chapter 12

181 20 5

shiroi hīsu
protection, good luck, or wishes coming true.

Asahi's POV

it must be hard for you. having amnesia in spite of young age. im sorry that im not there for you. during that day I've been so worried about you. i thought you hate me and you don't want to be my friend anymore. I'm sorry Michan. I promise you this time that I'll never leave you.

I'll stay with you till the end. she's too beautiful just like an angel. it must be hard for mum. rising Michan all alone without uncle. poor mama. now I'm here, I promise I'll protect Mizuki and mum. i won't let anything or anyone bother them.

"Asahi it's mum. the doctor is here. can you open the door" mum knock the door and said that the doctor is here. "ah okay mum." i replied then i walk to the door then open the door. i greet the doctor. "hello doctor, I'm Asahi. I'm Mizuki's boyfriend. nice to meet you doc." then the doctor smile to me.

"oh hai Asahi, im Dr. Tobio. nice to meet you too Asahi." then mum tell him about Michan's conditions. after that Dr. Tobio checked Michan. suddenly my hands is shaking and my heart beating so fast. why am I nervous?

"Asahi? are you okay?" mum ask me. "I don't know. my heart is beating so fast and my hand is shaking." I told her "it's okay Asahi. can you wait outside for a while. don't worry about Mizuki. she'll be fine. go downstairs and have a rest." mum said to me "okay mum I'll wait downstairs. take care of my Michan mum." I when downstairs while waiting for the doctor to check my Michan conditions.

I sat on the sofa in the living room and I look at childhood pictures of Mizuki. she's still as gorgeous as what I remember. I look back at my sun charm, it reminds me of her. she's always by my side everytime i need her. she's like sunshine. seeing Michan like this make me worry. then suddenly I feel my phone is ringing.

*incoming call from Mashi😎*

"oh Mashi, why do you call me?"

"your mother call me. she told me that she cant reach you so thats why she call me."

"my mum? why is she searching for me? what does she want?"

"im not sure Asahi, it seems like its a serious matter. i guess"

"what did she said you?"

"she just said that she want you to be home. she have something to tell you and she also said that your sister is back"

"my sister? she's back? hm, I'll go back until Mizuki is fine."

"what happen to her? is she sick?"

"well its a long story. she's actually my childhood best friend. she got into an accident when she 10 and suffering from amnesia until now. we both just know about this and she got shock. then she fainted. her mother explain to me the whole situation. and now we just have to wait for her to wake up. I'm hoping that she's fine."

"oh she's the one? you miss her until you dream of her and you even draw her picture."

"yeah Mashi. now i just realised that 10 years old Mizuki's smile and Michan's smile is exactly the same."

"well i also hope thats she gonna be fine. I have to go now Sahi."

"ah okay Mashi. goodbye"

"take care Sahi. don't get sick"

"okay Mashi thanks, I won't get sick."

"bye Sahi."

then i hung up. what does my mum want from me? my sister is back? and what now? "Asahi are you okay?" mum ask me. i didn't realised that she right there. "ah mum, I'm fine. why? is there's something happen? where Mizuki? is she okay?" I ask her "she fine, she's resting right now and Dr. Tobio already checked her and she's okay. Mizuki just need a rest."

"ahhh what a relief. where is Dr. Tobio?" i ask her curiously cause only mum went downstairs. "he'll be here afterwards. he's still giving treatment to Mizuki. don't worry." she told me.

then Dr. Tobio went downstairs. "Dr, is Mizuki okay? is she still unconscious?" i ask him "calm down Asahi, she's fine. Mizuki is shock and i think she's remembering about what happen in the past. perhaps she has recall her memory"


[author note:
hai its been a while i havent post a new chapter. im sorry I've been busy these days😅 i hope yall enjoy this chapter🥺🥺 thank you for reading💗🙌🏻]

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