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Hello to all my lovely readers. This chapter, we have a new character, kitty, who I made up for the sake of the story getting more interesting. Yes. It is Elizabeth Olsen. No. We don't get a crossover (still mad at Wandavision for that) I just like her as inspiration xxx

On another note, I always read stories were the main character is awful or annoying so please let me know if you want anything about her character changed x

"...No, I'm sure! I swear I Jumped off a plane!"

"What? No way!"

The laugh of my boyfriend rang through the canteen. I glanced up from my coffee to look at him, as he stood at the edge of the room, talking to a beautiful girl with soft Auburn  hair and a slim figure.

I rolled my eyes at them and saw Scott and Kurt heading towards me, Jean hanging back with Jubilee.

"Hey princess!" Kurt was the sweetest thing. I chuckled at him as he sat down next to me, dumping his plate of greasy food on the table.

"You think for a cool, important school, the food wouldn't be such shit."

Scott prodded what appeared to be a hunk of unidentified meat, with his plastic knife.

I snuck another glance at Peter as the boys continued their complaining. He was laughing even louder now, and the girl had moved a little closer to him.

"Ace? Are you okay love?" Scott's gentle voice spoke and his comforting hand rested on my shoulder as I snapped out of my trance.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, right." He had genuine concern in his features as he followed my prior gaze to Peter.

"He's a lucky guy." Kurt sighed as I gave him a playful slap on the arm. "Watch it." He winked at me, attempting to eat some awful looking vegetables that lay limp on his plate.

I felt Kurt's arm around my shoulders as I focused on drinking my coffee. Jean and Jubillee were talking in harsh whispers, as they looked around, gossiping I supposed.

Scott motioned for them to come over, and they hopped onto the seats, leaning forward to tell us about their important topic.

"Have you heard?" Jubilees dark eyes stared at us, unblinking. It was quite unneverving so I shook my head.

"The new girl, Kitty. Apparently she slept with Charles to get in here!" My head jolted upwards, and I glared over Scott's shoulder at Kitty.

"What? Charles would never do that!" My voice was getting louder by the second. Jubillees lips formed a tight grimace.

"I know, but it's what Josh and Carla told me. They said she had to transfer here because she almost killed her last team in a flood." Jean nodded sympathetically, seeing Peter with her.

I sat there in shock. I didn't want to believe what she said, because It didn't make sense to me. Charles would never do that, and surely he would never let a dangerous person into the school?

(A/N- I know the irony here. I'm sorry, she just loves Charles a lot I guess.)

I sighed, biting my lip slightly, as Peter seemed to remember I was there, and turned towards me with a grin, waving goofily. Kitty made sure to look where he was waving, and caught my stare, sending nothing short of a death stare back at me.

Kurt's attention was pulled from his plate, and was now listening intently to Jubilee, who was explaining what she knew about Kitty. He noticed my leg had started to tremble, my foot hitting against the floor at a quick pace.

"Hey? Hey? Ace? You okay?" My eyes were ripped from my boyfriend and I could see him shrink away from the deadly glare he was faced with.

Kurt didn't seem to know what to do and grabbed Scott, pulling him upwards from the seat, scraping the legs against the tiles loudly enough for the entire canteen to stop and listen.

"PETER! PETER! C'MERE!" Kurt looked back at me, his eyes filled with worry as my head was clouded with thoughts of terror and upset. Peter seemed to have realised something was wrong, and was now excusing himself from Kitty to go to me.

His dark brown eyes locked with my own and I felt his hand on my knee, drawing figure of eights to calm me down. "Breathe baby. Come on." I tried my best to breathe but was halted as I heard a new voice.

"What's happening Petey? Is she okay? She looks rough." Kitty appeared next to me, a smug grin clearly noticeable on her lips as I glanced up at her, glaring daggers at her perfect complexion.

"Hmm... Maybe I should get her to the nurse?" Kitty's hand made its way to my shoulder and I shuddered under her grip.

"Are you sure? I could..." Peter was cut off by her practically dragging Me upwards.

"It's no bother! Anyways, we haven't spoken yet and I'd love to get to know her when she feels better!" She smiled sweetly up at Peter, who didn't seem convinced.

He didn't have time to respond though, as she pulled my upwards and out of the canteen.

Sorry I know its short and I haven't updated in god knows how long but I wanted to introduce Kitty!

Love you all xx

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