Twenty-three - Long Lost Love

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Long Lost Love

It was about three months later. Abbie and the whole family were having dinner. Kai and Abbie sat next to each other. She was looking in a paper for property in New York. "Why New York?" he asked after peaking at the paper. "I've always wanted to live in New York. One of the few states I haven't lived in yet," she said. "So, Abbie, finally getting your own place?" Joshua, Kai's father, said with a snarky undertone. Abbie nodded. "No, don't go. I will miss you," Sarah, Kai's 11-year-old sister who Abbie played with at times, begged. "She can't stay here forever," Jo told the girl. She crossed her arms over each other and sulked. "Aren't the apartments in New York expensive? Where would you get the money?" Mary, the mother, questioned Abbie. Abbie was planning on compelling the apartment owners to let her live there for free, but she couldn't tell them that. If they found out she was a vampire they surely would forbid Kai from seeing her and throw her onto the streets. At least, she imagined it would happen like that.

"My mom left me enough money to be able to rent an apartment. Then, I will get a job to be able to continue paying for my apartment," she lied. Mary looked pleased, "I hope you will find a nice apartment then." After they finished eating dinner the twins began getting fussy. Mary stood up and brought them back to their crib upstairs. "Come," Abbie said and led Kai outside. They sat on the steps in front of the house. "These last 6 months living with you have been great. That is why I want to ask you if you want to move with me to New York," Abbie said and stared at the sunset. Kai looked at Abbie, "I would love to, but I can't." Abbie looked at Kai confused, "Why?" "I have family matters to attend to. When that's done, I will move in with you." Abbie knew he had secrets that he didn't want to talk about. She wished he shared them, but maybe one day he would. "It's okay. I can wait forever for you and I will."

After that night things moved fast. Abbie moved out into a big luxury apartment. She filled it with beautiful furniture. It almost felt like a dream because without her being able to compel people she would never be able to afford it. Before she left she made Kai promise, again, to call and visit her. They talked on the phone every week. Sometimes one had big news and other times they just talked about meaningless things. He visited whenever he had time, which was about once in the two months. Sometimes they would go on dates in New York or party the whole night. Other times when he would visit for a day or two they would have sex the whole time. Abbie loved his company and Kai loved being away from his family. 

A year later, in 1992, Kai's mother died of heart failure. Abbie was quite broken up about her death since Mary had been very kind to her. She flew back to Portland for the funeral. It reminded her a lot of her own mother's death. Kai didn't seem to care about it all. He was more annoyed that he had to go to the funeral. She got mad at Kai because of that. "She was your own mother for god's sake!" she yelled at him when they were the only ones at the house. He had a deadpan stare, "So?" She shook her head and left the house to go for a walk. She walked through the forest where most of her misery and life-changing moments happened. A bit later she found the place Carrie turned her. She laid on the dirt and looked up to the sky. It was night and the moon shined brightly on her face. 

A while later, she heard leaves crack and immediately knew it was Kai. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "You were gone for a while, and I was wondering what you were doing," he said. Abbie kept looking at the moon, "As if you care about what I am doing." He didn't answer and laid next to her on the dirt. He turned his head to her. "I care," he said, and also began looking at the sky. "This is where I died," she mentioned. Kai nodded, "I know." They laid there for a while before they decided to go back.

At the house, his father and the siblings were sitting and eating dinner. "Where were you two?" Jo asked. "None of your business," Kai answered back. "Don't talk to your sister like that," Joshua said angrily. Kai and Abbie both sat down. The whole dinner was silent, no one had anything to say. After they were done Joshua began doing the dishes and Abbie offered to help. When they were together in the kitchen he grabbed a flower out of his pocket and held it to her skin. It began burning like hell, and she dropped a plate she was holding. "Ahh what the fuck!" she yelled. "Just like I thought. You're a disgusting bloodsucker." Abbie was shocked, "Huh? What was that?" 

[1] The Witch And The Wolf // Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now