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Everything still ached almost 6 hours after I had woken up, yet there was still no sign of Peter.

He hadn't checked if I was alright, and I could vaguely hear him talking to Kitty in the room across the hall.

Scott and Kurt had forbidden me from leaving the bed to go to him and possibly break more of Kitty's bones, and now I was imaptiently waiting for Charles.

He had come in a few hours prior to tell me that once he had finished his work, we needed to have a talk. Well I know from experience that's never good.

Kurt and I had been playing an increasingly boring game of noughts and crosses, which was making me more agitated and grumpy by the minute.

"I win"


"I said I win!"


I had almost fully zoned out, the pencil drooping limply in my hand as I stared over Kurts head and at the glass.

"What?" I dragged my eyes back to the paper where he had won with a few simple moves. "Oh. Nice." Was all I managed to say, no emotion in my voice.

"Are you still mad at Peter?" Captain fucking obvious intruded my thoughts. I knew I shouldn't be mad at Kurt, he hadn't done anything wrong. In fact, he had sat here with me since I woke up trying to think of things to get my mind off being bedridden.

"Yes. I'm still mad." My voice was weak with anger that was trickling out of me like poison. Kurt sensed this and looked to Scott for help. Although Scott hadn't been here for most of the hours, he had just checked on me and brought coffee so he was forgiven.

"Oh, Ace. I was going to tell you, I spoke to your brother on my way here. He said hes busy treating Kitty but he'll be in here soon, p.s, he's mad." Scott read out a note he'd scribbled to himself, with an immediate sense of regret as he saw the anger form on my face.

"Great. That's just great isn't it. My own darling brother. Lovely." My words felt like acid leaving my mouth.  Scott gave me a sad smile, and Kurt crawled next to me.

"Maybe you could go find someone. It wouldn't hurt." He whispered into my ear, resting on my shoulder and looking up at me, hope and optimism plastered on his gaze. He was trying to help me and although it wasn't working, it still made me smile.

He knew he would get in trouble with Charles or even Scott if he let me go, but he didn't mind. "I'll teleport you!" He whispered and wrapped his arm round me, waiting for approval. I nodded curtly, needing to leave at any rate.

"Wait what are you..." Scott looked up to see what we were about to do, the mischievous look on Kurt's face and his arm around me in an unnatural and uncomfortable position.

Before he could do anything, Kurt and I had vanished into the air, leaving Scott alone in the ward.

I grimaced, already knowing I was about to get severely berated by many people, but now I was ready to go and yell at my boyfriend.


I swung open the doors and they clashed straight into the walls, probably leaving marks but ah who gives a shit.

Peter jumped at my presence and sat up straight in the chair he was slouched in, ripping the Walkman from his ears, fear beginning to show in his eyes.

Kitty was lying in the bed, Hank clearly having just left her as she seemed slightly drowsy. Unfortunately, she wasn't drowsy enough to realise what was going on and she instantly smirked at me, her voice dripping with false sweetness.

"Oh Acelynn! I didn't know you'd woken up yet! How lovely for you to come and..." She didn't get to finish her sentence before I was up in her face, around 2 cm away from her nose, and glaring right down at her.

"Stay the fuck away from my boyfriend you bitch." I snarled, only seeing red.

I felt Peter behind me as he spun me around, clearly confused. "Ace? What.. what are you talking about?" I bit my lip, contemplating how reliable his lying skills were. I then realised they weren't good whatsoever, and recognised the genuine confusion on his features.

"She's trying to take you... I... I'm sorry..." I found myself apologising to him, feeling bad as I looked into his worried eyes as he placed a loving hand on my shoulder and kissed my forehead.

"Is this what caused the fight? Did she say something?" His features were beginning to narrow slightly as he began to piece everything together. "She did this to you?" Anger was rising in his tone as he saw the injuries I had sustained.

"It's not much but.." Peter was already off on one and stormed over to Kitty who was clearly trying to help herself in anyway possible, having now lost the power.

"What. The. Fuck. Were. You. Trying. To. Do." His words were icy and enraged as he stormed towards her. She played the innocence card on him, calling him Petey, trying anything but he was clearly too far gone now.

"I don't know what you were trying to do, but you can stop it right now cause I'm not interested you delusional bitch." He ended his sentence with pure hatred radiating from his voice as he saw the cuts and bruises on me. His eyes softened and he took my hand, leading me away from kitty.

Hello there! I am very very sorry I haven't been updating recently, but hopefully I'm getting back into it now!

Thank you so much for a the support and I love hearing your thoughts so drop a comment of you so wish!

Votes help a lot so if you could that would be incredible!

Thank you to everyone with this story in their lists and who have stuck with it, it's incredible so thank you!

D x

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