Ten - Crazy

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The sound of beeping machines filled Carrie's ears and woke her up. "Where am I?" she muttered before realizing she was alone. She looked around. She was in a hospital room. It was night time which made the room almost pitch black if not for the machines' lights. Slowly her memories came back to her. "Kai... Kai tried to kill me!" she yelled, which signaled the attention of a nurse. "Are you okay?" the lady asked. She had grey hair, big bags under her eyes, and a typical nurse uniform with a nursing cap. "How am I here?" she asked, curious to know how she survived. "Someone found you unconscious in an alleyway bleeding out. Do you know what happened?" Carrie nodded. This time Kai nor Abbie could stop her from telling about what they did.

A few hours later, Abbie and Kai sat together at school, waiting for class to begin. It usually didn't take so long for the lesson to start, but this time the teacher had left to do something. "Did you study for the test?" Abbie asked Kai to pass the time. He shook his head, "I have better things to do." Abbie smiled, "And those better things are?" Kai sighed and looked to the door hoping the teacher would walk in, which surprisingly did happen. The door swung upon, and the teacher walked in together with two police officers. "What are they doing here?" she whispered to Kai, who shrugged at her question. 

The cops were both males who were around their 40s or 50s. They had stern looks on their faces which scared Abbie a bit. "Quiet down, please," the teacher told the class so the officers could speak. The class quickly calmed down and were on the point of their seat, curious about what they had to say. "We are here for Abigail Warren and Malachai Parker," one of the officers said. Abbie's heart sank into her chest. How did they know? She kept repeating to herself. The class looked wide-eyed, and Abbie heard small gasps. Abbie and Kai stood up and walked with the officers, who swiftly put them in cuffs.

They were led to a police car and were seated in the back. One officer explained why they were going to be taken to the police bureau and closed their door. Abbie felt like she could cry any second, but Kai had the same straight face he always had. "Why aren't you scared?" she asked Kai when the officers were outside the car chatting with someone. "Trust me we're getting out as soon as they put us together," he said confidently. "How?" He didn't say anything more since the officers got into the car but just winked. Abbie tried thinking of things he meant, but nothing made sense. So she decided to wait and see.

The car ride to the police bureau wasn't like any car ride she ever had. Which seemed logical since she was in a police car with her hands cuffed because they suspect she murdered someone. Besides that, the ride felt as if it was her last time on earth. As if she was going to die shortly after this. Abbie's heart raced like a racehorse, and her hands were sweatier than an ocean, but even though she was a nervous mess, she trusted Kai. She knew he was going to get her out of this.

The car stopped in front of the police bureau. The officers dragged Kai and Abbie out of the car and led them to a separate interrogation room. A man sat her on a seat and sat opposite of her. He was somewhere in his 30s. He had a short beard and big glasses.  "Do you know why you're here?" he asked in a low, grumbling voice. "Yes, they said it was because they suspected me of murder," she said quietly. The man nodded and wrote something down. "I didn't do it, though," she quickly added, afraid that they would think otherwise if she didn't say it. "Just answer the questions truthfully, and if you really didn't do it, we will know."

The interrogation lasted a little longer than an hour. In the beginning, the interrogator was far more friendly, than he eventually became. It seemed as if he got annoyed at Abbie, saying she didn't do it and was having fun with Kai at his house during that night. He began saying things like, "we know you did it. We have the evidence. You should confess." But that didn't make Abbie afraid she kept her ground. 

[1] The Witch And The Wolf // Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now