letting his lips lingers there with his eyes close.

He stands straight and starts telling me his vow. "When I first saw you... that day when I accidentally saw you as you..." he said. I let out a giggle. Everyone here knows that I pretended to a boy, so they all laugh along.

"I was awestruck by your beauty. In my mind that day was 'is that an angel? I have to get to know her.' That's why I asked you... well... B/N. Who's the girl was.. then when we are alone, you showed me the real you. Time went by... and I keep telling you that you shouldn't hide your true self. I remember the day when you finally walk down the school hallway as Y/N... it was the happiest day of my life because I know that you're no longer afraid to be who you are. Y/N... I swear... with everything I have. I'll always be there for you... to take care of you... to love you. Now and for as long as God allows me..." he said.

"Now... do you, Peter Parker. Take Y/N Stark to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love each other through sickness and health?" The priest said. "I do..." Peter said. The priest turns to look at me. "And do you... Y/N Stark, take Peter Parker to be your lawfully wedded husband. To love each other 'till death do you apart" he said. "I do..." I said. "Well now... congratulation... I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" he said, turning to Peter as he said the last sentence. Peter smiles and gently cups my cheeks. I close my eyes and soon feel his lips against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back.

He pulls away, leaning his forehead against mine. "I love you, wifey..." he said. "I love you too, hubby" I said, grinning at him. He smiles and kisses me again.

*to be continued*

A/N: this is an edited chapter. I had to do it in order for the third book to work. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I hope you still like this book. Thank you so much for the love and support!

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