chapter 16

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denotes the beauty and elegance of a female, joy and good luck.

3rd person POV

it's raining and Asahi don't have other choice. he didn't wanna stay there and he decided to walk under the rain without umbrella with him.

he only have his beret with him. then he remember that he forgot his jacket at Mizuki's house. so he walk to Mizuki's house.

Asahi's POV

it feel like I'm in a movie scene. walking under the rain while feeling so down and frustrated. it hurt to know that your own mother is so cruel. but i wonder what happen between my mother and Mizuki's dad. talking about Mizuki, i just remembered that i have to go her house to take my jacket back.

on my way to her house, it's raining heavily and thats need me to run faster to her house. after a few minutes running to her house is finally arrive. i ring the doorbell to call Mizuki. i also knock the door.

"M-michan~ it's me your Hikun." i said weakly "ahh wait bb im coming." then she open the door. "Hikun why are you soaked wet. you walk under the rain? oh my god, whats wrong with you face? did anything happen?" she ask me worriedly.

when i saw her face i remembered what my mum said earlier. im about to cry. i went closer to her then i hug her. "im sorry that couldn't protect you" i said to her in a weak tone. "what's wrong with you Hikun?" she ask me and then she hug me back.

"i-im sorry...." i said then i cried. she pull back "what actually happen bb? tell me. i don't wanna see you like this. it hurt to see you cry like this my love." she said while cupping my face.

she wipe my tears. "but first let's go inside. your gonna catch a cold." she said again and she bring me inside. i feel so weak. my eyes is getting blurry. i can barely see things. my leg feel so heavy. "M-michan...." then everything turn black.

Mizuki's POV

what happen to him? why is he crying? i never seen him being like this before this. he look so disappointed and sad. his soaked wet so i change his clothes and wipes his body. i think he's tired. his body is so cold.

i put my hand on his forehand to check his condition and his forehead is so hot. i think he has been outside for too long. i let him sleep in my room. by the way, my mum isn't around she's out with her friends.

so i went downstairs for awhile to cook something for him to eat when he gets up. hm what should i cook for him? ahh since he's cold I'll cook him something warm. and i decided to cook chicken porridge. I'm not really good at cooking but i often help my mother in the kitchen. perhaps it help.

so after done cooking the porridge i put it in a bowl. i put it on a tray. and i also put some medicine and a glass of water. i bring the tray in my room. i enter my room and i see that my Hikun is still sleeping.

then i put the tray beside my bed. then i sit next to him. i look at his face and i caressing his cheek with my hand. "what happen to you bb? why are you crying? why did you say sorry?" i said to him.

"i said sorry because of what happen 10 years ago." he said then he immediately open his eyes. and he hold my hand that's the one on his face. "what do you mean?" i ask him. after that he slowly get up and i helped him.

then he realised that he's in a different clothes. "huh this is not what im wearing earlier. what did you do to me?" he said with both of his hand on his cheek. he's being dramatic. oh my why is he like this.

"stop being nonsense bb. i didn't do anything to you i just change your clothes and i didn't see anything. you really think I'm gonna take advantage on you? beside i can't let you wear wet clothes." i explain to him then he giggles cutely. "i know, im just joking bb" he said then he kiss my forehead. i put my hand on his cheek. "i love you"

he's blushing. so cute. i giggles at his reaction. "ergh how dare you make me blush" he said and then he pull me closer to him. "i wanna cuddle with you" he said again with 🥺 face. hmm ofc i want it but-

"only after you eat this" i pointed at the food. "i cook it for you." he's a bit upset but then he smiles at me and nodded. "okay bb I'll eat it. I'm starving anyway." he said and he pout a bit. ah what a cutie.

"okay you want me to feed you?" i ask him and ofc he wouldn't reject it. "YES PLEASE!" he shouted excitedly at me. oh my he look so excited. how cute. "okay bb open your mouth. and say aaa" i said to him as i feed him. it feel like im feeding a baby. well my baby. AHA. "hmmm so delicious bb, i love it."

after he finish eating i told him to eat the medicines but he refuse. "if you didn't want to eat this you cannot cuddle with me." i told him "it's not fair you only said to eat the porridge only and not this." he said in a sulky tone and he pout. ah so cute. "ohh come on. please Hikun, please. then i promise you I'll let you cuddle with me." i persuade him.

"hmph oke, aaaa" he said and then he open his mouth. i put the medication inside his mouth then i give him the water. "yahhh its isn't that hard to eat medicines right" i told him then he rolled his eyes.

i giggles with his reaction. i put the glass away and then i feel somebody's is hugging me. it's him. he place his chin on my shoulder "i miss you my dear." he said then he pull me even closer to him so that there's no space between us. "i miss you too bb" and i kiss him.


[author note:
hai everyone, how's this chapter? do you like it. well im suck at this😭✋🏻 this chapter is kinds cringe omg i wish i could slap myself😔✋🏻 btw thanks for reading and pls look forward for the next chapter🙌🏻💗]

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