chapter 13

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represent purity, silence, devotion serenity, grace and calmness

Mizuki's POV

ahh my head hurt so bad. I remembered something. I remembered that there's two kid sitting at the bench while eating lollipop. a girl and boy, they look friendly together I guess they're bestie. that girl looks so familiar. why does she look like 10 year old me but her eyes is different. who is she? and who's that boy? then i feel somebody is calling me. "Mizuki? Mizuki my dear? are you awake?" a familiar voice said to me.

i open my eyes slowly then i saw my mother and Asahi in front of me. my mum is holding my hand. "Mizuki are you okay? does your head still hurt?" my mum ask me. i slowly get up "hmm yeah a bit but it'll begone afterwards. i feel hungry mum." i told my mum.

i feel like i haven't eat for one month. "oh do you want to eat here or you wanna go downstairs?" my mum ask me while stroking my hair softly. "hmph let's go downstairs together." my mum when downstairs first leaving me and Asahi in my room.

"lemme help you." Asahi said to when I'm trying to get up from my bed. "ahh thanks Hikun." his face look so pale and sad. he must be worried that I fainted. "Hikun are you okay? you don't look fine." i said to him "i-i..." then he burst out his tears "I totally worry about you. when you fainted i though that you would leave me again. i don't want to lose you again. and my mother-" he paused.

"i didn't expect that all of this will happen at once. now my mum is searching for me and my sister is back. i wanted to stay with you and i don't want to leave you but-..." before he continues i hug him "It's okay, don't worry Hikun. I'm here for you, I won't never leave you again. I'm sorry that i used leave you before this. eventho i dont really remember it. but soon when I've fully recover, I'll remember all of our memories together. I'll keep it in my head forever." I said to him while wiping his tears.

"Michan I love you. I love you so much. I love you. I love you. I love you." he said to me. "I love you too Hikun. I love you so so so much." i replied to him while holding his hand. "No!! I love you so so much more!!" he said while cupping my face with both of his hand. I giggles then I hold his hand.

"thank you for the your love that you gave to me." he said again. "your welcome bb. also thank you so much for being the best boyfriend for me." I said to him then I put both of my hand on his cheek and gently squeeze it. i can see thats he's blushing. i giggles "AW HIKUN!! UR SO CUTE!!"

"ya stop make me blushing. or else-"
he told me while taking my hands off from his face. "or else what?" he smirk then pull my body closer to him. and he whisper to my ear "I'll kiss you." I push him and I get up from my bed. "hey hey hey!! no no no!! no kissing kissing here." he giggles

"why are you afraid of a kiss? it's just a kiss. isn't like you never did it." he wink to me. "Hikun come on I'm hungry. let's go downstairs and eat. please mama is waiting." fuh i got an excuse to said. if take his hand then run downstairs.

"what took you so long? did both of you ehem ehem?" my mum tease me. "Mum!! NO! we didn't do anything. we're just chit-chat with each other." i said to my mum then I sit next to Hikun. "we just talk about-..." then he smirk at me.

"we talk about how delicious your food are mum. thats it, we only talk about food." then i hold his hand tightly and whisper to him "can you stop teasing me." he giggles "okay bb, as long as I got my chance to kiss you." he said to me then he wink to me. aegi why is my boyfriend like this.

it's 11pm and it also raining outside. "thanks for the food mum. I wanna go home right now. thanks again" my Hikun said while bowing to my mum. "Asahi it's late now and its also raining outside. why don't you stay over here tonight?"

wait what did my mum just said? Asahi? stay over? here? 😳😳 oh crap. "is it okay mum? you don't mind?" he said while looking at me. he's smirking at me. oh my god, this is the end of me. "yeah i don't mind. you can stay in the guest room. or you want to share room with Mizuki."


[author note:
hello! its been awhile since i last publish a new chapter, so this time I'll be publishing two chapter at once.😅 i hope you all enjoy reading it.🥰 thanks for reading this chapter💗🙌🏻]

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