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Peters POV

The light from above me scorched my eyes, practically blinding me as I fluttered my eyes open. I had no idea how long I had been asleep, and as I went to find a clock, I felt a person drop on top of Me, holding me down.

"Pete! Your awake!" Ace buried her head in my chest, wrapping her body around me. "Hey! Nice to see you too!" I grinned down at her, kissing the top of her head. She looked tired as she raised her head to look up at me.

"Thank god. I didn't know if you would be okay. You passed out just after I found you." I rubbed my back slightly, as she gave me an apologetic look. "Mhm. How long was I out?"

"Uh...10 hours? Not so long really." She hoisted herself onto the bed next to me. "I'm just glad your okay." She mumbled into my shirt. Stroking her hair, I relaxed back into my bed, which I had now figured was in a hospital.

My head hurt, but I felt drowsy, so I gathered she had given me pain removing drugs. Not that I wasn't grateful. I had never been one to deal with pain. Emotional or physical. No friends, living in my mum's basement. I was a pretty big loser.

"No you aren't." Ace mumbled, propping herself up on my chest. "How could you be a loser when you have the most incredible person ever in your arms right now?" I smiled at her. I supposed she was right. Ace was one of the best things that had ever happened to me, and I'd only known her for a couple of days. She just kind of drew me towards her.

I kissed her again, wrapping my arms around her. My Walkman was next to the bed. I reached an arm out to get it. I loved this type of music so it was one of my most prized possessions. I relaxed back into the bed and closed my eyes, listening as Pink Floyd rang through my ears.

Aces POV

After a few hours sleep on his bed, I decided I needed to call Hank and Charles. I couldn't care less about Magneto, and I wasn fairly sure talking to Logan over the phone was no easy feat. He sort of grumbled every word he said.

"Hank?" The landline connected to what I gathered was some kind of new high tech phone Hank had created. I had the number but I was still startled it had gone through. I mean a handheld phone?

"Hey Lynn." He sounded relieved at my voice, although he was awful at  hiding emotions so I guess it wasn't unlikely. "Are you okay? Where's Peter?" His voice suddenly changed to the sound of fear.

"Yeah I'm fine and so is Pete. We had a break in yesterday but it's good. Peters resting in the hospital wing." Suddenly I heard an argument break out, and Charles came onto the phone.

"Break in? Why didn't you call me sooner Lynn?" He practically yelled. "Chill Charles. It's fine. I covered the tree stump with a tarpaulin." Charles sighed on the other end. "What tree stump...never mind. Look, we're almost at the White House."

"Okay... Is magne..." I could hear the television in the next room. "Erik Lehnsherr, commonly known as Magneto, has been spotted in Paris, attempting to kill another mutant known as mystique"

"Can I call you back Charles?" I hung up on him as he tried to stop me. Wandering in the room, I crouched in front of the TV. "... President Nixon has agreed to initialize the sentinel programme." I clasped a hand over my mouth, it was a bit dramatic but I couldn't help it.

I didn't know the extent of this, but from what Logan had said, it seemed awful. The way he looked at me with such sadness in his eyes... I switched off the TV and ran back to Peer who was sat up in his bed, still dancing around awkwardly to the music.

"Pete." I grabbed the headphones off his head, causing him to pout slightly
"What's up?" He said, noticing the fear in my expression. "Erik tried to kill Raven. They've started the sentinel programme." He locked eyes with me, just as scared.

Without any hesitation, I crept into his arms, pressing my head against his chest. I was scared for Hank and Charles. They weren't discovered yet, but how long until they were? And Raven. I had listened to so many stories about her. Now she was a wanted criminal.

Plus, the thought of these sentinels being out in the world, ready to kill us on sight... Tears dribbled down my cheeks. I knew I looked pathetic but I couldn't help it. Peter rocked me softly, whispering kind words in my ear.

I could tell he was terrified as well, he just didn't want to show it. I felt a kiss being planted on the top of my head and I clutched his shirt, wanting the comfort. I had no idea when these sentinels would be in the world but even if it was a hundred years in the future, how many innocent mutants would be killed because of Eriks actions?

If I ever saw that man again I would kill him on the ground he stood on.

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