Chapter 17

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Previously on Chapter 16

"Damn... mom is scary" I said. "I heard that!!" She said. "I didn't say anything!" I said, panicked. I hear her laugh, making me roll my eyes. Eventually I start to laugh as well.

It's good to be back



I wake up to the sunlight seeping through the gap of my bedroom's curtain. I squint my eyes slightly at the sudden brightness. Once my eyes adjust to the light, I slowly open them.

I sit up and turn my head to the nightstand. My eyes landed on the photo of my father. The father I lost in the war. I turn my body and gently place my feet on the floor.

"Morning, dad... I hope you're doing okay up there" I said. I place my hand on my lips and gently place it on the cold surface of the photo. A soft smile appear on my lips.

I stand up and make my way to the bathroom after grabbing fresh clothes. I start with a quick shower. I let my body relax in the warmth of the water. Once I make sure I cleaned every inch in my body. I put on my clothes and head out of my room.

I make my way to the kitchen. I can see mom stand by the stove, as she cooks. I smile and walk up to her. "Morning, mom... do you need a hand?" I said. She jumps slightly and turns to look at me. I let out a giggle at her reaction.

"Don't do that..." she said. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..." I said. She shakes her head and place a kiss on my cheek. I smile softly and turn to look at what she's cooking.

"Wow... some f/f... yum!!" I said. "Yeah... it's your fav. It's been a while, isn't it?" She said. I nod my head. I frown when I see the sadness in her eyes. I move to stand behind her. I wrap my arms around her.

"I'm sorry..." I said. "Why?" She said. "Because I had a hard time accepting dad's death... I let it get the best of me. I must have stressed you a lot..." I said. She lets out a sigh and turn around, wrapping me in her embrace.

"It's okay, Y/N... you're in a state of grief..." she said. I lean my head on her shoulder, closing my eyes. Oh, how I missed her embrace. She give me the love I've lost since I was a kid.

A knock makes me pull away from mom. "I'll go and get it..." I said. She nods her head. I smile at her and make my way to the front door. I open the door and grin when I see who it is.

"Oh, hello Peter..." I said, smiling. "Hey, babe..." he said. He take a step towards me, wrapping an arm around my waist to pull me closer. I wrap my arms around his neck. He place a quick peck on my lips. I smile shyly at him. Then we make our way inside. I lead Peter to the kitchen.

"Hey, Peter..." mom said, after noticing him. "Good morning, Mrs. Stark" he said, smiling at her. "Oh... please.. just call me Pepper. You're my daughter's boyfriend. So you're a part of my family too..." she said. "O-Okay... Pepper" he said, stuttering a little. I let out a giggle, making him blush.

"Y/N... be a dear, and help me set the table..." mom said. "Sure, mom..." I said. I walk away from Peter to the table. "I'll help!" Peter said. I smile gratefully at him. "Thanks, Pete..." I said. "Anything for you~" he said. "Awee~ you two are so cute..." mom said. Her comment make the two of us blush deep shade of red, which makes her laugh.

After we set the table, we take a seat and start to eat after we said our prayers. I scoop a spoonful of f/f and eat it. I let out a hum at the savory flavor.

"Wow. I never realize how much I've missed this..." I said. Mom lets out a laugh. "I know, sweetie... make sure to eat a lot" she said. "Of course, mom... but if I eat too much, I'm gonna have to lay down. I can't do that. It's only the start of the day" I said. She lets out a giggle at my comment. I just grin at her and keep on eating.

"So... Pepper?" Peter said. "Yes, honey?" She said, as she turns her head to look at Peter. "Um... is it okay if I take Y/N out?" He said. "Of course... enjoy your time, okay? Leave the dishes for me" she said, with a smile.

"Are you sure, mom? I can go after I wash them..." I said. "Of course, Honey..." she said. I just hum and nod my head. I take the last bite from my plate and turn to Peter who have finished eating for the last couple of minutes.

"Are you done, baby?" He said. I blush because he just called me baby in front of mom. "Y-Yeah..." I said. Mom chuckles at our exchange. I pout at her, making her laugh more.

"Okaayyyy... enough with the teasing. I'm going to get going now, bye mom!" I said. I quickly stand up and grab Peter's hand, pulling him along with me. "Woah! Slow down!" He yelped, stumbling to get up. I let out a giggle as I just keep pulling him.


We spend the whole day, hanging out at the park. I lean my head on Peter's shoulder as we sit by the bench. I watch as the kids playing around with their parents.

"Baby..." Peter called out. "Yeah?" I said, turning my head to look at him. "Are you going to be okay now?" He asked, hesitantly as he pulls me closer. I smile at him and nod my head. "Yeah... I think I'll be fine..." I said, smiling at him. He smiles and gently pulls me closer to place a soft kiss on my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back.

He pulls away, only to place another soft kiss on my forehead. He leans his forehead against mine and smiles happily at me. "God... I love you, so much..." he said. "I love you too, Pete..." I said. He smiles and leans in for another kiss. I smile softly into the kiss. Yeah... I'm finally accepting my father's death.

*to be continued*

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