Chapter 8

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"I should take a bath before going home. But I don't have clothes." she was pacing back and forth in the bedroom where she woke up.

"Didn't I said you should ask me? Here, wear this. I'll wait for you at the living room." It makes her jumped at her place. Her heart was having a marathon when Joshua appeared out of nowhere.

"Whose is this and wait for me for what?" she asked completely confused with the situasion as for how long has Joshua watching her and so on.

"That is my hoodie and shorts, honey. I barely wear it. And Scoups told me after you came out from his room that you want someone to drive you to NCT base." he explained. The confused look on her was now gone. It was replaced with shocked expression. Heat rushed to her cheeks. She was as red as tomato because of one word she heard from her. Honey.

She cursed in her mind. She never knew she was this shy in front of boys. That's all thanks to her younger self who doesn't want to be friend with boys.

"And why are you at Scoups's room and not me?" he pouted.

'Could you please cool down my heart. I don't want to die so soon.' she mentally reminded herself as her heartbeat once again having a race competition.

She awkward laughed. She don't know how to reply. "Errr, th-thanks a lot Josh. Let me get a quick shower. Bye" she pushed Joshua out of the room. Closed and locked the door and quickly went for a quick shower.

______________time skip_______________

______________time skip_______________

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(your outfit)

"I'm done Josh, let's go." I went to the living room only to see Joshua and Wonwoo are playing video games on the television. The others only watching them.

"Noona, where are you going?" Dk asked looking at her up and down. Mischievous smile started to form on his lips. He look at the other member giving them signal. The others also have that smile on their lips.

"Hyung, isn't that your fav-" Dino's mouth were covered with Joshua's hand.

"Ummm, fav- fabulous. Fabulous hoodie is what he meant." he continue what Dino said with nervous tone.

She didn't believe him but just shrugged the matter. She can't wait to see her member.

_____________time skip. _______________

The car ride was silence. She actually felt relieved as she was so nervous to be with him ALONE in the car. But it's all just for awhile until Joshua decided to break the silence.

"So, when are you going back home? Our home." he corrected himself. He took a glance at her before focussing on the road again.

"Tomorrow I guess. I will explain to the member about what happen, tonight. No activity for tomorrow. So I will go home after lunch. I miss Kun's food."she told him.

"You're going to drive home tomorrow right?" he asked another question as she nodded in reply.

After a good 43 minutes ride, they have arrived at the NCT base. "I guess here we are." he announced.

He turned to her after didn't get any reply only to see her sleeping peacefully.

He adored her face for awhile. She looks really beautiful. His hoodie that she wear really big for her petite figure.

He shook her a little but didn't get respond. He shook a little harder but to no avail she still sleeping peacefully. She must be a heavy sleeper.

So he decided to lift her up in bridal style and ring the bell and so on.

It doesn't take too much time for the door to be open after he rang the doorbell.

There, stood a man in looking not so korean. He has some Canadian face. "Why are-" his eyes widen when he saw Aira in Joshua's arms.

"Mark, who's at the door?" A blue hair man came in view. Lee Taeyong.

His position is underboss but most command were given by him as the boss, Aira is still bad in giving instruction.

When he saw Aira in his arms, he quickly took out his gun and pointed it at him. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?"

"Whoa, there. Chill. She's sleeping." he look flustered as there's gun pointing at him.

"Mark, take her and send her to bed." Taeyong gestured him as his tone change into serious.

Joshua hand over Aira to Mark gently not to wake her up. He mouthed a simple 'thank you' to Mark as he just nodded in respond and went straight upstairs to her bedroom.

His eyes followed Mark's back until they are not in sight.

"Who are you?" Taeyong snapped Joshua from his thought.

"I'm Joshua Hong. Her husband." He replied and reached out to shake hand with him.

Taeyong could felt anger boiled in his body as he heard the word 'husband'. He was the one that made Aira's heard scattered into pieces. He's the man that made Aira cried.

Aira and Taeyong were childhood friend. They were really close. Sometimes like siblings, and other time like lover.

He always had this feeling of wanted to protect Aira. He valued her so much. He know that this is what people called love. He even had confessed his feeling for her but end up rejected. She said their relationship are special but not in that way. Although he got rejected, their relationship didn't changed. Instead, they got even closer. While he's having heartbroken, Aira always there to accompany him. She helped him move on. Silly right? She once said that it's better to be honest and hurt other feeling than tell lies and end up hurting yourself.

Without second thought, he grabbed Joshua's colar and pinned him to the wall. "You're the one that made her cry the other day. How dare you show up in front of me." he look fierce.

Joshua's eyes widen as he tried to procces what just happen. When did Aira cried because of him? And why? He can't recall any past event he hurt Aira nor Aira crying?

"I think you got the wrong person. I didn't dare to hurt people's feeling especially girl, okay." he entangled Taeyong's hand from his colar. His grip was strong.

Taeyong scoffed. This man had the gut to look innocent in front of him after what he did.

"Then, how do you gentleman guy explain why did you have an affair with another woman if you're a husband to someone? Isn't that hurting people's heart?" he spat at Joshua with a smirk on his face.

Joshua was speechless. It's true. He always had this one thing that he follow. Be a gentleman. He's a professional. Only close friend know that. When mission, he could be called psycho. But off mission, he has no different with an angel.

And now, here he is, breaking off his own principle. Never had he thought about it until now. He should thank Taeyong for that but his ego win.

"I th-think I should go home now." Joshua left the house and went to his car leaving Taeyong there smiling victory.

'Is she hurt when she knew I had a girlfriend? Why didn't she argue about it? Is she falling for me?' too many thought lingering in his mind. Neither of them has an answer. Slowly, he drove home trying to figure out the answer one by one.

Thanks for reading this book. This book will stop update for a few weeks or maybe a few months until I come back home. Wish me goodluck for my school days😭😭

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