Eight - Graves

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Abbie and Harmony searched through the forest together with countless others for two days before they found anything. Abbie felt composed during most of the search because they were all looking on the wrong side of the forest. At least that was until a man suggested to also look on the other side. It took 2 hours before they found the 'so well hidden body'. A dog had sniffed his rotting corpse faster than Abbie had expected, and her cool composer was ruined.

Maybe, she thought, maybe they wouldn't find any DNA. Not that she was really so sure if she left any. Did she lose a few hairs or skin flakes while turning into a wolf? Or did Kai accidentally leave DNA while burying the body? She, of course, hoped not. Her mind raced to things she couldn't or shouldn't imagine. After days of overthinking, her worst nightmare became real.

At school, it wasn't any better. Brian's old locker was covered in mourning cards and pictures of him which made Abbie feel uncomfortable every time she looked at it. So she tried avoiding that part of the hallway, but that made her life just more difficult in the process. Eventually, she decided to continue walking through that hallway while keeping her head down low.

To make matters worse, the rumor floating around a few days ago about Kai murdering Brian had now turned into a few blown believe that Kai really did it. That had led to Kai getting into more fights and constantly being harassed. Abbie herself had gotten a few sly eyes from classmates because she was talking and hanging out with Kai.

It was around 7 am when Kai woke up. He was hungry. Not hungry for food but magic. His body wanted it, needed it. He felt like an addict going through withdrawal syndromes. This wasn't the first time he felt like this. If he didn't siphon magic in a long time, he would start to feel awful. Jo was still mad for the siphon incident during the assembly and wouldn't let him siphon her. She also refused to drive him to school. And Abbie had been so paranoid ever since the body was found that he hadn't been able to get an opportunity to touch her.

Kai walked over to the bathroom and stared into the mirror. His eyes were hollow and tired. He barely slept last night. He splashed water in his face to give him a quick refreshment. Then his eyes began to twinkle. He had an idea. Suppose he couldn't siphon Abbie nor Jo. He could try to siphon his younger siblings as long as his parents weren't near.

He walked to the bedroom of the youngest, Matthew, who was 4 years old. He sat on his bed playing with a little brown bear. The same bear Kai used to play with when he was young. The bear had stitches around its neck when Kai ripped his head off more than 10 years ago. "Hi, buddy," Kai greeted him insincere. Matthew's eyes lit up. "Pway, please?" he said and pointed to his toys.

"Sure," Kai said and picked Matthew up. Not to bring him to the toys and actually play, but to siphon him. As soon as Kai started siphoning him, he began to squirm. "Ouchy," Matthew murmured. Kai didn't listen. He kept siphoning. He was going to stop eventually, but the magic that ran through his body felt too good. "I don't wanna pway anymore," he yelled loud enough to be heard through the house. "Urgh, shut up," Kai said and tried to silence him, but Kai was too late, and his mother had entered Matthews room.

"What are you doing!" his mother yelled angrily, "Don't touch him, you abomination!" She grabbed Matthew away from Kai and stepped back, looking disgusted. "Don't be so dramatic, mom," he told and rolled his eyes. His mom's ears were almost steaming, so angry was she. Just as she was about to say something, Kai cut in and said, "Invisique," and disappeared.

For the trillionth time this week, Abbie had snuck past her mother. Just as she felt she could stop avoiding her, since she seemed more relaxed about her secret, the body was found. Abbie handled herself better than she thought she would, but that didn't change the fact she felt awful. Awful for lying to everyone, awful for murdering, and awful for simply existing. How long was it going to take for her not to feel awful anymore?

[1] The Witch And The Wolf // Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now