Nine - Carrie

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Carrie lied in her bed in her dark, cold room while looking up at the empty ceiling. She couldn't sleep. She hadn't been able to ever since Brian went missing. Carrie rolled over to her nightstand to check the time. It was 3:30 am. She huffed and stood up. She walked over to the bathroom as quietly as possible to not wake up her family, who she doubted was even asleep. Carrie opened up the medicine cabinet and grabbed a small pill container. It was her sleeping pills that she had got from her doctor a few days prior. After taking a pill and drinking some water, she went back to bed and fell almost instantly asleep.

A few hours later, Carrie woke up. She threw on some clothes that were laying on her chair and walked downstairs. Her mother was making breakfast, her brother watched a football game, and her father had already left, most likely avoiding his family. "Good morning, sweetie," her mother greeted. She had perfectly blond dyed hair, beautiful make-up on and wore a blue power suit. "You're going to work today?" Carrie questioned her mother. She nodded, "No reason to mope around all day. Besides, I have cases I need to work on." Of course, she went to work the respected lawyer couldn't let a day pass and mourn her son. How silly of Carrie to even question that.

"Woo oh!" David cheered and stood up because his favorite football team had just scored. Carrie squinted her eyes. "We found out Brian died two days ago, and you two are already over it?!" Carrie yelled at both of them. David and her mother both stopped what they were doing and turned to Carrie. "I'm not already over it. I'm just distracting myself," her mother answered in a gloomy tone. Maybe Carrie had been a bit too quick to judge, and now she felt like an asshole. People deal with grief in different ways, and she had no place to decide which way was the correct one. "Sorry," she muttered quietly. 

A little later, Carrie arrived at the suicide-inducing hellscape of pain, or in other words, school. She swiftly walked through the hallways to her locker to avoid the other kids. Since Brian had been reported dead, people found it necessary to come up to her and say how sorry they were for what happened to him. It made her angry because most of these people didn't even know Brian. They just said it to feel good about themselves. 

Carrie opened her locker and placed some of her books in there. Four feet left from her was Brian's locker. The locker was covered in pictures of him and mourning cards. She hadn't put it up. His friends did. She wouldn't be able to. Just looking at his face made her tear up. Carrie snapped out of it when there appeared to be a commotion down the hallway. She walked to it to see what was happening. A group of people surrounded this girl and Kai, who she had both spoken to a few days ago. "Murderer!" someone yelled.

Carrie had heard the rumors but didn't believe that Kai killed Brian. After all, there was no concrete evidence except for the rumor, which started because people think he's weird. Only idiots blindly follow a rumor, much like her other brother, David, which resulted in unnecessary fights. That was one thing the students at this school loved more than rumors, unnecessary fights. How much she wished she could go to a prestigious school somewhere far away from these dystopian morons.

After all of Carrie's classes, she went to the toilet before she went home. Perhaps, because she wasn't going to be able to hold her pee much longer, or she was without knowing it, trying to avoid going home. Maybe, it was the latter. 

"Come in here," a feminine voice told, which wasn't that odd "Seriously here?" a familiar masculine voice asked. Carrie rose her eyebrow. What was Kai doing in the women's toilet? "I know, but it's important." The girl started walking to every stall, which Carrie only could assume was checking for feet. So she quickly pulled up hers without making a sound. "No one is in here." Luckily they hadn't noticed her yet. She was too curious about what they would talk about. "Okay, what do you want to talk about?" he said, demanding.

[1] The Witch And The Wolf // Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now