Chapter 12

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Previously on Chapter 11

"Wait... isn't she your girlfriend?" Mysterio said. I look up at him and nod my head. "Yeah... her name is Y/N..." I said. Then I pick her up bridal style. "I have to go... I need to let Y/N rest... this battle must have exhaust her. It's been a while since she last join a fight..." I explained. "Okay... see you later then..." he said, patting my shoulder. I smile and nod my head. Then I turn around and walks away.

-He's Not Who We Think He Is-


I open my eyes. The first thing I feel is warmth on my hand. I turn my head slightly to see Peter. He's sitting on the floor, holding my hand firmly in his. I smile softly, he must have taken care of me.

I raise my free hand and place it on top of his head. His eyes move a little. Then he opens them. He rubs it softly and raise his head. He looks at me and his eyes lit up.

"You're awake! Thank goodness you're okay..." he said, looking relieved. I move to sit up, with his help. He sits next to me on the bed, pulling closer to his side. I lean my head on his shoulder.

"What happen?" I asked. "You used too much of your energy trying to heal Mr. Beck. Then you passed out" he said. "Wait... who?" I asked, pulling away to look at him in confusion. "Oh... that's Mysterio's name... his real name is Quentin Beck..." he said. "Ah... I see" I said, nodding my head.

"Ow..." I hear Peter suddenly said. I turn my head to see Peter rubbing his neck softly. "What's wrong?" I asked. "The way I'm sleeping last night is hurting my neck..." he said. "Oh... because you're looking after me..." I said. I raise my hand, placing it on his neck. Then a soft blue appear. His face instantly relaxes. "Better?" I asked. "Much better... thank you babe..." he said, smiling softly at me. I smile softly in return.

He gently cups the side of my cheek. "I'm so happy to see you're back to the way you used to be..." he said, smiling at me. I can see his eyes tearing up a little and a tear manage to slip out. I frown and wipe it away softly.

"I'm sorry... for making you worried for so long..." I said. He shakes his head and pulls me into a hug. "It is okay, baby... you're back now... that's all I want... that's all that matters..." he said, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"By the way... what time is it?" I asked, looking around. But there are no clock in the room, so I turn to look at Peter waiting for him to tell me the time.

"Oh... it's currently night time right now..." he said. "Seriously?? How long was I out?" I said, looking at him wide-eyed. "Yeah... and you were out for a couple of hours..." he said. "Oh... well... but I can't fall back asleep... I'm top awake..." I said. "Yeah... I know. Do you wanna take a walk?" He said. "I'd love to..." I said, nodding my head with a smile. "I'll wait for you outside..." he said, placing a soft kiss on my forehead then he walks out of the room. I stand up and get ready.

I walk outside after changing my clothes. Peter is leaning against the wall, with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Peter..." I said. He looks up at me and smile. Then he walks towards me. He frowns when he looks at my clothes. "Baby... it's night time. It's going to be cold outside... why didn't you wear a jacket?" He said. "It's alright... I can handle a little cold..." I said, smiling at him.

He takes off his jacket and wrap it around me. "I told you it's fine..." I said, trying to take it off. "Keep it... I know you said you're going to be fine. But please just wear it..." he said. "Fine..." I said. He smiles and kiss the tip of my nose, making my cheeks turns a little shade of pink. He chuckles and gently grab my hand. Then we walk out of the hotel we're staying.


We are currently walking around the town. Then I remember something. "Uh.. Peter..." I said. He turns his head to look at me. "What is it?" He asked. "I just remember something..." I said. "What?" He said. I look around to make sure no one is around. Then I outstretch my hand and something appear hovering on my hand.

"Woah... what is that?" He asked. "I found this when we fight against that Fire Elemental monster..." I said. I start to tell him how I found it.

I accidentally drop the projector thing and lights starts to appear. Peter push me behind him, thinking it might harm me. But instead, it shows random images. Most importantly... Mysterio.

By the end of it, I can see panic surging across his face. "Peter... what's wrong?" I asked, looking at him with a worried expression. "Oh man... I've made a terrible mistake!" He said, walking back and forth while rubbing his face in frustration. I grab him by his shoulder and turns him to look at me.

"What is it? What did you do??" I asked. "I gave the glasses Mr. Stark gave me to him..." he said. "You mean... E.D.I.T.H??" I said. "Oh my God... when??" I said, looking at him in shock.


Peter P.O.V

I'm sitting in a bar with Mr. Beck. Y/N is asleep in her hotel room. I don't wanna leave her, but Mr. Beck convinced me to. He told me it's a thank you for helping him defeat the Elemental Monster.

Then I take out the glasses Mr. Stark gave me and show it to him. "Hey, Mr. Beck... put it on..." I said. "Wait? You want me to put THIS on?" He said. I nod my head. "Well... alright..." he said, putting it on. He suddenly reminds me of Mr. Stark.

"To the next Iron Man... I trust you..." I said. Mr. Beck looks at me in confusion. "What?" He said. "That's it... Mr. Stark wanted me to pick the next Iron Man... and Mr. Beck... I choose you..." I said, giving E.D.I.T.H to him.

End of flashback

"What have I done?" He said, panicking even more. I cup his cheeks softly in my hands. "Peter... Peter... Peter! Relax... okay? We'll figure this out together" I said. He nods his head. "Together... oh Y/N... if you are not here with me... I don't know what to do... Gosh! I'm so stupid!!" He said, crying softly. I just pull him into a hug.

I glare into the distance. How dare he tricks us like that! Peter and I trusted him! How could he? And all that to get E.D.I.T.H from Peter? The only thing my dad left for him. I won't forgive him.

Quentin Beck a.k.a Mysterio isn't who we think he is. Turns out all the elemental monster that Peter and I fought is all a scenario.

He's the real villain

*to be continued*

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