Eighteen - Familiar Face

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Familiar Face

It had been a week since Abbie turned. She pretended she was sick to her mother and, in the meantime, she learned to control herself. At least Abbie thought she could control herself, which was why she was going to school today. She vamped speeded to her closet and grabbed her favorite acid-washed jeans and a brown shirt. Then, she brushed her teeth and combed her hair. Abbie walked downstairs and whistled happily. She felt as if today was going to be a great day.

The road from her house to her school was much shorter now that she could vamp speed to it. In under a minute, she was there. Abbie's optimism for her control slowly faded when she approached the school. She could hear every heartbeat and smell every wound. Did she take too much on her plate? Was this a mistake? Abbie was about to turn around and leave, but Harmony ran up to her. "Hey! Abbie!" she yelled. "Oh hi," Abbie fidgeted around with her hands. "I'm so happy you're finally better. It was honestly so boring without you," Harmony complained. She grabbed Abbie's wrist and led her inside the building. "Look! Abbie's back!" Harmony exclaimed to Jo.

"Hi, how are you feeling?" she asked her. Abbie nodded, "Haha. Yeah, good." Harmony and Jo began talking about something, but Abbie zoned out. She tried to focus, but it was difficult since the hallway was so crowded, but she kept control. That was what Abbie had been training for the whole week, and she still couldn't do it. How long was it going to take? Was she ever going to have control over her thirst? Even though Abbie hated Carrie for what she did to her, she wished she could speak to her about that. "Isn't that right, Abbie?" Harmony asked Abbie. "Huh, what?" Abbie said, "I'm sorry I was distracted." Harmony looked down, "It's okay. It wasn't important anyway." Harmony looked down at her watch, "I have to go. I had to go to Mrs. Johnson to turn in my History paper." Abbie sighed, "Bye, see you at lunch." Harmony nodded and left.

Jo turned to Abbie, "I was so worried." She raised her eyebrow, "Worried about what?" Jo started talking quieter, "Well, you know, the whole kidnapping situation. Kai only told me you were okay, but he wouldn't give me any details." Abbie was surprised Kai had told her. "Kai told you I was kidnapped?" Jo nodded. "Yeah, we uh, I mean he did the locator spell to find you. He said Carrie did it. I haven't seen her either this week. It's true right?" she rambled. "Yeah... It's true." She wanted to tell her what happened, but she didn't know how to. Abbie didn't even know how much Jo knew. "How did he even fight off Carrie? You know, since she is a vampire. Aren't they like incredibly strong?" she asked Abbie.

Abbie was surprised, again, that she knew Carrie was a vampire. She for sure knew enough to tell her everything. "Jo, I have to tell you something... I, uh, I died." Jo looked confused. "What do you mean?" Abbie took a breath, "Carrie fed me vampire blood, then she killed me. Kai was just a few seconds too late, but he killed Carrie just after she killed me." Abbie avoided eye contact, "Which means I am a vampire now." Jo took a step back, "Are you going to hurt me?" Abbie's eyes widened. "Why would I hurt you? I'm okay. I can control myself. I learned to do that this week," she explained. "You learned to control yourself in just a week? I believe nothing of that. Why are you here? You should go home away from people," she told scared. Jo quickly ran away.

Great, but maybe Jo was right. She didn't learn how to control herself in a week. Otherwise, she would have no problem walking among all these people. Carrie was gone for three months, maybe that was how long it took her to control herself. Unlike Carrie, Abbie couldn't disappear for three months. One week was already a stretch. She walked to Kai's locker, so she could tell him what had happened. She decided that during lunch, she would try and convince Jo she wasn't out of control. Even though she was on the edge of no control she couldn't let Jo see that.

During lunch, Abbie and Kai both grabbed a sandwich on their food tray. They walked over to Jo, who sat alone and sat next to her. "Where's Harmony?" Abbie asked Jo. "She should be here later. She had to go to the toilets," Jo said while looking away at her food. "Jo, could you please just explain why you are mad? Because I promise you I am in control," she asked her. "I'm not mad. I suppose I am just a bit shocked and sad," she explained. "Why?" She could understand her being shocked but not her being sad. "You will never age. I wanted to be best friends when we're both forty and had kids of our own. We'd be wrinkly and old, but now you will be young forever, and I probably won't even see you again after high school."

