Chapter 13

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Previously on Chapter 12

Quentin Beck a.k.a Mysterio isn't who we think he is. Turns out all the elemental monster that Peter and I fought is all a scenario.

He's the real villain

-Trapped In Illusions-


We run inside the hotel we're staying. Peter closes the curtain, worried that Beck might be on to us. I KNOW he'll be on to us. So we need to be cautious. One wrong move could cause a fatal flaw... and it's not going to end well.

Peter take his shirt off. "Peter!!" I yelped, covering my eyes. "Sorry..." he said, sounding embarrassed. Well... he should be! He's practically half naked in front of me! I just turn around to let him change.

"How do we stop him though?" I said, still facing away from Peter. I summon my mask and put it on, letting myself transform into my superhero suit.

"Uhh... I haven't thought about that..." he said. I let out a sigh "well... we better think of something! If we go to him without a plan... it's like having a death wish..." I said. "Yeah... I know..." he said. "Um... can I turn around now?" I said. "Yeah" he said. I turn to face him to see him in his black suit.

"Wow..." I said. "Pretty cool, huh?" He said, smiling at me. "Very cool..." I said, grinning at him. He walks towards me, pulling me closer by the waist. He leans his forehead against mine. "I love you, Y/N" he said. I smile and close my eyes. "I love you too, Pete..." I said. He leans down and place a soft kiss on my lips.

We pull away from the kiss and smile at each other. I turn my head as I feel presence. Ned is standing by the door.

"Y/N... it's good to see you're back" he said. I smile at him. "Yeah... it's good to be back. Peter and I have to go soon. Can you cover up for us?" I asked. "Sure! You can count on me" he said, cheerfully. I walk to him and pulls him into a hug. "Thanks, buddy... we owe you a lot..." I said. "Hey... that's what friends are for, right? Just stay safe... Y/N... Peter..." He said. I pull away and offer my fist to him. He grins and give me a fist-bump.

I turn to look at Peter. "We need to go now..." I said. He nods his head in agreement. He walks towards the window and opens it. I turn to look at Ned one more time. "See ya later, Ned..." I said. "See ya, Y/N... stay safe..." he said. "I will..." I said, smiling at him and jump out of the window. Then I soar up to the sky.

Peter P.O.V

I look up to see Y/N flying past me. I smile softly to myself as I watch her. She's really back now... she's finally better. Mr. Stark... your daughter is finally back to her usual self.


Y/N and I land on an open field. We stand back to back to protect one another.

Mysterio lowered himself down. "Raven! He's here!" I said. "What are you talking about? He's here" she said. "What?" I asked, turning to look at her. In front of her was another Mysterio.

"One of them HAVE to be an illusion. But we don't know which one..." I said. "Try shooting him. We both know an illusion won't be able to fight back" she said. I shoot web at the one in front of me. But Mysterio keeps on dodging.

"Mine kept dodging... you try..." I said. "Okay" she said. If glance at her to see her shooting fireballs at Mysterio. But just like mine... he kept dodging.

"What the... that's impossible!" She said. My eyes widened in realization. "E.D.I.T.H. Mysterio have E. D. I. T. H... a high tech technology! He can create an even more realistic Illusion. Ugh! This is all my fault! God!! I'm so stupid..." I said. "No, Peter... that's his fault for betraying your trust. You gave him E. D. I. T. H simply because you trust him. You can give it to him... and you CAN take it back" she said, trying to encourage me.

"You're right... I'm not going to let the last thing Mr. Stark left for me be use for evil purposes..." I said. I stand in my battle stance. Then I lunges towards Mysterio.

He grabs me by my neck and throw me across. I land on the ground and groan in pain from the impact. I slowly sit up as I watch Mysterio walks towards me. I force myself to stand up and brace myself in case he tries to attack me.

But instead of attacking, he starts laughing. "Do you really think... all of these is real?" He said. I look at him in confusion. He snaps his finger and my suit transform into my real suit.

He raise his hand and points it at Y/N, who's in the middle of a fight with the other Mysterio. I turn to look at them. My eyes widened when they slowly disappear.

"Y/N!!" I yelled. "She's with me... surrender... then she'll return to you safely..." he said. I turn to glare at him. "Where. Is. She?!" I yelled at him. "Now now... you don't want her to get hurt do you?" He said. The scenery turns and we're not on top of a building.

I look around and spot Mysterio in front of me. My eyes widened when I see him holding Y/N by the neck. "From the beginning of your trip... up until this very moment... all the things you've seen are just an illusion, Peter. Now boy... surrender and admit your defeat and tell me... who else knows about me... or  say goodbye to your beloved girl..." he said, holding Y/N tighter by the neck. "You said yourself that it's all been an illusion. So this isn't real either..." I said. "Oh really?" He said, I can hear the smirk on his face. He drops Y/N and she screams in horror.

"No!!" I yelled. I jump down, trying to catch her only to land on the ground. I turn to Mysterio as he lands in front of me. "Mr. Stark would be so disappointed in you for not being able to protect his daughter..." he said. The scenery changes again, now I'm in a tomb.

I look around in fear. Then something rise from the ground. It's Mr. Stark in his Ironman suit, but half of his face are skull.

"You fail you protect my daughter!!" He yelled. "No!" I yelled, covering my face in fear. Nothing happened and I open my eyes. I'm back at the open field. A car speed towards me... and Nick Fury steps out.

"Who knows about this?! Tell me, Peter! This is very important... so we can protect them" he said. "Only Y/N and Ned knew about this!" I said. He starts to laugh and everything changes. Mysterio stands on the spot Nick Fury was just standing. He smirks at me.

I shake my head in disbelief, knowing I have made another mistake. Now my best friend and girlfriend will be in danger because of me... and it's all because of my stupidity!

"No... No!!!" I yelled. I run forward only to get blown back by a force. The last thing I see is Mysterio as he talks in his phone, commanding someone to kill the two people that matters the most to me. I groan in pain and everything turns black.

*to be continued*

A/N: Sorry for the long wait! I forgot what had happened in the movie after Peter and MJ's date. So yeah... I'll just write something base on my imagination. I'll try my best to get this book complete, okay? Love ya... and see ya next time!

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