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I hit the floor, hard. My entire body aches with pain, but defeat is not an option.

I glared at the creature in front of me, suddenly jumping up, and slamming into it, knocking it off it's feet.

Not wanting to miss a chance, I pinned it's arms against the floor, grinning as it gave up.

"Alright you win, Lynn."

I reached out my hand, pulling my brother up to my height. Well, more like a few feet above me , but he didn't need to be reminded of that

"You need to practise as yourself Hank, especially if you plan on continuing with that serum."

He rubbed his temple, reverting back to his usual form. "I know. It's just...I want the best if both worlds." He started to inject himself with another dose.

It made me feel weird watching, so I grabbed a bottle of water and headed out to find Charles.

Of course he was wandering around aimlessly, as per usual. I had always imagined he would be...well a professor, before coming here. You know, intelligent and understanding, ready to help.

Charles was... Something. He moped around all day, refusing to do anything remotely fun. I loved him like a father but...he needed to get his act together.

He looked up as he heard me behind him. "Lynn." He said, smiling slightly at how sweaty and disgusting I was, but it looked forced. "You going to take a shower? I think your brother clogged the drains again." He said, as I heard Hank grumble behind me, something about not having his serum and it not being his problem.

I nodded, giggling at his statement. Flouncing off upstairs, I took my shower, but noticed the gates opening outside the window. We didn't get visitors. I mean the last one was the post man, and he came a few months back for Christ sakes!

Stepping out the shower and pulling on an oversized hoodie and jeans, I heard some commotion downstairs. Most notably, Charles telling someone to 'fuck off'.

Leaning over the bannister, I saw a tall man talking to Charles and Hank, as my brother motioned for me to come down.

"You sent me! From the future!" The man cried, as I wandered around to stand next to Charles.

"Hey...what's wrong? Who are you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and staring him down. "Ace..." He said quietly as I watched him, confused. "You're so...little." he said, smirking at me. I glared at him, " First off, nobody calls me ace, it's Lynn, and second, how the fuck do you know my name?"

"Fiesty as ever" he chuckled to himself, as I felt my eyes go golden with my anger, electricity sparking in my fingertips. "I think you should leave, Logan or whatever your name is."

He sighed, refusing to look away from me. "Okay. I know it sounds weird, but I'm from the future. And we have to stop Raven from killing someone, to save the world"

"Weird is an understatement." I said, rolling my eyes, but Charles was listening. "Raven?" He whispered, the first light I'd seen in days, glazing over his eyes. Logan nodded. "She kills this guy, and the world goes to shit. We need to your help " he said, giving me a pleading look.

"Hey, I'm not the one who makes decisions round here." I looked at Charles, who shrugged. " I guess. How exactly do you plan on stopping Raven?" Logan grinned at Charles, " with the help of a guy...Magneto." he said, as Charles went white as a sheet.

"What...no. Do you know what he did? He's in the pentagon for God's sake." Logan just smirked, it was actually getting annoying how much he did that. "I know a guy."

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