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The car shuddered to a halt as we reached the pentagon. Tourists crammed the hallways, snapping pictures of everything in sight.

I adjusted my brothers bucket hat with a grin. "Like a proper tourist brother"  hugging him as he smiled nervously, He pulled out the device he was using to hack the cameras, and as I wished him good luck, seperated off to use my telepathy on the guards in the area who might think him suspicious.

Once everything was finished, I took out the microphone and began speaking to Peter. "You almost at the elevator?" His reply was cocky, a simple, "Worried about me?" I faked a laugh. "You wish Speedy"

After a moment of commotion on the Comms, he told us he was okay, and ready to find Magneto. "Good. Don't wait too long to get him out" I could hear the smirk in his voice as he replied. "When have I ever been too slow?"

It felt like only moments later I was watching Charles punch Magneto in the face. He spluttered and slumped to the floor, as I shared a look with Peter. Kind of an "oh shit."

His eyes were pretty under the goggles, sort of hazelnut coloured, although it was hard to tell under the goggles. They made him look cute though so I wasn't complaining too much.

As we reached the bottom of the elevator and came into a kitchen, I watched as bullets were shot...wait. Was I seeing things now? One moment, it seemed like the bullets were going to hit Magento, the next they were behind us.

Suddenly, I felt a kiss on my cheek, and saw Peter looking at me sheepishly. I smirked at his face, and realised what be had done as the kitchen came down on us. Pots and pans clattered onto the ground, food splattered on the walls and floor.

"Good work speedy." Charles breathed, clearly exhausted with the commotion of the day. He wasn't used to it back at the mansion, and quite frankly neither was I.

Peter was humming "Time in a bottle" as we left the building, surrounded by unconscious bodies and masses of people, trying to understand what was actually going on.

"So. You have fun?" I asked, as he looked at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I did actually. Might have to do some more of this, saving the world shit" I laughed as we climbed back to the car, realising we would have to double up.

"Um...I guess I'll sit on..." I almost sat on my brother, before Peter pulled me into his lap. "Now you can listen to my music." My face turned bright red, although I knew he didn't mean it like that. He grinned, playing Pink Floyd out the Walkman.

As we reached the airport, I had found myself more comfortable in his lap, not in a weird way, just that I was safe. He was like the best friend I always wanted, yet never got. It's kinda hard to get anyone to come round after school if they find out your brother is a huge blue monster.

I was thinking about this as we reached the airport, where they were heading to Paris. Naturally curious, Peter already knew, even though nobody had bothered to tell him yet. He and I werent supposed to go apparently it was too dangerous. This caused an arguement between myself and Charles, who for once, managed to stand up to my fierce temper.

Losing the fight and with no logical reason to go at this point, I got back in the car, with Peter, who planned on staying at the mansion with me until they got back. Some bullshit safety thing. I knew the guys meant the best for me, but it was annoying as hell when they treated me differently. I don't know why. I didn't care for the most part, but when my brother could be in danger, that's when I cared.

Peter had managed to calm me down by playing some tacky old songs on the radio that made me laugh. He was cool like that. "Since when can you drive?" I asked eventually, confused at why they had trusted a kelptomaniac teenager to drive their car.

"Since I was about 15. I learnt it to spite my sister." I chuckled at his innocent expression. "Oh yeah? What did she do?" He grinned at me, a mischievous look on his face. "Told me that I would fail my driver's test." I sighed in exasperation. "That's literally the pettiest thing I have ever heard"

He shrugged, "Oh and now, I refuse to drive her anyway." I giggled at his pure pettiness. "Well. If nothing else I now know where to find a designated driver." He pouted and I chuckled, as I clambered out the car, most tripping over my own feet.

"Careful." I felt his arms around my waist. He had rushed around, seeing me trip. I locked eyes with him for a moment. Just a moment but to me, it felt like forever.

Slightly embarrassed, he let go and pulled away from Me much to my annyoance, grinning at me. "Race you." I glared at him, but began smirking at him menacingly, when I realised his shoelace was undone.

"Okay sure." He looked slightly confused, but began running, getting about 10 metres away before landing face down. I jogged up to him, as he lent his head upwards, pouting at me. "You knew?" I just kicked him softly in the sides, sprinting back to the house.

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