Sixteen - Death

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Abbie walked up and down her hallway. She had been doing this for the past 5 minutes. If her mom was home, she would have given her a strange look. The reason she was doing this, was because she was pondering about a solution. Yesterday she had told Kai that he was right. That they needed to kill Carrie, but she couldn't do that. So, she was thinking about a way Carrie didn't have to die or would kill them. It was harder than she thought. On top of that, she barely knew anything about vampires. That made it only harder to think of a solution.

She looked at her alarm clock and realized she had to go to school. Abbie rushed outside and walked down her road. It was far from her school. Her house was far from everything. Far from Kai. Far from the arcade. The only thing it was close to, was the woods. Luckily, Abbie liked a challenge, and it gave her some extra time to think. She followed down a small, narrow road with no one there. Then suddenly she heard a loud hit against her head and her world turned dark.

Abbie woke up in the forest. Tied to a small tree in a clearing. She started to think maybe these woods were evil. Whenever she ended up here, something bad happens. Her vision became slowly clearer. She hoped that she didn't get a concussion, or could wolves not get concussions? She was still a bit unsure about all her 'wolf' powers. In the corner of her eye, she saw Carrie. She sighed, Carrie was going to get her this time. Every other time Kai had saved her, and he was not here now.

"Hello, Abbie," Carrie said and walked in front of her. "Last time I wanted to do my whole evil revenge plan, but Kai threw dust in that," she said, "That also made me realize that Kai will always ruin my plan with his abracadabra. So, I didn't include him this time." Carrie's eyes became angrier than they were before, "After all, you were the one that killed my brother." She walked around looking at the sky and turned back to Abbie, "So I thought real hard. How can I torture Abbie? And then it hit me! I'll turn you and then torture you physically forever." Carrie's lips curled.

"I... I- There is no need really!" Abbie worriedly pleaded to her. "Oh, there is a need, Abbie. A big need!" Carrie's eyes darkened and her fangs appeared. She bit her wrist and forcefully fed it to Abbie. She stood back and smiled at Abbie's face, which was covered in blood. Carrie walked back and placed her hands on Abbie's head. "Ready to meet your maker?" 

"So, what you're saying is that you're an idiot?" Kai replied after hearing a story Jo had told him. "What-? That's not what I'm saying! Obviously!" she said, "Besides, I was definitely right." She turned around and left the room. Kai rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and stood up from his bed. He walked to his desk and grabbed a stake from his drawer. Kai had made that stake from a wood branch he had found laying outside his house last night. He placed it in his backpack to show Abbie later.

Kai put on a band t-shirt with a pair of pants and his boots. He grabbed his backpack and walked into the hallway. His 7-year-old sister, Sarah, was sitting on the floor drawing. She looked at him scared and quickly scurried away to her room. "Brat," he whispered to himself and kicked down her pencils with his foot. He headed downstairs and waited for Jo to be ready, so they could leave for school.

In the morning he didn't see Abbie. He assumed she wasn't in the mood to go to school. So, he went on about his day normally. It was until lunch break when he overheard Harmony worriedly speak about Abbie. "She is never sick," Harmony stated. It was true, Abbie was indeed never sick. She had her werewolf genes to thank for that. Kai knew that, so he didn't even think that she was sick. "I'm worried. I'm hearing so much of serial killers in the news," Jo stated.

"I haven't seen Abbie either. I assumed she skipped the day," Kai said as he joined their conversation. They both glared at him with daggers for eyes. "Abbie doesn't skip days. Except when she skips them for you, but you're here, so," Harmony said while judging every hair on his head. Kai smiled amusingly, "Glad to see you too, Harmony."

Jo's eyes narrowed, "Can we speak privately, I want to ask you something, alone." He nodded and they quietly walked outside. The second they were alone, Jo attacked Kai, "What did you do! Did you hurt Abbie?! I swear to god if you did!" Kai threw his hands up, "I did nothing! But, if Abbie really is in danger, I know who did it."

"Who?" she worriedly asked. "Carrie, since she is starving for revenge." Jo's eyes widened, "Oh god, you don't think she?" Kai shrugged, "I don't know, but I know a way to track her." "How?" Kai removed the bracelet from his wrist, which revealed the vile with blood. "This is Abbie's blood. A gift from her, so I could always find her." His eyes twinkled for a second as he looked at the bracelet but quickly hid that look from Jo. "Perfect! I can do a locator spell," she exclaimed.

They sneaked into the topography classroom. Jo grabbed a map of their hometown and laid it on a table. She poured the blood on the map and suddenly stood still. "I... uh don't know the spell anymore," she said embarrassed. Kai smirked and laid his hand on his sister's shoulder to siphon her. He sat in front of the book with blood and began doing the spell. "Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Suquita Segenis, Amentes Ase Nichan, Egapetos," Kai chanted. The blood moved and stopped in the middle of the woods.

"What is she doing in the woods?" Jo asked. "Possibly getting murdered by Carrie," Kai said truthfully. Jo's eyes widened, "We need to go quickly!" He couldn't let Jo come with him to the woods. He was planning on killing Carrie with the stake. Kai couldn't do that if Jo was there. "You can't. It's too dangerous now that she is a vampire." Jo's eyes widened even more, "Carrie is a vampire?!" Kai sighed, "Of course, where else do you think she was for three months?"

"I don't know, but I definitely didn't think that!" she worriedly exclaimed, "Fine. Go without me, but go quick! Abbie can be dead already for all we know!" He nodded and left the building into the woods. It wasn't long walking before he started to hear someone. It was obviously Carrie doing her villain speech. Lame. He pushed away a bush and saw Carrie with her hands on Abbie's head. Ready to snap it. He ran as fast as he could to Abbie, but he was too late. Carrie had snapped her neck.

Abbie had felt such a relief when she saw Kai emerge from the bushes, that she forgot a superhuman was about to snap her neck. She made eye contact with Kai, who actually looked worried. Was it really that bad? It wasn't, right? She was going to lay on the couch in a few hours and laugh at how she got away. She was going to eat popcorn with her mother while watching a film she got from blockbuster yesterday. Abbie was going to be fine. Until she wasn't. Her vision turned black, and her heart stopped beating.

Kai grabbed the stake out of his pocket. He moved towards Carrie, who was distracted by Abbie's death, and pushed the stake into her chest. She fell, screaming in pain. Kai grabbed Abbie's dead body and immediately left, leaving Carrie's body behind. He felt conflicted about Abbie's death. He wasn't sad, he was never, but he cared deeply for her. So deeply that it sort of hurt to carry her lifeless body. 

While carrying her ice-cold body it started to suddenly feel warmer. Her pale face also started to look more alive. At first, he didn't think much of it. But, when he came out of the woods he could feel her heart beating again. He was sure she was dead before. After all, he had seen her die. That could mean only one thing.

She turned.

--*-*-*- Editor's note -*-*-*--

Thank you for reading chapter sixteen! If you're wondering how she can become a vampire if she was a wolf, it will be explained in book two!

In other news, I passed my exams! For my English exam, I had a 9,1/10. I suppose writing this helped me get even better at English. Although, the exam was easy as fuck.

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