chapter 15

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asking for forgiveness or symbolizes deep regret

Asahi's POV

it's been 3 days since the day that Mashi call me saying that my mum is searching for me. and that's the day that Michan and i kissed. ah thinking about it makes me blush. now I'm on my way home. to meet my mum and my sister. I've been missing my sister so bad. my sister left the house after me. i bet she also can't stand mum's attitude.

I mean who can stand the person who's so selfish and arrogant like mum. "so you're really gonna meet your mum today?" Mashiho ask me "well i have to. i don't have a choice. i just miss my sister." i told him "oh well then, do you want me to company you? I'm free today." he ask me. "it's okay Mashi. I can go alone. bye Mashi." i bid him goodbye.

I'm on my way to my mum's house and suddenly my phone ring.

*incoming call from 月光<3*

"hey H-hikun."

"hai my dear, why did you call me? is there any problem?"

"ah no, i just wanna tell you that you forgot your jacket at my house. i forgot to tell you. dont worry i already wash it for you. if your not busy today, you can come and take your jacket here. or you want me to sent it to you?"

"ah its okay bb, ill come and take it. keep it first im gonna take it tonight. now i still have something to do. see you later Michan. muahhh!!"

"aww okee. see you later Hikun~"

then she hung up. oh how can i forgot my jacket. it's okay, I'll take it later. I have to settle this problem first. I'm afraid that my mum know about Mizuki. I'm afraid that she might hurt her.

now i finally arrive in front of my house. oh used to be my house but now it's my mother's house. i take out my phone from my pocket and i search for my sister's number.


yo sis

wassup, bro
i miss you.
when are you going home?
mum missed you too.

huh ur joking right.
how can an arrogant
person miss me?
I'll be home today
but just for awhile.

I'm serious, Hikun.
she really missed you.
she wanted you to
forgive her and she
realised what she did is wrong.
it's good that you'll be
home today, should i tell
her that your going home today?

hmm I'll think about it
and don't tell her that
I'll be there today. actually I'm
in front of the house.
come outside.



i saw the front door open and i saw my sister run to me. i open my hand widely and she hug me. i hug her tightly and she hug back. then she pull back and said "where have you been? didn't you know that i miss you." then she kiss my cheek.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not ready to meet her. sorry, my dear. i missed you too." i said to her while holding her cheek. it been a long time i haven't talk to my sister like this.

she's my one and only sister. she's the most beautiful women next to Michan for me."come on, let's go inside. she waiting." my sister said. "fuh okay let's go." i told my sister then i hold her hand. we both enter the house together.

and i can see my mother is waiting for me. she smiles at me. I haven't seen her smile in a long time. "welcome home Hikun. i missed you" she said to me. "huh hai? i came here to meet my sister." i told her then my sister step on my feet "you shouldn't said that to your mother! she's our mother! please respect her!" she shouted at me. which make me shock.

"what have you done to my sister?" i ask my mother and she just bowed her head down. "she didn't so anything to me! she..."

"I-I'm sorry my child. I know what I've done before this is wrong. I'm sorry" my mum said just then i can see tears flowing down to her cheek. my sister run to her then she hug my mum. i don't know what do to.

"i really hope you regret it. I'm sorry too. i shouldn't said that to you." i said to her then i sit next to her. i hold her hand and then i caressed her hand gently. "I've forgive you already, mum. i love you and i missed you." i said again then i kiss her hand.

"i wanna tell you about what happen 10 years ago, my Hikun. it's about your Michan." My Michan? why? I look into her eyes. she smiles weakly "why mum? why my Michan?" i ask her "I'm the one who hit Mizuki with a car. because of me she got into an accident."

i can't say a word. I let go of my mother's hand. i tried to hold my tears but i can't. she's trying to comfort me. she put her hand around me "I'm sorry Hikun, I'm sorry. at that time I hate her. yeah i really hate her at that time. it is all because of her father." she said again as she stroking my hair softly.

"why? why Mizuki? even if it's her father's fault, why you have to do that to her. she didn't do anything to you. she loved you. b-but you.."

then she hug me tighter. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry i didn't mean to it. I'm sorry. i know I'm wrong and i have to hide it from all of you." she said as she pull back the hug and then she hold my hand.

"why? WHY? you shouldn't said that to me. said sorry to her. because of you she got an amnesia and she's almost blind. and also her father died. and all of it's all because of you!"

"saying sorry can't change everything. you can't turn back the time!" then i get up. i walk to the door leaving my sister and my mother in the living room. I look back before i get out from the house, my mother and my sister are crying. i don't know how to do. i open the door and its raining outside. ah i have no choice, i cant stay here i have to go.


[author note:
hai! so how's this chapter? actually im not good at this kinda part. erk. i hope you all enjoy. thanks for reading💗🙌🏻]

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