chapter 3

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Brief love and bond of love

Mizuki's POV

how can i didnt realised that this is not my phone. i thought by myself while looking at his phone. its 6.55pm. i already arrive at the cafe. still waiting for him. well his name is asahi. hm what a nice name. he's quite handsome tho.

i already order iced latte for myself. i really love iced latte. coffee addict can relate. haha. at exactly 7pm, he arrive. then i stand up and wave at him to make sure he notice me. then he came to me "hello Mizuki" he said to me. "hello Asahi!" i replied.

"we didn't have a proper greeting earlier" he said as he offering a handshake to me. "oh yes. well then I'm mizuki. nice to meet you." i accepted his handshake. after that i take out his phone from my bag and pass it to him. "and this is your phone. sorry i take the wrong phone. ehehe."

"it's okay mizuki, I'm asahi. thank you and here this is your phone. sorry i open you phone without your permission." he said while giving me back my phone. what? what did he just said? "what do you mean?" he's about to say something but

then my iced latte arrive. "here you go miss." the waiter said while putting the iced latte on the table. "thank you" i said to the waiter. "you really like iced latte didn't you?" he asked me. "ahh yes i really really like it." i answered. "you didnt wanna order anything, sahi?" i ask him.

"no thanks. by the way, does anyone ever said that you're shining like the moon?" suddenly he said that. I've lost of word and I just look away. damn I'm blushing so hard rn. "what do you mean?" he giggles at me "you look so cute when ur blushing like that." he said cutely.

WHATTT?? HE CANT BE SERIOUS ABOUT THAT. "Mizuki, i have to go now. do you want me to send you home?" I look at him back while drinking my iced latte "um I'm fine. i came here by myself so i can go back by myself." i said while smiling at him. "ohh I'll go first and don't forgot to save my number okay. bye Mizuki." he replied to me and then he get up from his chair walk out from the cafe.

Asahi's POV

as i walk out from the cafe i look at my phone then immediately save her number in my phone

月光<3 (trans: moonlight)

I still can't move on with her reaction when i tell her that she shine like the moon. aegi she's so cute. i need to tell this to mashi. i arrive home then i go to my room. i look back at the picture of Mizuki(the girl who always appear in my dream) that I draw. she's so beautiful.

"SAHI!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" Mashiho shouted excitedly while entering my room. "just looking at her picture." i answered him. "ohh you meet her earlier right? " he asked me "yes mashi. do you wanna know something?" i replied and getting ready to tell him about what happen earlier "yes tell me everything" he answered as he sit on my bed waiting for me to tell him everything.


[author note:
sahi is quite sweet right? haha he's so adorable. and he really fits the character so well. actually asagao is a very beautiful flower and asagao have such a good meaning i like it >< thanks for reading. 🙌🏻💓]

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