Chapter 24

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"Do you really love noona, hyung?" Ten look at me trying to make eyes contact.

I sigh before looking at him straight in his eyes. "Are you doubting me?..... I don't know how to proof you now but I really really reallyyyyyyy love her." I think people around her already lost trust in me or they might never trust me in the first place.

Ten on the other hand try to examine me a few times before he eventually gave up. "I know I can trust you hyung. I can see you love Aira noona so much...... What happend actually? If you don't mind telling me."

Listening to his question, I don't take time to waste as I start to tell him everything that he should know. Right now, I need to gain her members trust as they are the people around her.

"...... and I think that's where the problem start." after I finish my story, I feel a bit relieve.

"Ooo, now I understand. But hyung, 1 thing you should know is that she's now with 127. All of them are with her. Other members know about the incident on her perspective but only 127 know where they are now."

"Can you send me the video. I think I should watch them again to look for clue of her current location." I look at him again.

He hesitates at first but still call for Jisung to send me the video. We exchange number and so on before I take my leave.

After I left the house, I send the video to Wonwoo and ask him to help me find the clue.

I really hope everything goes well. I can't bear losing her.


"Noona, I've done my part. He already got the video and in no time, he will find your current location."

"Thanks Ten. I appreciate your help."

".....but noona, are you sure you're going to do this. I don't know why but I-" she cut me off without even listening to me.

"Ten, please~. Don't make me change my mind. I need to go now. Talk to you later. Bye."

"Bye." with that said, she hang up the phone call. I sigh for the nth times already today.

Noona might not know about the misunderstanding. If I tell her, things might get worse because she might not trust me. It's better for him to tell her himself.

"Sorry hyung." I say almost to myself after watching his car leave the yard of our house.

_______________time skip______________

Aira POV

After the call with Ten, your mind feel a bit uneasy. Why would he try to stop you. You sigh. Pregnancy problem. Even you're scared by your own thought. Before you could loss in your pool of thoughts, a voice cut off making you jump a bit in your place.

"You really enjoy daydreaming don't you? What is on your mind?" Johnny comes beside you.

You glance at him before looking back at the sky above the sea. It looks picturesque. Deep inside you really hope you can look at the view with Shua.

"Uhh, nothing important. Just thinking if its rational for me to continue the plan." your head hung low and your eyes landed on the ring on your own finger. Your wedding ring.

You could hear a sigh from Johnny before he start talking again.

"You need to remember that any choice that you make, any path that you take, we will always be here with you. We will support you and respect your decision. Always and forever. Remember that." by now, your eyes already brimming with tears.

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