chapter 7

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beautiful woman under the moonlight

Mizuki's POV

ahh he's so sweet. I'm so touched. em his efforts to make us close to each other is so cute. well i never went to a festival like this before this my first time. we walk together and suddenly he say "oh look at there, its a necklace shop there."

"okay? you wanna go there?" i ask him curiously "yes i have something special for you. come on." he said while grabbing my hand then bring me to the necklace shop that he mention. "what is it?" i ask while being pull by him. ah he's so impatient. "shuhh. I'll tell you later. just walk faster okay?" he said "ahh okay" i answered him back. then we arrive in front of the shop.

its a vintage necklace shop. its pretty and i like it. "uwah so cool" i said while looking around the shop. "let's get inside. something special waiting for us." he said while entering the shop. em whats the special things? well i look around at this vintage shop it is so unique and i think its cute. we went to the counter "hey Taro. does the necklace already done?" sahi ask that worker who i think is his friend? idk.

"oh Asahi. yes it's already done." the worker said while taking out a moon and sun necklace from the counter. "there you go. this is the necklace that you want." he told Asahi "oh wow. what do you think Mizuki? isn't it pretty?" he showed me the necklace "woah so pretty and i think its cute." i answered him.

"take it. its for you" he told me while giving me the moon necklace. "aw thanks Asahi" i thanked him while adoring the necklace. it is so beautiful i love it! "anything for you, Mizuki. lemme help you put the necklace on. come a bit closer." he said while taking the necklace from my hand and putting the necklace on my neck. woah our distance is so so so close to each other. i look into his while he is focus putting the necklace on. his eyes is so pretty.

"it suits you so well." he said after done putting on the necklace. "aw yea it is pretty. thanks again Asahi." i said him while looking at the necklace again. it is so pretty. I really really love it. "now lemme help you put on the necklace." i told him. "ah oke hehe." he said while passing the necklace to me. i put the necklace on him then i realise that he has a mole on his neck. its cute.

"ow you have a mole on ur neck. its cute." i said "ah is it cute? hehe." he replied while giggling. aish so adorable. i think i have fallen for him. he's too cute to be truth. "uwah the necklace suits you very well." i said after done putting the necklace on.

"hehe. thanks for helping me putting this necklace on. i hope you'll always use this necklace. i mean a lot for me. the moon charm suit you so well. it's pretty just like you." he said "aw I'll always use. dont worry. thanks again. and the sun charm suit you too. its cute just like you. hehe" i replied "and what should we do next?" i ask him.

Asahi's POV

the moon charm suit her so well. just like herself. beautiful. it's quite a surprise that she helped to put on my sun charm. while she putting my necklace on i look into her eyes. her eyes is so pretty. she is the most perfect person i ever seen in my life.

"thanks Taro, bye bro. now Mizuki let's continue our date." i thanked Taro. he's my friend who's good at making charm like this. i can say he's very talented. "ur welcome bro. see you next time. enjoy ur date. bye bro and bye Mizuki." he said "bye Taro and thanks for the charm." she said to Taro

"Mizuki?" i call her "yes, what is it Asahi?" she ask me "um can i hold ur hand? hehe if you don't mind." i ask her shyly "aw sure ofc here" she said while holding my hand then intertwined our finger together. she giggles after that. aw my heart. she's so cute. i wish i could just squeeze her chubby cheek.

we walk along the festival then we stopped at the garden. which is full of flower. "oh we're here? at the garden?" she ask me "um yea. why? you dont like it? if you dont then we could go to another place." i replied to her. im afraid that she doesn't like it.

"no! i like it. im just asking. it's good here. it is such a good view, i really really like." she said while holding both of my hand and then she giggle cutely. aw im glad she like it. i let go of her hand to take my camera. "why are you letting go of my hand?" she ask curiously.

"ah i wanna take my camera. don't worry i won't go anywhere, im here for you. hehe" i told her then I just let out a chuckle. "ah i thought ur gonna leave me." ah she's so cute. i peck a kiss on her cheek and waited for her reaction.

her face is turning into red. oh my she's blushing. AW SO CUTE! I'm blushing too. "hehe. you're so cute when ur blushing." i told her "AH SAHI! WHY!!!" she said loudly while covering her face with her hand.


[author note:
aw hai. its been a while i haven't update. this chapter is so long and boring😩✋🏻,I've been busy with my online classes. anyways hope yalls enjoy this chapter 🙌🏻💗]

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