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I woke up to the sun hitting the glass of the huge french windows that lined the mansion. Rubbing my head, still groggy, I reached out to grab my phone from the table, only to find I was stunted by the arms wrapped around me.

Turning slowly, I faced Peter, who was smiling a little in his sleep. His hair was cupping his face, making him look even more adorable than normal. The couch wasn't huge, but he was keeping me from falling. God he must have a dead arm at this point.

I didn't want to wake him when he was sleeping so peacefully, but I desperatley needed a shower. Carefully removing myself from his grip, I wandered through the hallways As I had done for so many months, hell, it might have been a whole year since I joined Hank at the mansion.

The shower soothed my muscles, as I relaxed into the hot water that flowed down my back. Suddenly, I heard a clatter and a yell from downstairs.

Shutting the water off with a flick of my wrist, I grabbed a dressing gown and rushed downstairs to find out what was going on, only to see Peter on the kitchen floor, pots and pans surrounding him. I burst out laughing at the scene, much to his relief, clearly thinking I was going to be mad for interrupting my shower.

Helping him clear up, I noticed all the ingredients on the side. "What the hell were you trying to make?" He sighed, "Omlettes, but I wasn't sure what you liked in them, so I was going to make one of everything." His smile faltered as he seemed to rethink his idea, shaking his head at the ingredients.

I turned to face him. "Pete. That's so sweet. If you wanted to know, I like cheese and ham." I winked at him and kissed his cheek, before heading back upstairs to finish my shower. The last thing I saw was his expression of determination to get it right. It made my heart beat faster than it should. Damn.

"So. You cook?" I asked him over the Omlettes he had concocted from his pile of ingredients. His smile faltered, "Is it actually that bad?" He asked, a hint of fear in his voice. I chuckled. "No! These are actually so good!" He replaced his sadness with a look of confidence. I raised an eyebrow. "Are you gonna be a cocky bastard now?" He grinned back at me.

"You know it." He said, taking my empty plate away and bringing me back a cup of coffee. I tucked my legs up into my shirt. The coffee made me think of Hank. He always brought me a coffee in the morning. It was a trivial thing but it made me upset to think about him. What if he was hurt? Tears began to form in my eyes, and I felt Peters hand on my back.

"Hey. What's wrong sweetheart?" His words soothed me slightly. I sighed, putting the coffee on the table, realising the grip I had on it. "It's just Hank. I miss him." Peter nodded, appearing to understand the pain. "I miss my little sister everyday. She's everything to me." He said, rubbing my back softly.

I glanced at the clock. It was almost 12. 30. I normally trained around this time with Hank. "You wanna come and train with me?" Peter nodded, estatic at having something to do, and my sudden change in demeanour.

I didn't know wether to go easy on Peter or not. He was fast, obviously, bit I didn't think he had ever had any actual hand to hand training. I was instantly proved wrong when he threw himself at me, tackling me to the ground, much like I had done the night before.

Smirking at this, I knocked his balance off and he landed on his back with a thump. He bent my wrists so he could escape their grip, and sped off, and I felt him behind me, his arms wrapped around my torso, chin on my shoulder.

"Hey beautiful." He clearly thought the fight was over. No chance. I flipped over in a forward roll and he landed on the floor, with more pressure than I had meant for him. "Ow." He whined as I helped him up. "Never underestimate me." He rolled his eyes at me , kissing my forehead before taking a drink of water.

Eventually, we found ourselves sat on the floor discussing tactics, well, I was sitting, Peter had his head in my lap and I was playing with his hair. "Yeah, well if a guy comes at you from behind, you have no chance of using your reflexes." I argued. He just smiled at me. "If someone comes at me from behind, I should hope I will already be in a fight and the world will be slowed enough for me to move. If not, why would you not be there?"

His reliance on me during these arguments was exhausting, yet adorable. I found it sweet how much he appeared to look up to me, quite literally at this time. I kissed his nose softly. "Yeah...just remember to always check behind you." He slauted, pulling a funny face at me. "Will do my lady."  I shook my head, giggling at his ways. He was perfect.

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