end ;two/alternative ending

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purity, sincerity, love, compassion, trust, everlasting love, innocence, and romance.

Asahi's POV

i called Mashiho and he answered the call as soon as he saw my name. i told him to pick me up and bring me to the hospital and he agreed and rushed to pick me up. the ambulance is on their way to the hospital. im hoping that Mizuki will survive. i was actually scared. i was scared that i might lose her, again. why does time flies so fast?

i wanted to spend more time with her. i wanted to be the one who always bright her day up. the one who always makes her happy. i wanted to see her face. i wanted to feel her cheek on my hand. her cute smile when she smiles at me. her soft lips. thinking about these made me feel miserable.


when Mashiho and I arrive at the hospital. i searched for Mizuki's mother. i looked around to see where mum was. then i spotted her crying in front of emergency room. we both ran to her. "mum, is everything alright? is mizuki inside?" i asked

she didn't answer me. then the doctor came out from the emergency room. "is mizuki alright doc? she's okay right?" i ask him. "i have two news." he gave me a weak smile. "good news that she's still survive. i was quite surprise at first. i thought she couldn't survive because of her injury but she's a strong girl, she survived." the doctor said and he smiled at us. "and the bad news is, her leg is dislocated. and I'm not sure if she can walk again or not. her bone is badly destroyed." he said as he bow his head down.

"how is she right now? is she awake?" mum asked the doctor. the doctor shook his head "she's still in long-short-term coma and we're gonna keep checking up on her condition. we'll wait until she wakes up to see her condition. we'll do our best to treat her." the doctor said to her. what a relief, i felt happy that she survived. i cried and i look at mashiho, he was smiling. then he pulled me into a hug.

i pushed away "can i see her doc?" i asked him and he nodded. i took mum's hand and bring her inside the emergency room to see mizuki. entering the room and saw mizuki laying on the stretcher with oxygen mask covering her mouth and nose to help her breathe. her leg being in a dislocation condition. her head being wrap with a bandage. there's alot of wires around her, the wires being connected to her hand.

mum ran to mizuki and pull mizuki into an embrace. "oh my princess. thank god you're alive." she said as she kissed Mizuki's forehead. i hold her hand it is soft and cold. "im glad you're save michan. you're my strong girl." i said to her then i kissed her hand. "we'll move her to the ICU. she'll be there for a few weeks. and we'll gonna keep checking on her condition." the paramedic who assessed mizuki earlier said to me. she smiled to me and bow to mama.


*a few months later*

Mizuki's POV

finally!! after a few months staying at this hospital, today i can go back home. i miss my home so much. im so thankful that Asahi and my mum is always here for me. eventho now i end up on this wheelchair, i still have a boyfriend who will help to push my wheelchair. "bb what are you lookin at?" he said to me.

"nothing, just thinking about what happened to me." i told him and i smiled at him. "why? nothing is wrong with you, right?" he ask me. he look at me in confusion. i giggled at him "thank you for willing to take care of me. i love you my bb, Hikun" i said as i kiss his cheek.

"no problem my sweetheart. i would sacrifice my life for you. i love you more my bb, michan" he said as he kiss my forehead. then he pushes my wheelchair. we headed to the parking lot. i was very excited to go back home. and because of this incident, i recalled all of my memories back. and i don't know if i should be thankful or sad with this incident.

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