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~third person POV~

"DREAM GET BACK HERE YOU GREEN PIECE OF SHIT!" You yelled into the mic while running after Dream's Minecraft character. "YOU STOLE MY STUFF NOW GIVE IT BACK!" Dream turned his Minecraft character around and started shooting arrows with his crossbow in an attempt to knock you back, and that attempt was well made. "You don't deserve your stuff back, moron," Clay said as he continued to run away.

Eventually, he ran out of hunger and you tried to attack him but since he had your armor, you weren't wearing any. "Y/n, that's pretty embarrassing, did you forget you didn't have any armor on?" Dream said as a mimic to your death note in the chat, ' y/u/n was slain by Dream'

"Hmph. Maybe I will go back to Sapnap, he's nicer." You pouted. "No, no, no, I'm sorry he's horrible I'm better I promise I'm sorry I won't do it again I promise." Dream said in immediate response, "Okay now you come to spawn and give me my stuff now before I leave this discord call." You got up and took your headset with you to go to the kitchen and get something to eat.

"Where are you, in real life? You're AFK in the game," He said confused, "I'm going to the kitchen, I'm starving." You laughed. "Just drop my stuff on my character, if one item is gone, Dream I swear to god." You tried in a serious tone, "Daddy chill." He started wheezing, as he always does.

"Well I'm going back upstairs and if even one of my items are gone I will leave you for Sapnap." You walked upstairs and into your streaming room, you clicked back on to Minecraft, "Good job! Your stuff is in the second chest. Genius." You said in an almost mimicking tone.

"We should visit soon, we both still live in Florida and we haven't visited each other since Christmas, It's April. " You started to double click the W key to sprint, "Awh, do you miss me?" Dream laughed, "Yes, yes I do. Now I do also know somebody who lives in Texas." You continued sprinting in-game, "Hey! Stop trying to replace me with snapmap." He started chasing after your character, "I'm kidding, but actually, we only live like 2 hours from each other, it doesn't make sense that we don't visit each other more often."

"Yea I guess so, I can drive there tomorrow. I like driving." He stopped his character and ate cooked mutton. "Are you sure? The gas, and time. That's a lot." He continued sprinting into his little hut. "Yea I'm sure, I don't have any plans over the weekend either." He came out of his hut in Minecraft and threw you a diamond.

"Thank you, but I'm gonna go sleep now. I'm tired, goodnight Dreamy." You said crouching in place and punching the air, "Goodnight, y/n." And with that, you hung up and flung yourself into your bed. Ring ring, ring ring. "Hm? I just hung up with Clay what does he want,,"

You got up to answer your phone, 'Landlord'. Why is he calling me? It's 1 in the morning? You thought but just answered the call. "Hello?" You said questioningly, "Hey, y/n. I'll just give it straight to you, you're being evicted. And you have 3 days to get out, sorry." It was in a monotone voice, "Wait! Why? I'm confused!" Beep. 

You were panicking, you would have nowhere to go. Your parents live in a retirement home so you can't go there...

~first person POV~

I have an idea, it might not work, but it's worth a shot. I brought my phone back up to my vision and scrolled through my contacts until his name came up. "Hey... I know I just said I had to go but uh... I need you." I said to Dream, my breath almost trembling from the small number of tears my eyes are producing, "What's wrong? Did something happen? Are you okay?" I laughed at how he worried about me.

"Clay, I'm fine. I uh... I just got evicted from my house and I don't know why, he didn't even tell me. I only have two days until I need to leave and if I have nowhere to go." I started crying, "It's okay don't worry, you can come to my house I have like, 3 extra rooms it's okay don't cry, please." His saying that somehow, made me calm down.

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