chapter 17

173 14 8

lasting friendship, goodness and remembrance.

Mizuki's POV

i woke up then realized there's a hand wrapping around my waist . it was his hand. i tried to turn around and slowly facing towards his face as i look at him sleeping. omg so cute. his face is so puffy. "what are you looking at bb? i know I'm cute but stop staring at me" he said. i widened my eyes and tried to get up but failed.

"where are you going bb?" he said with his husky voice omg that's new. probably his voice isn't stable yet. he hugged me tight and pulled me closer. our eyes meet. we made deep eye contact with each other. he tried to kiss me but-

"good morning!!" my mother enter the room. then i accidentally kick him and he fell off the bed. "auch" i laughed at him. "oh Asahi you're here?" my mum ask. ah think she came back home late last night. "ah hai mum ehehe" he shyly said.

"ah ill explain later mum." i told her "oh hai Asahi, okay Mizuki. both of you might need some privacy, so im gonna leave you both alone." my mum said as she slowly close the door.

"omg bb im sorry i didn't mean to kick you. im sorry." i said to him. he got up and said "its okay, let's continue what we did just now" while saying that sentence he winked at me. "hmm okay but not so long oke" i said to him. "okay honey" he said as he hold my chin softly and kissed me softly and i kissed him back.

Asahi's POV

what should i do? how can i tell mum about this? how can i explain this to Mizuki? "oh Asahi where did you sleep last night" Mashiho ask me. i just arrive at my house after having lunch at Michan's house. "ah Mashi, i sleep at Mizuki's house last night." i told him as i put my jacket on the sofa.

"ohh i thought you're at your mother's house. and talking about that so what happened there?" he ask me. i sighs "ill tell you about it afterwards. i wanna take a bath first." i tell him. "ah okay no wonder i smell something smelly, its you." he jokingly said. i rolled my eyes "whatever" i told him

after i showered, i went straight to the living room. i checked my phone and saw

🔔You have 2 missed call and 5 new notifications

2 missed call from 赤ちゃんシス❤️

5 new notifications from 赤ちゃんシス❤️






we need to discuss about this. we have to

settle this problem immediately.

i dont wanna see our family like this.

i want the old us Sahi. please come home. please do it for me.

ill think about it.

its not my fault in the first place.

but i promise ill do anything for you. yes, honestly

i also want our family to be happy again.

please think about it okay.

i love you, you know.

i love you too.
don't worry I'll fix this

honestly don't know how to fix this. what should i do? "Sahi are you okay? mind to share it with me?" Mashi ask me. "M-mashi my mum." i told him "why? whats wrong with her?" he ask me "she's the one who hit Mizuki 10 years ago."

"ohh, why?" he ask again "she did it because of Mizuki's father. but i still don't understand why.." i sighed and then Mashi sit next to me to comfort me "Mizuki didn't do anything to her, but she hates Mizuki. i dont know how i should tell Mizuki and her mother about this."

"okay Asahi, why don't you settle your problem with your mother first. just forgive her. it doesn't matter how much you hate her, she's still your mother. the one who gave birth to you. and im sure Mizuki will understand this. besides all of this happened 10 years ago, nobody can turn back time and fix what happened in the past..." he paused.

"just let the things in the past begone and fix the things in present. let the past be a lesson to us and be a guide for us in the future. so that we can learn from our mistakes. remember Asahi, everyone makes mistakes so do your mother. now she realized what she did is wrong so don't punish her like that. what if you didn't get a chance to ask for her forgiveness one day. you're gonna regret it some day, Asahi. so think wisely before you do anything." he said to me.

"thanks Mashi" i told him "well thats my job as a friend, Asahi. i hope you settle your problem and if you need anything im here for you" he said while tapping my shoulder.

"okay Mashi" i said to him then I hug him. "thank you for being my friend. i love you bro." i said to him "your welcome. and also thank you for willing to be my friend too. i love you too Asahi" he said to me.

[author note:
hello!! so how's this chapter? it is okay? i wonder what happen next.🤭 please look forward for the next chapter okay🥰 thank you for reading🙌🏻💗]

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