Chapter 3

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Previously on Chapter 2

"Y/N haven't been herself, Honey... she took your death so hard... I wish you're here... you're the only one that can calm her down..." I said. I lay down, hugging his photo close to my chest. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

-Upcoming School Trip-


Another month passed by. I'm slowly able to accept my dad's death. But even so... I still prefer to keep things to myself.

Peter, Ned and I are walking down the school hall. Peter have his arm around my shoulder. While Ned is walking on other side of me.

I can hear Betty and another guy I don't know... from the speaker. They are talking about how we all blipped. Then those who came back from that state were still the same age as when they first blipped. Which means... those who have younger siblings now have older siblings.

We reach the class. I take a seat in mine, with Peter next to me. I remember when I first enter class after the war. The rest of the class is confused by my sudden chance of behavior. I'm quite known in this school as a cheerful and outgoing girl. But now... I'm always silent... and would only talk with Peter and Ned.

Not feeling like talking to anyone. I take out a novel and start to read, completely blocking out the sound from around me. I don't know... each time I read a book... I got too engross in it, that my surrounding seem to disappear.

A tap on my shoulder, snaps me out of my reading bubble. I turn my head slightly to look at Peter. He's the only one sitting next to me, so it has to be him.

"The teacher is here..." he said, gesturing the front of the class with his head. I turn my head to see the teacher arranging the table, preparing for class. I turn to Peter and smile softly. I place a bookmark on the current page, and close it. Then I place my book back inside my bag.

I take out my notebook and a writing utensil. I start to take note once in a while. But pretty much... I can understand everything.


The sound of the bell ringing, lets us know that the class is over. The teacher turns to us after wiping the whiteboard.

He place his hands on the table as he looks at us. "So... as you all know... our holiday is coming close... and I want to remind you guys about the upcoming school trip..." he said. Right... school trip... huh? He mentioned about it before. Looks like it still going.

After he told us we're leaving tomorrow and that he's expecting us to be at school ground on time. Then we will head to the airport together. After that, the class is dismissed.

I tidy up my belongings and place them back inside my backpack. I sling one strap across my shoulder and turn to look at Peter who is waiting for me. He smiles when he notice I'm done. Then he walks up to me.

"Are you done?" He asked. I just nod my head. He outstretch his hand, palm facing up. I just place my hand on top of his. Then we walk out of the class.

"So... school trip... you're coming right?" He said, as we walk together. "I don't know..." I said. "You have to come, Y/N... maybe it'll help you get your mind off of things... refresh your mind a little..." he said. I just look at him.

"Please? It hurts me SO much to see you acting this way, Y/N... so please... come with us to this school trip... maybe it'll help you clear your mind..." he said, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Y/N..." he said my name in a pleading tone. I let out a sigh and turn my head to look at him. "Alright... I'll go..." I said. "Awesome!" He said, pulling me into a hug. I froze for a moment. Right at this moment is when I realize... I haven't been acting close to Peter. Ever since my dad passed away... I've always kept my distance from them. Aside from side hugs and holding hand, we don't really do anything else. It's kinda making our relationship awkward.

I slowly wrap my arms around his torso, making him tightens his arms around me. "This is the first real hug we have since 8 months ago, Y/N... you have no idea just how much I miss this..." he said. I just stay silent.

I can feel my shoulder getting wet. That's when I realize Peter is crying. "Why are you crying?" I said, in a hush tone. "I-It's just... i-it hurts me... s-so much that y-you're trying to k-keep your d-distance from me..." he said, sobbing softly. I try to pull away from him, but he just tightens his hug even more.

"Peter..." I said. He just shakes his head. "P-Please, Y/N... d-don't push m-me away anymore... I-I miss you... s-so much..." he said, crying even more. I can feel tears building up in my eyes.

I never realize it until right this very moment... that I'm not the only one in hurting. Peter is hurting too... he is hurting... not only because of dad's death... but because of me as well... because of the way I was acting these past 8 months. I'm the cause of his pain... it was all my doing.

My body starts shaking lightly as I start to cry. This time Peter pulls away from me. He cups my cheeks softly, gently wiping away the tears that manage to slip from my eyes. I place my hands on top of his which is still on my cheeks. More tears begin to stream down.

"I'm s-sorry, P-Peter... I'm s-so sorry for being s-so insensitive... I t-thought I'm t-the only one hurting. I... I w-was so b-blind... you a-are hurting t-too... I am SO s-sorry..." I cried out. He just pulls me closer, caressing my hair softly.

"It's okay, baby... now that you realize it... please don't push me away... let me be a shoulder for you to lean on... I love you, Y/N..." he said. I just nod my head slowly. "I love you too, Peter..." I said, closing my eyes... letting myself melt into his embrace.

He pulls away from the hug. He cups my cheeks. Then I realize his inching closer. But he seems to hesitate, as if he's scared that I'm going to reject. Seeing this, I decide to make the first move. I lean forward, capturing his lips into a soft yet passionate kiss. The first kiss we shared after 8 months of me trying to push him away.

He's the first to pull away. He smiles happily at me. "Oh how much I miss those lips... I miss you, Y/N... promise me you won't push me away... promise me you'll try to be the old Y/N..." he said. "I promise I'll try my best... and I promise I won't push you away anymore..." I said. He smiles and pulls me in for another kiss.

*to be continued*

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