Just like this morning, Jo was right. It started to dawn upon her that she would live forever. A few feet away from Abbie, a boy cut his hand on something sharp. She knew that because she could smell it immediately. The dark veins under her eyes started to form. "Is she okay?" Jo worriedly asked Kai. He turned to Abbie, "Abbie, are you okay?" She shook her head, "No, no, I am not. I, uh, I am going to a bit quieter place for a bit." She stood up and quickly walked out of the cafeteria with her head down.

Harmony entered the cafeteria just when Abbie quickly left. She walked to Jo and Kai and sat next to Jo, which was on the opposite of Kai. In an attempt to be as far away from him. Harmony raised her eyebrow, "What is wrong with Abbie? Why did she leave so quickly?" Jo stammered, "Uh, well, you know..." Kai sighed, "She didn't feel well." Harmony dirty-eyed him, "I didn't ask you, but that is strange that she is still sick after being sick a whole week." Jo was an awful liar, but she had to take the steering wheel at the moment. "Oh, you know, she probably caught a fever or something. They, uh, they take a long time to get better from." Harmony suspicious look faded, "They do? Oh, well, you learn something new every day."

Abbie dragged herself to the hallway. It was empty except for one person. It was a boy looking in his locker. She walked up to him and stared him deep into his eyes, "Do not scream and follow me." Kai had told her about the mind trick, but this was the first time she did it. The boy complied and followed her to an alleyway close to the school. In that alleyway, Abbie had never seen anyone go in or out. That meant that she was safe there. She exhaled and plunged her fangs into his neck. Abbie had to admit it she had no self-control, absolutely none. She had lied to herself the whole day. How could she ever resist that sweet blood?

Abbie didn't want to kill him. So, when he fainted, she stopped and laid him on the floor. Earlier she had compelled him to forget everything. When he was going to wake up, he would have no idea what happened. Just when she was about to leave the alley, the worst thing ever appeared before her eyes. It was the last thing she ever expected and the last person she would have wanted to see.

It was Carrie. "How? Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Abbie asked with wide eyes. Carrie smiled and pointed to her heart, "He missed by just an inch." She couldn't believe her eyes, just when she thought that nightmare was over. "What are you doing here then?" Carrie menacingly stood in front of Abbie, "You know when I told you I was going to torture you forever? Well, that's what I'm here to do." At first, Abbie was scared and intimidated. Then, she reminded herself that Carrie was only a three months older vampire, not a hundred years older one. It didn't matter if Abbie was a human or werewolf. She had always been afraid. Abbie was going to try and stop being scared.

She kicked Carrie into the chest, which sent her flying to the ground. Abbie then vamped speeded away to deliver the news to Kai. Lunch was over, and Jo and Kai were talking to each other in the hallway. Jo had a worried expression on her face. Abbie ran over to them. "I need to tell you something. Carrie is back. She was before my eyes. I saw her!" she told them. "Wait, what happened?" Jo asked. "Okay, so I was in an alleyway draining someone's blood when Carrie showed up. She said you missed," Abbie said and looked at Kai.

"It's possible. I didn't stay long near the body because I was a bit busy with you dying," he said. Jo stood still with her eyes wide open, "You said that you were able to control yourself." Kai raised his eyebrow, "What are you talking about?" Jo furrowed her brows, "What do you mean what am I talking about! She just said she drained someone of their blood!" Abbie sighed, "It's not like I killed him. He'll wake up, but we need to focus. What are we going to do about Carrie?"

"There is only one thing we will be able to do," Kai said. Abbie nodded. She agreed, and knew exactly what he meant, "We will have to kill her for real this time."

--*-*-*- Editor's note -*-*-*--

Thank you for reading chapter eighteen! I hope you liked it. If I made a grammar mistake or a story mistake, feel free to correct me. What do you think of this chapter?

I'm almost finished with the story! To make sure I continue writing I challenged myself to write one chapter a week! Normally, I write whenever I was in the writer's vibe or had a good idea, but I'm so close. I just want this finished!

In other news, my birthday was this week on June 21st. I'm 16 now!! Hooray to me! :))

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