Chapter 16

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It is already tomorrow morning. Last night after your father went home, you went straight to where Joshua was. You took a seat next to him and took his hand in yours although his is a few times larger than you. The time that night was used to appreciate his features. But your tears also didn't stop falling as guilty still following you around.

All night you kept talking to him without getting reply. You cry like there's no tomorrow as you as a doctor know there's many good and bad possibility if someone losing too much blood although he's already in stable condition. 'Please, god. Let him live.' you pray all night until you felt asleep.

When you wake up, you are shock to see no sight of Joshua on the bed. You stand up quickly to look for him but stop when you feel a little bit of headache. This must be the side effect of crying too much and sleeping late last night.

While you rubbing your temples to decrease the pain feeling, you hear a click sound of doorknob. You look up and your eyes lock with his gaze. He just come out of the bathroom. You quickly put your hand on your side and run to him.

You surprise him with a sudden hug but still carefull not to put pressure pn him wound. You're really happy to see him awake and look okay but still a bit pale. He stand still at first but then sneak his arms around you engulf you in a hug. After a few minutes, you pull out from the hug and look at his face.

"Why did you got out of bed? Your health is still not in a satisfying condition. You should have ask me to help you." you nag him early in the morning for his careless action. You help him get on the bed before started to examine him.

"When did you wake?" you ask him.

"A few minutes before you fall asleep." he answer that make you stop filling his report and look at him.

"If you're asking me with your eyes did I hear you cry, the answer is yes." he continue that make you look down on the floor.

You continue writing all the needed information. You didn't dare to meet his eyes. You are too embarrassed. He heard you crying last night.

"Why did-"

"Come here." he point at his side of bed.

"Why, did your abdomen hurt again?" walking nearer him, you ask feeling a bit nervous.

When you arrive at the pointed place, he hold your wrist and pull you into a hug. He caress your back making you feel comfortable. You really love this feeling.

"I'm sorry to make you worry last night. You also got headache because of me." he then kiss your forehead. You don't know why but this small action really has an effect on you. Your heart is skipping beat but you try not to show it. Being a bad one to its owner, you face start to become red.

He lock his eyes with yours then land his eyes to your lips. He slowly leans closer and closer until your lips touch. Your body froze for a while before your eyes flutter close and start to reply his kiss.

This is your third time kissing him. His lips really addictive for you. After you both pull away from each other, the door swiftly open revealing Seventeen members. Your cheeks redden again from what just happen and thanking god silently because the members come in right after you both just finish a little romantic scene just now.

"Hi guys. I'll leave you guys to catch up with each other first. Anything you want just find me in my office." you announce and quickly make your way out. Before you go out, you can see some members are smiling weirdly at you. You don't know why but you swear if they saw you kissing just now you will bury yourself alive.

Joshua POV

Her lips is so addicting. I didn't know why did I kiss her in the first place but I definitely not regretting it. She looks so cute while blushing. What I mean with cute is EXTREAMLY CUTE. What am I thinking. She seem couldn't get out of my head right now.

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