chapter 14

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affection, constancy
and everlasting love.

Mizuki's POV

OH MY GOD! WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY MOTHER! "mum!! just let him stay in the guest room mum." i said to my mum nervously. my mum giggles "ahh goodnight both of you. go settle your problem by your own. i wanna sleep." my mum said then she went upstairs to her room. i think my mum take a wrong medication. okay now I'm in trouble. how should i handle him. "do you want me to sleep on the floor?" he said to me with 🥺 face.

ugh how can he be so cute. calm down Mizuki calm down. "come on. follow me to-" before i wanted to finish my sentence he "to your room?" then he smirk and chuckle at me. "YA!! follow me to the guest room!! do you think im really gonna let you sleep in my room? with me? yahh your lucky that I love you. or else i-"

i wanted to finish my sentence once again but suddenly he hug me from behind. "can we stay like this for a while? can you be with me like this for a little longer? im afraid i might be missing you." he said then he kiss my cheek. my face is so red just like tomato.

"hmm, okay let's stay like this for a little longer. I'll be with you Hikun, forever." i turn around facing him and wrap both of my hand around his neck. we're facing each other. i mean our face is super super close to each other.

ugh im kinda nervous tho. he's staring at my eyes and that makes me blush so hard. he giggles "you look so gorgeous and your eyes are so beautiful. aegi why are you so cute? you're really cuter when your blushing." he said then he kiss my cheek.

he really likes to tease me. "Hikun stop it." i said to him while covering half of my face with my hand. "you shouldn't be shy with me. I'm your boyfriend right." he said while giggling then he take off my hand from my face. he cup my face and bring closer to his face. OH MY!! he look so ethereal. his eyes, his lips, his cute nose, his cutie dimple, everything about him is so gorgeous! I'm nervous and also excited at the same time.

Asahi's POV

she's so cute. her blushing face really driving me crazy. aegi i wish i could bite her cheek. she look at me with 🥺 face. ahh this is my weakness. "please stop being cute or else I won't able to hold myself" i told her. "h-hold w-what??" she said nervously. i giggles at her reaction. i hold her chin softy with my hand. then she slowly close her eyes and her face is turning red. i pull her face closer to mine until i can feel her breath.

i kissed her and i can feel her soft lips which taste like strawberry which probably from her lip balm. she kiss me back, passionately. she put both of her hand around my neck. i pull her body closer to me and i wrap my hand around her. after a deep long kiss, she pull back....

"oh wow t-that was my first kiss, it's taken by you now" she said while covering her mouth. then she giggles cutely. "as i should, and I'm sorry for taking your first kiss without your permission, and that's was my first kiss too" i said to her then i kiss her cheek.

"let's go to sleep, it's late already." she said to me with her 🥺 face again. ugh how can i say no. "oke bb, let's go~" i said to her as i kiss her forehead. she holds my hand, "come, let me show you your room" then she showed me the guest room.

"here's your room, good night Hikun. I love you." she said to me after giving me a guest room tour. "that's it?" i asked her. "yeah? what else you want me to do?" she replied to me. i lean myself abit closer to her then i point my cheek to hers. suprisingly, she kissed my cheek which made me blush. she giggled, then she ran to her room.

i didn't get a chance to say goodnight to her. i closed the door, then i looked around the room, it was pretty cute and simple. and i bet mizuki is the one who decorates the room, what a cutie. i lay myself on bed and looking at the celling.

lately, i've always been thinking about her, her cute smile, her laugh, her mesmerizing eyes, her lips, her cute puffy cheeks, her nose, her 🥺 face ergh everything about her is so perfect. i guess we're really meant to be with each other. it is really our destiny to meet each other again. thanks god for letting she be with me, again. i hope this time we'll be together forever.


[author note:
hai to all the reader. so how's this chapter? well this chapter is kinda cringe😳 aw i didnt expect that im the one who's writing this🤣✋🏻 thanks to my cousin for help me for this chapter.😗✋🏻 i hope you all enjoy it, thanks for reading💗🙌🏻]

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