chapter 6

378 36 14

Adoration, loyalty and longevity

Mizuki's POV

aegi he's kinda cute. wait what? what happen to me. I've never hangout with a guy especially the guy that i just know one day ago. its weird. i always reject every guy i meet in my life. but this time why i didnt reject him? why i feel comfortable with him?

I'm not interested into boys but that doesn't mean im lesbian. I just dont like them. it's hust that boys are sucks you know. then Asahi come into my life and it just yesterday that we meet each other. and i already feel comfortable with him.

im on my way to the cafe that Asahi and i first meet. I don't why I'm so excited to see him. when i arrive i saw Asahi already inside the cafe waiting for me. he bring his camera along with him just like how we first meet each other. his fashion is kinda vintage. ugh his fashion sense is better than me.

I enter the cafe and there's Asahi waving at me. i walk to his table and i see there's two drink on the table. one iced americano and another is iced latte. "hai Asahi. am i too late? how long have you been waiting for me?" i greet him and asking him as if im late.

"no you're not late. its just im too early" he answered while smiling till his dimples appear. OMG so cute. ugh stop, i think i like him. I could feel there's butterfly in my stomach. thank god i really thought im late. "this iced latte is for you since you really like it." he said while giving it to me.

"ahh thanks Asahi. you're so kind." i thanked him "so where are we going today? do you have any plan?" i ask him "i have a plan." he said "what is it? where are we going?" i ask him then he chuckled "hmm it's a secret. now finish your drink then we'll continue with out date." he wink at me.

I'm not sure if I'm still alive. damn he really like me. he giggles and say "uh you're blushing. so cute." wait what? is it too obvious? ahh im dead. "no no no. im not blushing. im using blusher on my cheek." then he giggles "hihi okay cutie. now let's go. let's start our date." he said excitedly. "ah okay. hehe." then both of us went out from the cafe together.

Asahi's POV

aegi she's such a cutie. i wish i could squeeze her cheek. erghh so adorable. actually i wanna bring her to my favourite place. the place that i always wanna take a good picture and a good memories with someone special. like Mizuki. she deserved it. i hope she like it.

i bring her to Sankeien garden, at Yokohama. well tonight is Tsukimi festival and Sankeien garden is the best place to view the moon. ahh watching beautiful scenery at night with her. thats enough to make me happy. why i choose Tsukimi festival? cause her name means beautiful moon and just like tonight the moon is beautiful. its fun watching two beautiful moon tonight.

"Asahi, what are we doing here?" she ask me right after we arrive at Sankeien garden. "em what else. we're dating right? so let's enjoy our night here." i replied then i can see thats she's blushing. so cute aegi then she ask again "d-dating? h-here? em. isn't tonight Tsukimi festival? i mean why here?"

"dont you know that your name means moon? Tsukimi is viewing the moon right, so we're here to watch you." i said to her "oh really? ah why mum never tell me about the meaning of my name? ahh by the way how do you know the meaning of my name?" ahh thats because i like you Mizuki. "em i found it somewhere. so now let's go and start our date!!" she's blushing again "y-yea let's go"


[author note:
em asahi is so cute. btw tsukimi🎑 is actually quite fun. it took a long time for me to write this chapter cause im not experienced im dating thingy💀💀. ahh thanks for reading my story🙌🏻💓]

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