chapter 4

457 41 14

Humility, discretion and perfect love

Mizuki's POV

I went back home after meeting Asahi. i immediately check my phone to see what happen to my phone. "huh did he do to my phone?" i ask myself. then i check my call log. first name on that call log is

*太陽<3* (sunshine)

huh? sunshine? it is Asahi? he save his own number in my phone? for what? im clueless. then my mum call me. "Mizuki-chann~" "yes mum. is there's any problem?" i ask her curiously. "nothing. i just want to make sure your okay. are you okay? you seem clueless Mizuki." she replied

"ohh nothing mum, im just checking my phone." i said to her "oh okay then. have you eat?" she ask again "yea already. i eat at the cafe earlier." then i walk to my into my room while looking at my phone. i check my notes in my phone.

*one new note updated today.
huh so this what he mean? i check it then.

hey Mizuki, hehe. im sorry i open your phone without ur permission. it's just that i wanna confess something to you. but i dont know if your gonna read this or not. still i just want you to keep this in your phone. actually your the girl i always meet in my dream. i know it sound weird but it is real. i even make a portrait of you. your beautiful eyes. your cutie smile. honestly your the most beautiful girl i ever seen.

everytime you appear in my dream, you'll always wear beautiful white dress. then when i saw you at the cafe this morning, i feel like my dream has came true. my dream is to meet you. and we accidentally exchange phone so i wanna grab this opportunity to tell you about this. i wanna know you more Mizuki. if you already read this can you text me? i already save my number in your phone. hehe ><

Wow. so straightforward. i dont know what to say. im speechless. for the first time in my life a man that i just meet this morning confess me saying that he like me because he meet me in his dream? i mean WHATTT??? so i tryna text him. i wonder if he's gonna text me back


em is this Asahi?

yes i am Asahi. hai Mizuki, have you read the note that i write in your phone?

ah i already read it. are you really serious about your dream? how can i come to your dream we dont even know each other.

em i also dont know about that. can we get to know each other more? i wanna get closer to you just like what i say in the note. can we?

em. maybe yea i guess

can we meet tomorrow??

tomorrow? em im not sure.

ahh. oke
૮₍。 •᎔• 。₎ა

is he joking? istg I've never been in this situation before. its weird for me. he's weird. erghhh i should sleep now its late and i have a class tomorrow.


[author note:
does asahi really like her? sorry i think this chapter is kinda boring so dont fell asleep while reading this chapter. anyways thanks for reading i really appreciate it💓🙌🏻]

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