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We had been at the tower for less than an hour, when Peter decided he was bored. "What do you mean, bored?" Was my instant reply, as he slid further down the couch until he was slumped on the seat.

Seizing the opportunity, I threw my feet onto his chest, much to his annoyance. "Okay. What do you wanna do?" We had been watching some Sitcom. It wasn't particularly interesting, but it kept my mind off of my brother and Charles, even this Logan. I wasnt sure if I particularly liked him, but I didn't want him hurt.

"Oh! I know!" I jumped off the couch, grabbing the DVD I had brought the other day. "Clockwork Orange." I exclaimed proudly. "How did you even buy that? You don't look 18." He grinned at me as I placed a finger over my lips. "I blackmailed Hank into buying it, don't worry."

"So...You wanna watch?" He shrugged at me, unconcerned. This was gonna be good. The first part of the film was okay, we were talking and eating some popcorn. "Your 16, right?" He asked me, as I nodded. "You don't look it." He smirked, as I glared, before throwing myself onto him.

"Are you making a comment about my height, speedy?" I was kinda short, and fairly self conscious about it, but I could defend myself just as well as a 6ft male, at least according to my fights with Hank.

"No! Just...you look young." I climbed off, curling into a ball next to him. I knew he wasn't being malicious, so I giggled at his shocked expression. "Nah, it's okay. Anyway..." I was cut off by a scream from Peter

My reflexes came into play, as I threw myself off the couch to defend him. Then I remembered the film. He was flailing about, unable to control his laugher. I smacked him playfully on the arm as he pulled me back down to the chair.

"I mean, I would want to meet you in Dark alleyway if thats how you react to possible dangers." He grinned at me. It was so cute and I couldn't take my eyes off him. "Need a hug to calm the nerves?" He asked innocently enough. I smiled back at him, and moved closer to him as we continued the film.

*A little while later*

"So, you're saying Pink Floyd are better than the rolling stones?" The movie had finished and we were currently taking part in a heated debate about music, obviously.

He gave me a dramatic look of utter shock, hand on his chest, leaning away from me. "Is that even a question?!" He cried, as I gave him a glare. "Watch your words speedy!" He grinned mischievously. "Or what?" I tackled him to the ground, rolling around on the carpet in fits of laugher.

"Okay...you win!" He breathed through laugher as I had started tickling his side's. I stood up, rubbing my hands together. "That's what I thought." Without thinking, I began reading his mind. It almost drew me towards it.

She's so beautiful. I wish I could ask her out.

This confused me. Why couldn't he? It's not like I would say no. Wow. Okay. I just admitted I had feelings. Should I say something? No. Let him...

Suddenly, I found myself staring into his eyesz as he looked away, obviously embarrassed. I found myself moving his head to face me, his eyes searching my face, looking for a reason as to why I was doing this.

I kissed him softly much to his apparent suprise. At first he tensed slightly, but I noticed as he smiled into the kiss, and relaxed his body, holding me close.

The kiss didn't last that long really, but to me it felt like eternity. It was incredible. I pulled away slightly, bright red. He chuckled, he was red as well. "Why didn't you just ask me out?" He looked confused as I realised I hadn't told him about my ability.

"I....uh...thought you would say no. Plus I don't want to fight off Hank and Charles." I smiled at this, giggling like I was ten. "Well. I guess this....what are we?" I had never been good at this stuff. He raised his eyebrows, shifting on his feet. "Well. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

My face erupted into a huge smile that spread across my entire face. "Of course!" I cried, kissing his adorably relieved face again. That's how we stood for...well I don't know how long. I didn't care. I had him and he had me. It was perfect.

Hiya! I know this is shorter but hopefully it's cute? Anyway, now I'm not following the story for a while, I can focus more on their relationship.

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