Chapter 2

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Previously on Chapter 1

I start to cry harder when he said that. He walks to me, wrapping his arms around me. "We have to be strong for her..." he said. I just nod my head and pat his back.

I can only hope that one day... Y/N will be the way she used to be

-Anxiety Attack-


I'm sitting backstage, as Peter is meeting up with his fans. He seem to be so happy to be able to interact with them. So... knowing how much it meant to him, I know I should come.

I'm watching him through the television. He answers all the question the press is asking, which is a lot. Then the next question seems to catch him off guard, and it also brought pain inside my heart.

"Who's going to be the next Iron Man?" He asked. I clench my hands into a tight fist. Tears starts to gather in my eyes. Dad... I really miss you.

Peter P.O.V

I froze as I heard that question. As much as I pains me... I know it'll have more effect on Y/N, who is currently backstage. I have to go to her and comfort her. She could have panic attack if I let her be.

"Um... that's all the question I could answer. See ya!" I said. Then I turn around and run backstage, where Y/N is waiting for me. I shouldn't have asked her to come! I should have known there will be question like this! I am SO stupid!!

I reach where she is waiting... and soon enough I can see her breathing heavily. I run faster and slide down in front of her. I keep kneeling down and hold her hand.

"Baby... baby... hey! Look at me..." I said, trying to her to look back at me. But her eyes is still down-casted. She's not responding to my voice.


My eye-eight is getting blurry as I start to breathe heavily. I can feel someone in the room with me, holding my hands. Even though I can't see clearly, I know it's Peter.

"Baby... please... look at me..." he said. I slowly look up at him. My breathing starts to become irregular. "P-Peter..." I said. I can see a smile on his face. Even though my sight is blurry. "It's okay... just... follow my breathing okay..." he said, as he starts guiding me.

After a while my breathing starts to evened out. He lets out a sigh of relief as he gets up and sits next to me. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me close.

He just stays silent, caressing my hair as he waits for me to calm down completely. I just bury my face in the crook of his neck. His scent calms me down. I love having him close to me.

After my father's death 8 months ago. I'm struggling to be fine. I'm scared to be in pain if I have to lose someone else. I try to push everyone away, including him. But no matter how hard I try to keep my distance from him... he just refuses to leave me. But now I'm glad to have him close... because without him... I don't know what would've happened to me.

"Baby?" He asked. I pull away from his neck to look at him. "Are you feeling okay now?" He said. "Yeah" I said, nodding my head slowly. He let out a sigh as he pulls me into another hug. "Thank God... I was so worried..." he said. I just close my eyes as I let myself melt into his embrace.


I'm now in my bed room. Sitting at my study desk. I have been turning into writing lately. I don't know why... when I write... it calms me down. But this is different from a normal diary. I don't care if people reads it. I just want to get rid of the bad feelings from my chest.

As I write, I can hear someone knocking from my balcony door. I turn my head to see Peter in his spider-man suit. I get up and walk towards the door, opening it for him to enter.

"Hey, babe..." he said, pulling me closer. "Hey..." I said, hugging him back. He pulls away and gently pulls me to the bed.

"Have you eaten yet?" He said. I just shake my head. "Y/N... why? You've been like this for too long... how do you think your father would feel?" He said. I turn to look at him, to see him looking at me with worry. I tear up at the mention of my dad.

"No... no no no... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." he said, in panic. I just wipe my tears and looks away from him. "I'm going to bed..." I said. "Okay..." he said. I get up and walk to the side of the bed. I tuck myself in.

"I'm going to go now..." he said, leaning down to place a soft kiss on my forehead. He was about to walk away. But I grab his hand.

He turns to look at me in confusion. "Stay..." I said, making him smile. He takes off his suit, leaving him in his shorts. Then tuck himself in next to me.

I snuggle up to his side, wrapping my arms around his torso and my head on his chest. I close my eyes, the sound of his heartbeat calming me down. Then I drift off to sleep.

Pepper's P.O.V

I open the door to Y/N's room quietly. I can see Y/N sleeping, with Peter next to her. My eyes widened when I see Peter shirtless. But I just shake my head. Peter would never do that. Especially since he knew Y/N's fragile condition right now.

I just smile softly as Y/N seems peaceful to be in his arms. A tear escape my eyes as I close the door. I turn around and walks towards my room.

I walk towards my bed and sit down. I turn my head to the side to see Tony's photo on the night stand. I reach out and grab it. I stare into his photo as tears begin to cloud my eyes.

"Y/N haven't been herself, Honey... she took your death so hard... I wish you're here... you're the only one that can calm her down..." I said. I lay down, hugging his photo close to my chest. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

*to be continued*

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