Chapter 6

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She woke up in a huge room. 'Where the hell is this?'

She recalled all the things that happened before she passed out.

Heat rushed its way to her cheeks. She must be a blushing mess by now. Her first kiss.

But what made her blushed more is that the fact that the one that kissed her was her husband. Her crush for this few months.

She was so confused to what happened to her. 'Joshua was one of the Seventeen. The guy that looks like he can't even kill an ant was actually a member of mafia gangs.'

She couldn't imagine the guy that sleep next to her most of the night was a mafia.

'But Joshua never make a move toward her. He could just kill her in her sleep.'

Her thought was interupted with a simple 'ehemm' sound from the door.

"How long were you there?" the person chuckled as he walked into the room and went beside her.

Her eyes followed the figure until he  stopped on the left side of the bed.

"Hi Aira. I'm Mingyu. I just came to check if you're awake or not. Scoups want you to eat breakfast. So I cooked for you. Let's go downstairs." the guy named Mingyu introduced himself to her.

"Why are you taking care of me? Didn't you guys want me for power only. Just tell your leader to get straight to the business and let me go!" she shouted the last part as she was super stressed out about the whole things.

She doesn't know what happened to her members. With the information that she got from Jaemin last time, she know that Seventeen is really dangerous.

Someone like her couldn't do nothing about it.

"Aira, please don't be like this. You need to eat or the hyungs will kill me. Please~." he pouted while making puppy eyes. 'He look so cute.'

'Oh Aira. How can you be a mafia if you have this soft heart. Stupid.'

"Fine." he smiled and pulled Aira out of the bed. They quickly went to the door before Aira pulled Mingyu's hand.

He turned to look at her. "Mingyu, I just woke up. And..." he looked clueless for a while until he saw her pointing at the bathroom.

Mingyu mentally slapped himself as he forgot about that. Silly of him. He let go of her hand to let her freshen up a bit.

She then entered the bathroom while Mingyu wait for her at the door.

"Emmm, Mingyu. Do you guys have extra toothbrush and toothpaste? And a small towel too." she shouted from the bathroom as she couldn't find any.

"Wait a second." he said as she heard footsteps going out of the room. And a few minutes after running back into the room.

Knocked on the bathroom door could be heard. She opened the door and Mingyu hand her the things that she needed.

She finished freshen up. Then, Mingyu drag her downstairs and to the dining room.

It still very early in the morning so most of the member are not up yet. She only saw Scoups, Wonwoo, The8 and one guy that she couldn't recognise.

Yes, she remember all of them except the unrevealed member.

When they entered the room, the member were having a light conversation while eating as they still didn't realise her enter. Mingyu excused himself to the kitchen to take their breakfast.

She slowly approched the long table that could fit up to 16 people. She sit on the end of the table to feel less awkward with the member on the other end.

When she settled herself on her seat, she could feel the stare on her. She looked up only to find the members there staring at her.

"Yah guys, don't stare at her like that. You make her uncomfortable." Mingyu said entering the room with two plates of bacon and egg.

She felt relieved as Mingyu arrived. The other members just chuckled at his comment before starting a conversation.

"Good morning Aira, I'm Scoups. These guy are Wonwoo, The8 and Jeonghan." the leader smiled at her while introducing the other members.

She bid a simple good morning to them and they started eating again.

Just then, someone enter the room running.

She looked up and meet the eyes of her husband. Their eyes locked to each other before she quickly looked down on her plate.

She must be as red as tomato by now.

"Hey, I wonder if any of you saw my toothbrush, toothpaste and towel. I couldn't find any of them in my bathroom." Joshua announced as the other member respond shaking their head.

"Hyung, you're wife need them this morning. As I know we didn't have extra, so I let her used yours. It's in her bathroom." Mingyu stated without any expression thinking it was a normal thing.

"YOU WHA-WHAT MINGYU?" her eyes wide open. Instead of Joshua, it's her that questioned him.

How could Mingyu do that to her. She still dazed with the kissing things yesterday and Mingyu come to add the oh so normal scene in husband and wife life.

The fire of passion flamed in her face for the nth times this morning.

She hung her head low to hide the embarrassment. The blushed couldn't go unnoticed by Joshua as he went straight to her side.

She looked up to him and before she could say anything, she felt her cheeks were pinched by Joshua.

The action made her froze in her spot. "Aigoo, you're so cute blushing you know. You can always use my things. You just need to ask." Joshua flashed his cheeky smile at her.

'Joshua, what did you do to me. Don't you remember your girlfriend. You made me crazy Josh. Crazy for your affection.'

He then went back upstairs to take shower.

Aira is still roaming in her thought as she heard Jeonghan suddenly asked her. That one question that she was too afraid to answer.

She's too afraid people will see her weakness. It's enough that her member saw her weak side. Even her family never saw that side thinking that she never has problem.

" Aira, can you be honest? Are you really not hurt when you know Shua has a girlfriend althought he's your husband?" he slowly arranged the sentence neatly trying hard not to hurt her feeling.

He know it's too early to ask the question as neither of the Seventeen member were close to her. Not even close, some of the member might probably isn't even introduced to her.

Enjoy the update.

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