Twenty-two - Home

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A month after her mother's announcement Abbie and her mother were on their way to the new house. "Aren't you excited about the house? It looked beautiful in the picture!" her mother excitingly told her while driving. She was doing better and looked less ill, but Abbie stayed because she was still worried. When she told Kai she was moving away, he didn't seem too bothered about it. Abbie made Kai promise to call her often, and she said she would eventually visit him. The last thing he said to her before she got in the car, was that someday he would buy her a big house where they would forever live together.

"How long before we are there?" Abbie asked and stared out of the window. They had been on a road trip across the country because her mother was terrified of planes. "We're already in Vermont, so we're almost there honey," she said and smiled at her daughter. Abbie didn't really understand why her mother wanted to live in a small town in Vermont. It was pretty, sure, but also incredibly boring. She wasn't even sure if they had a blood bank for her blood supply. Otherwise, she was going to need to feed off the locals.

Her mother pulled up to a typical American white picket fence house. "What do you think?" her mother asked and waited for her daughter's response. "It's a nice place," she said and they both got out of the car. Abbie, without a problem, grabbed multiple boxes out of the car. "Isn't that too heavy?" her mother asked unsurely. Abbie shook her head and walked to the front door before coming to a stop. "Can I come in?" She turned to her mother, who had a confused look on her face, "Of course, honey. Why wouldn't you?" Abbie ignored her question and entered the house. She placed the boxes inside and a few minutes later all the other boxes were inside too. She looked around the house. It was a nice place. Abbie knew she wasn't going to stay long here. She wanted to move out the second she knew her mother was totally okay. Hopefully, her mother wanted to stay here and live out her old days.

Four months later in 1991, Abbie stood patiently waiting before the phone. She was waiting until Kai would call her. Her mother just before bed saw her daughter and said, "he must be important to you." Abbie smiled, "He really is." She hugged her mother before her mother left. Abbie about her because she was doing worse and was still refusing to go to the hospital. She was fearing the worst. She was at a point where she wanted to forcefully drag her mother to the hospital. Just as she was leaving the phone rang and Abbie quickly picked up the phone. "Kai?" she asked. "Hello, Abbie. How are you?" She had missed his voice so much since he hadn't called her in a month. "I'm doing good." Abbie sighed, "Why didn't you call for a month?" There was a long pause on the other line, "I have been busy with life." They talked all night and caught each other up on what they have been doing.

The next day her mother stayed all morning in bed. Abbie didn't think much of it and let her mother sleep. In the meantime, she cleaned the house using her vamped speed. Then, she went out to get some blood, since she was all out. In the midday, Abbie decided to wake her mother up and entered her room. The room was cold and had a foul smell. She walked to her mother and noticed she had blood under her nose. She shook her, but her mother didn't respond. Abbie immediately knew something was up and after listening to her mother's heartbeat her worst nightmare came true.

Abbie sat crying over her lifeless body for hours before she called the paramedics. After they arrived they declared her dead. A little while later they put her body in a body bag and lifted her to the car. Abbie was in pure shock. She walked over to the phone and called Kai. While the phone kept ringing she put her back against the wall and let herself fall. The phone kept ringing since no one was picking up. Abbie hung up the phone and began crying on the floor. Her heart had broken into a million pieces.

Two weeks later Abbie stood in the middle of the living room. The whole house was empty and hollow. She had sold all the furniture and the house was going to be sold too in two days. Her funeral was tomorrow. She didn't know what to do after that, but she knew she couldn't stay here. Abbie had been struggling against turning her button, even though she really wanted to do that. She couldn't because she knew no one could help her this time.

[1] The Witch And The Wolf // Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now