Chapter 7

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Aira sighed. She doesn't know how to answer the question as it's feel like a salt being rub on the wound. It's really hurt so much.

Although they aren't really close, but the problem somehow should be share so that there isn't any misunderstanding happen between subjects.

"That is absolutely no. How could I be okay if my husband has....." her breathe hitched as she tried to explain.

The members started moving closer to her as they listen to every word with serious look.

"...a girlfriend. You know, all my life. I've never been in a relationship. It's not just my father doesn't allow me to socialize with people, it's also me. Myself. I tend to be introvert and reserved. I want to enjoy my first relationship with my husband. The one that I will share all my life with." this time, drops of tears started to fall down. But the smile was still drawn on her face.

That makes the members sad. She's such a nice woman. She really deserved better. She's too fragile. Like roses, looking rough on the outside but very soft in the inside.

But they cannot blame Joshua for what he did. He also went through a lot in his life.

"Aira, hey. Don't cry. I know it's hard for you. We all know. We'll all be here for you. I know we're not close yet, but we will one day. Okay. You're our family. Although we meet you in a not so good situation, just so you know we're not dangerous." Wonwoo chuckled at his last statement as the others smile shyly at her.

"Noona, ~ulgo shipji anha~" The8 sung. Then the other member join him. The gloomy situation just now turned into a cheerful one.

_______________time skip______________

After lunch, all the member except Scoups are in the living room. They were having a little conversation with each other. The member officially introduced themselves as Seventeen.

Although they are mafia, they have the same style as NCT. Have a family relationship with the member. Most of them are born in a mafia family like her. Only Joshua, Jun, Wonwoo, Woozi and Dino are not.

Jun have some problem with his family as they want him to be an actor but he doesn't want. So he ran from home in China and went to South Korea. Scoups found him looking for place to stay and recruited him.

Wonwoo is a computer whiz. He really loves everything about computer. From playing games to something advance. He want to know how to do this and that in computer so he learned hacking. His skills is superb. He then make money from that. People asked for his help in searching information and so on without people knowing his identity. At that time, Mingyu was really impressed with his ability. So he asked Scoups if they can find and recruited him. Scoups agreed and now he's one of the member.

Woozi has the same case as Wonwoo but different ability. He's genius. Too genius. He knows too many information. He learned most skilled. He's good at planning strategy, fighting, handling bomb, survival and many more. He's too precious to let go. Luckily he's one of Hoshi old friend. So Hoshi had some talk with him and just like that, he agreed to join the group.

For Dino, he's somehow got involved in a mafia business when he was kid. He was only 9 years old when he saw his parents killed by mafia because of debt. He was traumatized from the incident. He met counselor every weeks to help him regain himself. It's really hard for him. He got depression, anxiety and tachypnea.
When he started growing, he determined to be a mafia so that he can protect himself and his love one. That's when he came to their hideout and asked Seventeen if he could join them. They were glad to have him as the member.

As for Joshua, he juat remain silent about it. He didn't continued after Dino finished his story nor the other member complained. He just smiled at her. Somehow, his smile looked really sad and hurt. His eyes looks like it kept a secret that is too painful to be remembered.

She also didn't asked nor complained when he didn't tell her. There must be reason for why he kept it himself.

But there was one thing that kept pestering her mind. 'How could his father get her one and only daughter/beloved daughter married to a mafia?'

Didn't he make a detailed check on his son-in law? Although Joshua involvement in mafia world are not from his family, his father still too powerful to not know about Seventeen.

There must be something that only her father know.

_______________time skip______________

After awhile of talking, some of the member decided to sleep. They said its one of their hobby. They used their free time to sleep because when they have mission, it took almost the whole day to finish it. So they need to rest to get energy.

Aira walked to her room to waste her time. But, before that, she stopped at Scoups study room to asked him some question that bug her.

She knocked thrice on the door. ' Come in' could be heard after the knock as she opened and closed the door gently.

Scoups, looked up to see her standing awkward at the door. He gave her his cute smile.

"Have a seat, Aira." he gestured her to sit at the chair in front of the table, opposite to him.

"Why are you here?" his smile still not leaving his lips.

"Actually Scoups, I have a few question to ask you?" she looked at him as he nod for her to continue.

"When can I go home? I need to atleast tell my member that I'm okay. They must be worried about me. I don't want them to attack you guys. I know right now, they might be planning on saving me" she reasoned him so that it's enough for Scoups to believed her world.

Scoups didn't reply. He looks like he was thinking about somethings.

"You got a point there. I think you can go home today." he replied her

"Yeay! Thanks Scoups. Another question, why did you let me go easily?" she arranged the words better to prevent the leader temper's rising.

He chuckled upon hearing Aira's question. "Do you forget your relationship with Joshua? We're now in the same side. If we know that the heir are Shua's wife, we will not kidnapped you. Instead we will held a big party to announce our collab."

Aira mentally slapped herself for her silliness. How could she forgot about that."Ohhhh......" was all her respond.

"Thank you Scoups. I think I will return to my base before tonight. Would you mind if I borrow someone from your member to drive me home?" she requested to him as she doesn't have transport to go home.

"My pleasure. Just ask them. I don't mind. And remember Aira, you are our family now. You're always welcome here." he smiled at her as she went to the door.

Before she closed the door, she heard Scoups told her something that could make her cherry.

"Hey Aira. I think it's better for you to ask Joshua to drive you home. Someone might be jealous if you ask for help from the others." he burst out laughing watching Aira hurried her way out blushing.

Hey readers, thanks for the vote and view. I'm really happy to see you guys want to read my book.

There are only few more days before I go to school. I will try to write as much as I can.
Btw, I'm a boarding school student. So, if school started, I can only use my phone at most once a month (weekend) when holiday.😭😭

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