Eleven - Revenge

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Ever since Kai had threatened Carrie in her hospital room a week ago she was terrified. After that, she hadn't left her room. She only left for her brother's funeral, which was three days ago, and the occasional trip to the library. There she would pick books about the supernatural because disappearing before one's eye wasn't very natural. Most books she read felt like complete nonsense, but there was one book in particular that felt different from the others. She found it all the way back in the library. It was a very old book. So old it wasn't even registered there. 

In the book, it described that humans weren't alone on this earth and that there were other beings like witches, vampires, and werewolves. To any sane person, this would sound like crap but in Carrie's paranoid revenge-hungry brain it all made sense. If she couldn't report them to any authority she could take the revenge into her own hands. The book said that you had to be born a werewolf or witch, but a human could become a vampire by dying with vampire blood inside them. That was exactly what she was going to do, no one could change her mind. Then after she turned she could easily kill the witch 'Kai' and Abbie, who she wasn't too sure of if she was human.

"I'm not going to bring you to school, ever!" Jo exclaimed in the middle of the living room to Kai. They were fighting over Kai and Abbie's secret, again. They had been fighting over this for a whole week. This time their parents weren't home, since they had to go and do coven business, and Kai and Jo had taken this wonderful opportunity to fight. "You don't need to bring me to school. I just need your car and I will take it if I want to." Jo frowned her eyebrows, "No you will not do that, again. Because if you do that I will tell mom and dad what you and your little girlfriend did!" Kai chuckled and sarcastically replied, "Oh, no, not mom and dad. I don't want to disappoint them!"

Jo crossed her arms and angrily said, "You freak of mother nature!" She turned around to leave the room and go to school, but Kai appeared right before her. "Not so fast," he told and placed his hand on her arm and started siphoning her. "Motus," she exclaimed and Kai got pushed off her. In return, Kai chanted, "Phasmatos superous em animi."  Which inflicted pain on the target, Jo. She fell on the floor screaming in pain. "Stop, I will let you use the car!" she screamed. "Sounds like a deal," Kai said and stopped the spell. He grabbed the car's keys and quickly left. "Asshole," she muttered shortly after he left.

At school, Abbie felt lonely. Harmony was mad at her, and she was mad at harmony. Jo hated her guts ever since she found out about her secret. Kai hadn't even told her at first, but after she questioned him why Jo seemed to be avoiding her, he finally admitted it. So, the only one left was Kai. They had spent a lot of extra time together because of that and became far closer than they originally were. But she couldn't find Kai and had no idea where he was. That wasn't a big problem, but Abbie felt so bare without a friend next to her.

She decided to wait for him at his locker. There she quickly saw him walk up to her and his locker. "Hi, Kai, how are you doing?" she asked him. "Hello, Abbie, I'm doing amazing. The best I have ever felt," He told sarcastically. "Do you want to hear something funny?" she asked catching his attention. "Yes, I do," he nodded. "I'm on the planning committee for the Halloween party, a party I can't even attend because of the full moon tomorrow," she said with an annoyed tone in her voice. Kai grinned, "That's actually pretty funny." Abbie sighed, "yeah, hilarious." The bell rang, and they walked together to their lesson.

After school, Abbie went to the gym where she was told to go. Abbie didn't even want to do this committee thing, but when Harmony and Abbie were still friends Harmony had convinced her to join. Because it would be 'fun' together. Yeah, sure. "Hello everyone, thank you for coming," the committee leader told. She was one of those basic preppy girls. Meaning she had blond hair, blue eyes, and a pink skirt. "There are some new faces. So if you don't know my name already it is Whitney," she told in an annoying high pitch voice. This was going to be long and boring.

Whitney over-explained what they all needed to do for about 20 minutes before she finally left them alone to do the work. Abbie was so annoyed at Whitney she hadn't even noticed Harmony. She too, of course, was there to decorate. Harmony kept looking at her as if she was looking for the right moment to come over to her. Abbie had no desire in that, so she kept avoiding her gaze.

A little while later, when she was almost done Kai surprised her. He popped up from seemingly nowhere. "Do you want to hang out when you're done?" he asked out of the blue. "Yes, that sounds fun," Abbie excitingly exclaimed. Kai was a strange and unpredictable human but something about him wanting to hang out with her made her all warm and fuzzy inside. "I convinced my sister to give me the car today, so we don't have to walk," he said and did a thumbs up. "Nice, give me ten minutes and I will be done."

He nodded and patiently waited, even after those ten minutes became twenty because Whitney wanted to tell her final thoughts to the group. "You can now go," Whitney said and released Abbie from that hell. She turned to Kai to leave with him but in the corner of her eye, she saw Harmony giving her a disappointed look. What a bitch, Abbie thought to herself and quickly moved on. No need to waste any headspace about her.

Kai and Abbie went to a supermarket where they had picked up some drinks and chips. Then Kai had led her to a bench in an almost empty park. "So why did you want to come here?" Abbie asked Kai. This was all very out of character for him. Maybe he wanted something from her. He always acted strangely nice if he wanted something from her. She had caught on to what his tricks were. "I was reading yesterday in a book about spells you could use against werewolves, because I was curious not that I want to use a spell against you," he told jokingly. 

"And there was this little description about werewolves, and it mentioned that werewolves not only just turn into a wolf every full moon, but they also have good agility and the ability to hear things from far away," he said. "Wait really but how?" Abbie asked wide-eyed. Kai looked around him. The only people in the park was a small group of teenager far away. "Focus and try to listen to what they are saying," he said and pointed to the group. Abbie closed her eyes and focus on the direction of the group.

At first, she couldn't hear a thing, but she slowly started hearing their voices. "So do you guys want to go to the mall?" a higher girl's voice asked. "Yes! I heard there was a new ice cream shop that's selling fantastic ice," another feminine voice said. "No. thanks I got homework," a lower masculine voice answered. "Kai, I can hear them!" Abbie excitingly exclaimed. Abbie jumped up from the bench. "I want to test my agility! But how does one test their agility?" she asked and looked back at Kai.

"I know how to do that. Follow me," he led her to a little empty play area that was in the park. "Try and jump on top of the monkey bars from the ground up," he told and pointed to the monkey bars. Abbie was doubtful but tried it anyway. She squatted down swung her arms up and jumped. She landed right on top of the monkey bars. A jump that was about 10 feet. Abbie celebrated at the top of the monkey bars by swinging her arms up. She then jumped down with no problems.

"I can't believe I was able to do that this whole month and just now found it out!" she told Kai. "Luckily I told you," he said and stared at her face. He got closer and swept something off her face. "You had a little thread on your face." Abbie's cheeks blushed, "Thank you." Abbie started to feel conscious of her hands because she had no clue what to do with them. So she hid them behind her back. "You know if you want magic sometimes, I'm okay with you siphoning it. As long as it doesn't hurt too much," she told him.

He placed his hands on her cheeks and slowly siphoned her. "That is the sweetest offer, someone, ever gave me." Abbie couldn't help but blush more. She must have blushed so much that he noticed it too because Kai went in for a kiss. This time far more magical than the first time. The stinging wasn't there meaning he wasn't siphoning her during it. Meaning he was kissing her because he actually wanted to kiss her. The first time they kissed she felt fireworks going off but after this kiss, she realized she lied to herself because this felt like a whole fireworks show.

"I love you," she muttered, so softly he couldn't hear it.

--*-*-*- Editor's note -*-*-*--

Thank you for reading chapter eleven! I hope you enjoyed reading this. If you have any suggestions or see any mistakes don't be afraid to comment on them! This is a bit of a shorter chapter hope you don't mind.

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