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"Lynnnnnnnn!" A cry of fear erupted from Peters room. I rushed in, only to find him staring at the lights, that were flickering nonstop.

"Are you doing that?" He asked, looking at me confused. "Oh yeah sorry." I glanced at him sheepishly. "Hang on...I thought you were telepathic?" I nodded. "Technically. But I have control over electricity and electromagnetic brainwaves, so I can see your thoughts as well if I so wish." He grinned his iconic smile.

"You are extremely overpowered Miss Lynn." I smiled at him, as he pulled me into a hug with a kiss on my cheek. "Call me Ace." He raised an eyebrow at me. "Uh... I thought your name was Carolynn?" I chuckled. "No. Acelynn. Ace is what my father used to call me. Obviously he isn't around anymore." Peter held me close as I recited the story of my father leaving Hank to look after us.

"When my Dad left us, Hank had just been given his abilities in the lab. I didn't know about my mutations yet. I found out about them when I was mugged I'm the street when I was 11." Peter nodded slightly. "How did you meet Charles?" I shrugged explaining it was through Hank. "He's been more of a father to be than my biological dad"

"Well. Hank seemed cool enough. Can't say the same about Charles. Nobody calls me a pain in The arse and gets away lightly." I giggled, although it was only to mask the pain of the story. I hated my father for what he did. Giving up on us when he found out, leaving us alone. An 11 year old and her teenage brother. Sure he was almost 20 but it still hurt. Hank didn't know how to look after a pre teen. He did incredibly though, according to him.

Peter had listened intently, although now he was just finding his Walkman so he could show me a song. The oversized shirt I was wearing was good for cuddling up in, so I was okay. He sat back down next to me, his warmth keeping me comfortable.

I felt headphones bein placed on your ears, soft, as they began blasting music. Brain damage by pink Floyd. It was a great song, I had to admit and I hummed along, singing whenever I could.

Change of POV (3rd person)

Peter watched Ace with a longing stare. It was sweet not creepy. He only wanted to protect her. He thought her voice was beautiful. Melodic like a bird. There were some in the gardens now, bit he thought that none compared to Ace. His arms were still round her, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world, to have her close to him. He never wanted anything to change. Ever.

Of course, people must always ruin a romantic moment. Especially evil beings who only wish for you to be dead. By that, I mean the mutant hunters who were currently storming the building. They had seen Charles leave, and were seizing the opportunity to burn the place to the ground. But after they checked for some other mutants though.

Back to Ace's POV

Peter practically flew off the couch at the sight, shoving me behind him in a protective manner. Having only just realised what was happening, I threw the Walkman onto the couch and clambered up. Electricity bounced off my fingers and it felt like my body was burning up.

Peter glanced back at me, checking I was okay. There were about 10 of them, all armed with guns and standing outside the door, ready to come in on command from their leader.

Noticing us through the window, they proceeded to shoot at the reinforced glass, as it slowly began to break. Before I knew it, they were all on the ground, unconscious.

Peters pov

The group were clearly under prepared for a mutant like myself to be living here whilst Charles was on a mission. As the world slowed around me, I saw the bullets shattering the glass heading towards Ace.

Without so much as a second to spare, I moved the bullets and proceeded to run outside, hitting them with their guns and knocking them off their feet.

It always surprised me how easy it was to knock people out, especially when they were wearing little to no armour, like now.

I noticed Aces face in the corner of my eye, as she stood there, ready to shock them. It felt so good to be able to Save her like this. Realising I had forgotten the leader in my thoughts, I turned behind me, to see a man with what appeared to be a small missile approach me.

He was obviously too slow, but the missile was already in the air. Heavy metal surrounded it, and I couldn't think what to do. It was heading straight towards Ace.

In my terror, I took hold of the missile, and with all my might, shoved it towards the ground. If it hit the mansion, the entire building could collapse on my girlfriend, and I couldn't live with that.

Unable to get it to go into the ground, I decided the only option was to attach it to my clothes, speeding off in another direction. I went slower than I would have liked, but it was going fine. That's until I remembered it was going to blow up.

Ducking underneath it, I watched as the missile slammed into a tree blowing it out of the ground. I was knocked back by the impact, landing on the ground in a heap.

Aces POV

I looked around for Peter. He had been standing next to me a moment ago. Unable to find him, I rushed out of the room, forgetting the unconscious hunters might be regaining consciousness. One grabbed my legs and I shoved my heel straight into his mouth, watching as a few of his teeth were knocked out of his mouth.

Fishing him off with a light blast of electricity to wipe his memory, I began calling out for Peter. I found him lying on the ground not so far from a burnt stump where a tree had been not moments ago.

I cradled him in my arms, his hair singed and his face bruised and bleeding in some places. His arm appeared to be broken in at least one place and he was complaining about his back hurting. No shit.


Hey, sorry I only just realised the POV changes in this.

D x

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