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"You know how much Hank will hate you having Peter in this room, yes?"

God Raven, always with the formalities.

"Why do you care?" I mumbled, playing with my hands, cringing at the thought of having to face my brother.

"Your brother and I are... Close. I would rather stay on his good side than his bad. You know how protective he is of you Acelynn."

I grimaced, knowing it was true. Then I realised what she just said, and the word 'close' began to take a whole other meaning.

"Ew!" My head bolted upwards in shock and disgust, without me meaning it too.

She glared at me, her face stony. "It's not like it's any different to you and Peter" True. It's not. But still, ew! Why did she have to say it like that!

I rubbed my temple, still groaning at the thought of her and my...no. Its too bad.

"Anwyay, I need to speak with you about something. Although your brother protested, you are an extremely powerful mutant, and would be a huge help on our team, full time. How would you like to be an x man Acelynn?"

I didn't know how to react. First she walks in here and I'm worried about her seeing a hickey, and now she's asking me to risk my life as a full time x man? Jesus.

I realised she wasn't going to leave until I answered her. "I...uh...what did Charles say?" He would give me the definite answer. "He knows how useful you are." She replied, shrugging slightly.

This made me a little upset. I know how important the x men are in helping people, but if that's all he thinks about me, how useful I am, them maybe I don't want to be one.

Getting annoyed now at her expectant stance, I stood up and asked Raven to leave. She looked a little taken aback by my sudden change in attitude, but left without saying a word.

I sat on my bed, face in my hands, considering my options. I always figured the X men were good people, helping the helpless, that shit, but now I wasn't so sure. Maybe we were used by humans for our power. It wasn't like we were treated well.

I felt a gust of wind on my face as the window opened and Peter climbed into my room and sat next to me, his silver hair a mess on his face. I rested my head on his shoulder and he placed his hand on the small of my back, gently caressing me.

I smiled slightly at him, and he grinned back, placing a gentle kiss on my head. I knew he had heard the conversation, and I didn't need to explain anything to him, we just sat there in comfortable silence for a minute, bathing in each others company.

"You gonna do it?" He asked after a moment. I shrugged, playing with the sleeve of his jacket. "I think you should, you know." He continued, not needing an answer.

"Why?" My voice was quiet and weirdly calm. I tilted my head upwards to look at his eyes. "You are so incredible and powerful and the most amazing girl I've ever met, and the team really could do with someone like you. Plus I need someone to watch my dumb ass."

I giggled at his comment and nodded in agreement. "Okay. I'll tell them later." I flopped down onto the bed, curling up into my soft pillows and blankets.

He lay back down next to me, an arm wrapped around my shoulders as he kissed my nose.

"Cool." Yep. Too right it's cool Maximoff.

I know it's short but it's kinda important

Also, thank you so much for 800 reads! This honestly means so much that you have stuck with me this far!

Please drop me a vote and if you have any ideas or requests I'm happy for you to comment them or message me privately!

D x

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