Bonus chapter - Murder

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Caution, this is graphic.

It was the night of May 9th, 1994. His father had gone away for some coven business. His sisters and brothers laid in bed, most of them sleeping. Kai sat at his desk. For the last two weeks he had been planning his siblings' murder, and tonight he was going to do it. He began planning for it when he found out his father was never going to let him merge with Jo. It was only then that he realized why his parents kept having children. They were trying to have another pair of twins for the merge. This left Kai furious. He couldn't kill his father, but he could kill his children. Especially the twins.

He stood up from his desk with a knife in his right hand. He walked over to Jo's room and knocked on her door. "Jo?" he asked in a singing voice. When she opened the door, he hid the knife behind his back. "Yes?" she tiredly asked. Kai had a grinning smile on his face, "I found something out recently and I thought I'd share it with you." Jo looked confused. "I found out that dearest dad was never planning on letting me do the merge! Yes, such a shock. Although I suppose it isn't such a shock for you, because you already knew," he menacingly told. Her eyes widened, "How, how did you know?"

"My superior detective skills," he smiled and revealed the knife. Jo stepped back, "Kai, what are you doing?" He hesitated no second and stabbed the knife into her abdomen. He needed her alive for the merge, but he wanted to hurt her a lot. Like removing an organ for example. He had done his research and found out you could survive without a spleen. Then, he did his research on how to remove a spleen. Jo had already passed out of the pain. When he was done he kept the knife in her stomach and moved on.

He grabbed two pieces of rope out of his room and walked to his sisters' room. Ashley and Sarah. He dragged them both out of their beds and into the hallway while they cried and screamed for help. He bound two tight ropes around their neck. Then, he bound the ropes to the handrailing and threw them off. They squirmed around for a bit, but then stopped. His brother, Joey, had come out to see what was going on. There he saw two of his sisters hanged to death and one bleeding out on the floor. "Why?" he cried out to Kai, who was covered in blood. "Why the fuck not?" he coldly replied.

Joey tried to escape, but there was no way out. He was going to meet the same faith as his sisters. Next to Kai was Joey's baseball bat. Kai grinned, "Wouldn't it be funny if I kill you with your own bat?" Joey looked at the stairs and began running for his life, but it was too late. Kai had already picked up the bat and made a swing to his head. "Home run!" Kai cheered. He kept swinging the bat over and over until it had completely bashed his brains in. He walked over to Matthew's room and found it empty.

"I know you're here, Matthew," he yelled and looked around. Kai turned his attention to the stairs when he heard pitter-patter running down it. He quickly followed Matthew, which led him outside. He immediately caught him when they were outside. Kai kept his hand on his mouth, so he wouldn't yell and alert the neighbors. A small kiddie pool peaked Kai's attention. He dragged Matthew to it and pushed his head into it. It was a small layer of water but enough to drown someone. He kept struggling and waving his limbs around, but after being underwater for several minutes he stopped. A big clump of air bubbles came up and Kai let go.

He walked inside and back upstairs. In the hallway, Jo wasn't there anymore. He looked into the twins' room, which also was empty. "Josette, where are they!" he shouted. "Jo!" he yelled again, "Come on out Jo! I know you can hear me!" He looked around the hallway and rooms, "Josette! Where are they, Jo!" He slowly entered his sister's room, "Come on out, Jo, you know I won't kill you!" He placed his bat by the entrance and walked out.

Kai slowly walked back in, he knew exactly where they were. The noises easily gave it away, he just wanted to mess with them. He slowly moved towards the bed and threw it up. It was just his sister. "Where are they?" he asked frustrated. Jo didn't answer and just cried. He began searching around the room and opened the closet. When he saw no one was in there he slammed the closet door and kicked it. Jo kept sobbing.

He grabbed the bat. "Where are they!" He screamed and aggressively kicked her in the stomach. "Run!" she yelled towards the twins. They appeared out of nowhere and ran out of the room. "Run..." she cried. He left the room and followed them while dragging his bat over the ground. "Olivia, Lucas?" he yelled as he followed them. Eventually, he lost sight of them and walked outside. "Olivia... Lucas?" He held the bat up, ready to bash in their brains. "Come out, come out wherever you are." Jo had managed to escape outside. She took a deep breath. "Stop!" she yelled. He turned his head towards her. He lowered the bat and walked over to her. "I'll merge with you," she said, scared, "Just don't hurt anyone else."

Kai smirked, "Sounds like a plan."

[1] The Witch And The Wolf // Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now