Chapter Thirty Two - Rock Bottom

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I walked with Dan through the halls we were talking about what happened yesterday.

"When we left for Canada, Lily acted like  she and your Dad were flying off into some way to soon sunset together. I do admit it didn't settle well with me but I was in no right mind to do anything about it. Then what three hours later it's over? We were so happy about us being away from it al and coming back refreshed, we never stopped to ask what happened. I mean we were here a few days earlier to catch up on everything." I shake my head for not realising something was wrong on the adult front earlier.

"So what do we do?" Dan wonders

"I don't know. But I think you and Serena have to figure something out. I'm just a former step daughter." I shrug, there was no real tie between Lilt and I anymore now that Dad was gone and I had other things on my mind. This was defiantly a thing between the ex's

"I need to talk to you." Blair stepped in front of us.

"And that is my cue to leave, bye." he kissed my cheek and left the two of us.

"Did you see Chuck last night?" Blair wondered "Did he go home?"

"Yes. And I know all about the hash and suspension. But this is Chuck, he just needs to bottom out. Then we'll be there to pick him back up." I reassured her.

"Yeah, he'll be back in no time. knot perfectly tied. But this time, when I looked into his eyes I couldn't see him anymore." she replied.

"Okay, new plan then. Tonight, we'll find him and get him sorted out. I will make a few calls and we'll get him sorted. Go to class and we'll meet up later" she agreed and we left


I kicked on the Humphreys door and Dan opened.

"Hey, I think some of my stuff got mixed up with yours." he nodded and let me in. Serena was searching he desk.

" Hey."

"Hi." she smiled

"They're right through there." He pointed to his room and I went to get them. I saw the black pants I had been searching for. I changed there in his room and grabbed the rest of my things.

"So have you found anything yet?" I asked  sitting on the sofa and putting my boots back on?"

"No. I don't even know what we're looking for." Serena sighed as I stood up and did my hair.

"You'll know it when you see it. Whatever it is, it's a doozy that it's affects how he interacts with me. That usually is a sign of it's mind blowing." my phone beeped I looked at it.


"Dan, you remember when I said things would be a bit chaotic?" I asked and he turned to face me properly


"Well I hope your ready for last minute rush off. I have to go. I will talk to you later." I gave him a quick kiss "Bye Serena."

"Bye Rose." I left for my apartment, dropped my things off then left again. I arrived at Blairs

"B, is everything okay? I came as fast as I could." I told her

"Fine, False  Alarm." she replied coming downstairs changed and calm as if nothing was wrong. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Wait, what happened?"

"Your brother. He's hold up at Victrola in some Jim Morrison downward spiral. Sad in a way, Luckily it's not my concern." she then brushed of what she had been concerned about for over a month

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