Chapter 14

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Previously on Chapter 13

"No... No!!!" I yelled. I run forward only to get blown back by a force. The last thing I see is Mysterio as he talks in his phone, commanding someone to kill the two people that matters the most to me. I groan in pain and everything turns black.

-Final Battle-

Peter P.O.V

I open my eyes and realize I'm inside a train. There are other people with me. I furrow my eyebrow as I look around. Once the train stops, I get off of it. I ask someone if I could borrow a phone.

I left the town and walking around aimlessly. I come across a flower field. Out of no where, I hear a sound that sounds like a jet plane. I look up in the sky to see indeed it was a jet plane. I keep limping and the helicopter land in front of me.

The door to the helicopter open and someone walks out. I instantly recognize it as Happy. But is it really him? After all the illusion I've faced... I don't know what's real anymore.

"Happy, is that you?" I asked. "Is this me? Of course, it's me! What happened to you Peter?" He said. He walks towards me. "Stop! Stop! Tell me something only you would know!" I said. "Uhh..." he started, then he start saying various things.

"Okay! Enough... it's you..." I said. I speed walk to him while limping and hug him, tightly. "Are you going to tell me what happened now?" He said. I didn't say anything and close my eyes tightly, as all that had happened finally dawned on me.

He pull away from me and escort me into the jet. He told me to sit down, and he went behind me and start stitching the wound on my back. But I keep wincing every now and then as it feels painful.

"Relax..." he said. I stand up and turn to face him. "Do not tell me to relax when I messed up SO bad. I gave him the only thing Mr. Stark have left for me. I've promised Mr. Stark that I'm going to protect his daughter. But I let him take Y/N! I've also made my best friend in danger! So please... DO NOT tell me to relax!" I yelled. I sit down and place my face on my hands as I start to sob quietly.

"I-I j-j-just miss h-him..." I said. He just stares at me. "Everyday... everyone kept on asking me who's going to be the next Iron Man... I don't know. I can't be like Mr. Stark.." I said. "No... you can't. Nobody can live up to Tony. Not even Tony himself. He keep second guessing his choices. The only thing he didn't second guess was choosing you" he said. I just stare at him.

"I don't even know why he chose me... I c-can't even k-keep his d-daughter safe... I've failed Mr. Stark. I have failed Y/N... I've failed everyone..." I said. "He wouldn't want you to be like this. You have to be the same boy he chose that day. Prove to him your worth more than he valued. You can still save Y/N" he said. I look down, letting what he said sink in.

"You're right... I can still stop him..." I said. "That's the Peter I know" he said, grinning at me. "But I'm going to need a new suit..." I said, turning to look at him. He stands up and walk towards a door. It slide opens to reveal a small lab. I grin and walk inside. I start working on my new suit.


We are heading to Prague in Italy. That's where he will launch an attack. I have to stop him before he make people believe that he's a hero... and most importantly, I have to stop him from hurting Ned and my girl.

Hang in there, baby... I'm coming for you I thought to myself, as I hang on the side of the jet. We are flying across the sky towards our destination. I give Happy a thumbs up, then I jump down. I activate my suit and glide across the sky. Then I begin swinging towards the location.

I can see the illusions created by the drones. I land not too far from it. "Okay... what should I do first?" I said to myself. I need to look for Y/N first. But where could Quentin hold her captive?

I swing forward again. One of the drone notices me and shoots at me. I jump out of the way. I try my best to avoid all attacks. Okay... looks like Y/N will have to wait. I need to destroy all these drowns or they will destroy the bridge. My friends are there.

I jump inside the drone and starts destroying them one by one. This'll going to take a while. There's like millions of them. But I can't give up now. My friends and Y/N is depending on me. I have to do this.

One of the drone turns to me. I jump out of the way as it shoots at me. My web shooter got hit. Now it's not working. I fall and lands into the lake. I swim up, only to dive back down when the drone shoots at me. I bit my lip and swim forward. Looks like I'm gonna need a different approach.

I swim to the shore and see an abandoned building. But that's not what caught my attention. I make my way towards it and take a peak inside. I can see a machine. It looks like it's from one of those movie where people is placed into a hyper-sleep.

I jump inside and walk towards it. I take a look who is inside the pod. My eyes widened when I realize who it is.


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"Y/N..." I said, placing my hand on the glass. She's sleeping and she looks peaceful. This is not natural. They put her to sleep... and I have to find a way to wake her up.

"Hey!" Someone yelled. I turn around to see at least 20 guards. Of course this place is guarded. Quentin is too sly to let Y/N unguarded. He'd know I would be coming to save my girlfriend.

I jump out of the way as they start to shoot at me. I shoot my web here and there, pining them against the wall. In a matter of 5 minutes, I manage to beat them.

I walk towards one of the guard and take a card key from him. I turn to Y/N and walks towards her. I slide the card and the pod opens up. I gently scoop her up and holds her in my arms, as I sit on the floor.

"Y/N? Baby? Wake up... come on. Please, wake up" I said, gently patting her cheek. Her eyes moves a little and she slowly opens them up. She turns to look at me.

"Peter..." she said. I let out a soft laugh and pulls her into a hug. "You're okay! Thank God! I thought that I wouldn't be able to see you again!" I said. She slowly wraps her arms around my waist.


"What happened? Where am I?" I said. "I'll tell you everything later, okay? But now... I have a battle to focus on..." he said. "Battle?" I asked, in confusion. He nods his head. "Yeah... Quentin is not a good person. I'm so stupid to trust him..." he said.

He stands up and offers his hand to me. "You stay here, okay? I'm going now..." he said. He turns to leave. I grab his hand before he could take another step. He turns to look at me in confusion. "Peter...

I'm coming with you!

*to be continued*

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