chapter 11

210 23 4

Remembrance, faithfulness, and sincerity

Mizuki's POV

*two months later*

We've been dating for two months and im still wondering what my mum said to me two months ago. by the way, i told everything about Asahi to my mum. but today is the first my Hikun will be meeting my mum. actually my mum wanted to meet him so i told him and he said yes. "at what time will Asahi arrive?" my mum said while preparing dinner for our guest, Asahi. "okay wait, lemme call him."

*calling 太陽<3*


"Hikun! where are you? my mum is waiting for you"

"wait bb, im on my way. I'll be there in a minute. wait oke wait"

"ahh okay okay. I'll wait"

then i ended the call. "he'll be here in a minute mum" i said to my mum. "oh okay." she replied then she look at her phone. "what are you lookin at mum?" i ask her "ahh some random videos in the internet"she said.


"oh i think it's Asahi. lemme open the door." i told my mum then i walk to the door and i open the door. "Hai Michan. i miss you" Asahi said as soon as i open the door with his smiley face. then my mum walk to the door and greet him. "Hello Asahi. im Mizuki's mother." then my Hikun's face seems so surprise.

Asahi's POV

what? this is not a coincidence. she's my real Michan? Michan's mother is mama Sayuri? "mum sayuri? do you remember me? im Asahi mama" i told her. "how do you know my mother's name?" my Michan ask me.

i look at mama Sayuri and she cover her mouth with her hand, she look so shock. "A-asahi, it's really you. you came back. you found your Michan back" Michan look so confused. why she doesn't remember me? "mum what is happening right now? i don't understand. how do you know Asahi mum?" Michan ask her mum.

"Asahi come in. i have to tell you something. and i also have something to say to Mizuki." mama Sayuri said to both of us. then i hold Michan's hand "Hikun i miss you and what does of all this about? i don't understand." she ask me.

"dont worry mama Sayuri will explain to us afterwards okay? actually im also a bit confused right now but it's okay just relax okay? everything is gonna be alright." i said to her. she nod and give me a weak smile. then we walk to the dining table. Michan and me sit next to each other and then Mum sayuri sit right in front of us. "before we eat. i have alot of things to explain to both of you."

Sayuri's POV

i thought so. my instinct is right. my Mizuki is dating with her Asahi. her childhood bestfriend. "okay first of all, the reason why Asahi know me is because Asahi is your childhood bestfriend honey...." Mizuki look so confused "Asahi isnt just close to you, he always came to our house and play with you here. you may not remember him, because of amnesia honey-

Asahi is your friend since middle school. he's always with you but then when you got into an accident he's not there and the doctor said you got amnesia. when you woke up the person that you remember is only me. during and after the accident i never see asahi there. i tried to find you Asahi but i couldn't." i can't tell them everything.

i can't tell everything to Mizuki, she might hurt herself. "why mum? why you never told me all of this? why you couldn't find asahi? erghhh ahhh my head hurt." Mizuki said while holding back the pain in her head.

"Michan! Michan are you okay? where does it hurt? where? where? tell me" Asahi worriedly ask her, Asahi look so panic. i take my phone then immediately call her doctor. then Mizuki faints in Asahi's shoulder. "Michan? Michan? hello? Mama what now?" Asahi ask me. "help me bring Mizuki to her room. her doctor will come later. let Mizuki rest first." i told him.

Asahi carry Mizuki and bring Mizuki to her room."place her in her bed. slowly, slowly." i told Asahi. "okay done. rest well Michan. don't push yourself to hard." Asahi said to Mizuki while patting her forehead. "Asahi. I'm sorry i didn't tell you about Mizuki's accident. i really tried to find you but her father said not to. he even told me to transfer Mizuki to a different school." i told him.

"uncle hate me? where is he now?" he ask me and his face look so sad. "he died because he donated his eyes for Mizuki and he couldn't survive. Mizuki's worst injury is at her eyes. she's almost blind but uncle sacrifice his on life to save Mizuki." i said while looking at Mizuki then i look at Asahi.

"I'm so sorry mama, i don't know. it must be hard for you. to take care Mizuki alone without uncle." he said to me. i give him a weak smile "its okay 10 years already pass. he's resting in heaven right now. everytime i look into Mizuki's eyes i remember uncle. i remember all of our memories together." i said to Asahi

"oh now i realise why does her look different. i mean 10 years ago her eyes color is brown and now it's grey. now i know why does it change because its uncle's eyes. she keep uncle alive in her eyes." he told me "Asahi, you even remember her eyes color."


Mizuki's doctor has arrive. "Oh i think that is Mizuki's doctor. I'll open the door and bring him here. you can wait here with Mizuki." i told Asahi. "okay mama. I'll wait here with her." he said while holding Mizuki's hand.


[author note:
hai everyone. did yall enjoy this chapter? if yes thanks🤗 this chapter is abit sad and also please look forward for the next chapter🥰 thanks again💗🙌🏻]

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