chapter 9

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eternal love

Asahi's POV

so we're official now right? she's mine? right? "s-so im your boyfriend now? you're mine now right?" i ask her excitedly and she finally look up and said "y-yes, im yours now." she's still blushing and her face is as red as tomato. so adorable.

I kiss her cheek "Michan stop being cute or else I'll bite you. ehehe just kidding but if you still being cute I'll do it." i said to her. "HIKUN. STOP IT! OKAY I'LL STOP BEING CUTE AND YOU SHOULD STOP STARRING AT ME. IM EMBARRASS." she said while covering her face with her hand.

"why you would you be embarrass with me? I'm your boyfriend. ahahaha aegi. cutie" i giggles and then I hold her hand "never let go of my hand okay? stay with me, never leave me okay?" I said to her while kissing her hand. "okay Hikun. I don't want to let go of your hand. this precious hand, I promise I'll never let it go okay." she said while smiling cutely at me. aw my heart.

Mizuki's POV

so now im Asahi's girlfriend? he's my first love. he's the first person I've ever fall for. he's special. he's adorable. his smile, aw my. the way he talk to me oh my god, he makes me feel like im the only girl on this earth. but sometimes i feel like I've already know him for so long. when he kiss my cheek his lips seems so familiar to me. i dont know how to explain it but i feel like I've meet him before. but where?

we continue our date and knowing more about each other. we talk about what's the things that we like and the things that we dislike. it's so cute when he said that he hates veggies. hahaha. i would love to see the art that he draw. im sure it must be beautiful. we also share a lots of things in common. such as our favourite food, we both love ramen. we also share the same birth date. 20 August. but our age gap is only 1 year. he's older than me.

"so you never fall in love?" he ask me "yea never. you're the first. when I'm with you I feel different I don't know how to explain that but it feel different. there's a lot of guy had a crush on me but I reject them all." i replied to him. "then I'm lucky cause you accepted me. hehe" then i ask him back "yeah kinda. so how about you? have ever fall in love before this?"

"actually yes. I've used to fall in love but now she's gone." he said to me, he used to be broken before? "aw what happen? she dump you?" i ask him "em i don't wanna talk about that. btw this our date so there's no need to be sad." he said while smiling at me "aw im sorry i shouldn't ask that. hehe" "nah it's okay cutie" he said while holding my hand. i shouldn't ask him that aw my bad. im kinda curious who's the person that he fall for. who is she?

"you live with ur mother now?" he ask me. "yea i live with my mother now. our house is not far from the cafe that we first time meet." i told him "oh no wonder I always saw you there. where's your father? do you have a brother or a sister?" he ask again.

"m-my father, I don't know where is he. he disappear when I was 10. but I don't remember him. I don't know how he look like. my mom never show me his picture. when I was 10, I once involved in an accident and my mum said that I have amnesia." i told him then his smile started to fade away.

"oh you have amnesia? what accident that you involved?" he ask me. his face look so worry "oh um i dont really remember but my mum said that it was a car accident. but don't worry I'm fine now." i look at him while smiling weakly then I pat his head.

"hehe okay Michan. I won't be worry." he replied then he take my hand and kiss it. "I won't ever let anything or anyone hurt you. I'll protect you. I promise" he said again while cupping my face. "aw Hikun. thank you. I LOVE YOU" i said then i hug him.

i feel so appreciated. before this only my mother and Akemi ever make me feel appreciated. and now he also make me feel appreciated. "I love you too Michan. you're the love of my life and I'll love you forever." he said then he get up and hold my hand.

"now come get up. its late. lemme send my girlfriend home." he said to me. suddenly my face turn into red. I'm blushing oh no. he look at my face then "hehehe come on cutie. get up before i kiss you more." he tease me "OKAY OKAY I'LL GET UP NOW. AND STOP MAKING ME BLUSHING." oh my he really like to tease me.


[author note:
hello yall. so how's this chapter? do you like it? if yes then thank you for reading. love yall my readernim, please look forward for the next chapter 💗🙌🏻]

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