chapter 8

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murasakiiro no rairakku
the first emotions of love

Mizuki's POV

what happen just now? h-he really kiss me? i-i cant say any word rn. oh lord, am I still alive? "haha you're so cute" Asahi said while squeezing my cheek softly. aw he's so cute, oh gosh! and now i cant stop blushing. my face is so red just like a tomato. "Asahi stop it. you make me embarrass" i said to him while covering my face from him. he giggles then he look up to the sky.

"wuah look at the sky, so beautiful" he said. i look up to the sky and i saw the moon and stars. yes it is so beautiful. "wuahh you're right. it is so so beautiful." i said still staring at the sky "beautiful just like you" he replied.

oh my, why he's so sweet. ah i think im blushing again. "aish Sahi stop it." i said to him. "haha. did you just call me Sahi?" he suddenly ask. ah i just call him Sahi. he doesn't like it? "em yes. why you don't like it? ah I'm sorry." "ahh no no. i like it, its cute." he replied. "oh really, i thought you don't like it. hehe." i said.

"why don't we give each other a nickname. the name that only both of us knows it." he suggested. a nickname to each other? "oh, like what?" i replied. "hm I wanna call you Michan. it is okay?" he said.

hm Michan. its cute! "Michan, it's cute! then what should i call you? Hi-? Hikun?" I said to him and he smile and said "ouh. that's cute. the way you said Hikun is so cute. actually only my family call me Hikun. but if you wanna call me that it's okay."

oh his family call him Hikun? awh cute. "do you wanna eat something? or drink something?" he ask me. oh yea im kinda hungry. "em yea sure. where're we gonna eat?" i ask him "ahh you wait here and I'll go buy something for us to eat. you don't mind if i leave you all alone here?" he ask me "ah it's okay. I'll be fine don't worry." i said while looking at him with a smiley face.

"ah okay then. I'll be back. wait okay." he said. while waiting for him I sit at the bench around the garden. I look at the charm again and realise that my name is written there.


so adorable. i really like it. then i walk around the garden. there's a lot of flowers here. so pretty!

Asahi's POV

I buy a food for both of us. i don't know what does she like to eat so i just buy tsukimi dango and green tea. when i arrive at the garden i saw my Michan looking around the garden. i take my camera and i try to take a picture of her.

she's so pretty. i snap a few pictures of her looking at the flowers. gorgeous just like an angel. im focusing on my camera to take her pictures then i realise that she's looking straight to the camera.

"Hikun, what are you doing? you look like a stalker or either like a paparazzi." she said to me while walking towards me. "Mi-michan, ehehe sorry. i just came back from buying some food for us then i saw you looking at the flower. i think you look pretty like that so i take some pictures of you. ehehe" i said to her "oh really. may i see it?" she ask me to show her picture that i captured. then i show it to her.

"here you go. you look absolutely beautiful here. so gorgeous. I've fallen love while lookin at it" i told her while lookin into her eyes. we made eye contact with each other. woah her eyes is so mesmerising. "Michan I love you. would you be my girlfriend?" I said while holding you her right hand. her face is turning red.

she's blushing. "Hi-hikun, i-" she look down "y-yes. I wanna be your girlfriend. actually i have fallen for you. your kindness makes me like you and I also want to know you more. I really like you Hikun." she confess to me while holding both of my hand. and now im the one who's blushing.


[author's note:
hello dear readernim. their relationship is going to another level omg. what will happen next? hope yall looking forward for the next chapter. thanks for reading my story. love yall🙌🏻💗]

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