Six - Rock Bottom

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Rock Bottom

Abbie woke up when a thin beam of light hit her face. She grunted and rolled out of bed to shut her curtain and stop the light beam from slipping into her room. Abbie felt awful not only for what she did but also because she hadn't been able to sleep at all. Every time she got close to falling asleep, her mind brought her back to last night.

Abbie walked tiredly to the bathroom. She stared into the mirror and felt dreadful when she saw she had a bloodstain on her left cheek. She rubbed it off with immense strength because she felt disgusted by it.

Abbie looked down. She was still wearing Jo's clothes. She quickly took it off as more memories started to pop up from last night. When the only clothes left were her underwear and bra, she began to calm down. She calmly walked over to her closet and picked out acid-washed jeans and a black turtle-neck to put on.

Abbie stood on top of the stairs contemplating if she even would go down. She had never been good at hiding things from her mother. The more she thought about it, the more it became clear that her only option was to grab breakfast and then leave for school quickly.

"Good morning," her mother told her while looking up from reading the newspaper. Abbie's mother looked similar to Abbie. She also had long, wavy brown hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. Her clothing did differ then Abbie's. She wore more professional clothes, unlike Abbie, who wore dark grunge clothes.

Abbie nodded and shifted around. She grabbed a banana and a bottle of water and left. "Bye, see ya later!" she yelled quickly just before shutting the door. That couldn't have gone worse.

The atmosphere at school felt different. Maybe it was Abbie being paranoid, or everyone actually did feel sadder. It wasn't because of the boy she murdered. Kai hid his body very well. She would have a day or two before people would start to notice he was missing. But then it hit Abbie like a train today. The gym teacher died in that fire exactly two years ago.

She felt concerned about Kai. If he had anything to do with that man's murder, he could act on edge or even raise suspicion, and that was the last thing they needed with the soon-to-be missing boy. Worriedly she sought Kai and found him talking to Jo.

"Hey, guys," Abbie told and joined their conversation. Jo had a big smile on her face and kept looking back and forth at Kai and Abbie. "Uhm, could I speak to Kai in private?" she asked Jo, whose smile persisted in growing. "Of course, you lovebirds," Jo answered but said the last part quieter. Abbie ignored her odd behavior and dragged Kai to a more secluded area which was a janitor's closet.

"What's up, Abbie?" he asked nonchalantly. "You know what's up, and it's definitely not the sky. We need to have a serious talk." Kai grinned, the moment he was waiting for. "Before I begin the serious talk, I need to ask you something, did you kill the gym teacher?" She was scared to hear the answer even though she knew what the answer was going to be. "Oh, come on, I wanna hear your serious talk," he said while making fun of her.

"Just answer the question, Kai," she said, annoyed. He seemed to be dodging the question, which wasn't a good sign. She loved him but was terrified of him at the same time, and that was coming from someone who had murdered a real human being. Something she was coping with a bit too easy, which was scaring her.

"Fine, yes I did," he finally answered. Her heart sank in her body. It was exactly the answer she wasn't hoping for. But she couldn't judge him for something she had done too. "How come you weren't arrested?" she asked curiously. It was a question that was eating her up inside, even when she wasn't sure if he did it.

[1] The Witch And The Wolf // Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now