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"Wilbur really needa chill with what he said."

You laughed, "I mean he's not wrong, but your whole ass mother is here so we cant." You let out. "Well, we coul-" You then interrupted, "Don't you dare finish that sentence, Clay." You put a finger on his lips implying to 'shush' him.

"Awh you're no fun, baby." He grabbed you by the waist and kissed you.

It was about 1 in the morning and you were scrolling through TikTok, Clay was spooning you and has his head resting on your neck, watching you scroll through TikTok. You scrolled and found a Dream animation, you quickly liked it, and then scrolled to the next video.

"Wait no go back up," He reached his hand over and scrolled back up to the video. He watched the video, "They are kinda close with my looks, send it to me so I can like it. Also, that looks hot." He implied.

You pressed the share button and pressed, 'dreamwastakenwastaken'.

You put down your phone and turned over, now facing Clay. "Hey." You said quietly, "Hello," He responded, You kissed him. "I love you, baby." He said to you.

"I love you too." You responded. Him saying I love you just gives you butterflies, it's uncontrollable. It never happened with anybody else, you loved him and never want to leave him.

You hugged him and buried your face into his chest, he started to mess with your hair, but you didn't care. Eventually, Patches scratched on the door and wanted in, so we let her. We let her lay down on the bed.

You were laying on him, you felt safer than ever.

You woke up about 8 and a half hours later, and again Clay was missing. You knew he would probably be downstairs cooking so you went into the bathroom that connected to Clay's room. 

Dream was showering, but since you just woke up you didn't realize it. And just used the bathroom, "Well good morning, y/n." He looked out of the shower curtain, "Oh-! Sorry I wasn't paying attention I didn't know you were in here." You got up and began toward the door.

"Baby, it's fine. We have literally seen each other naked." He assured. You then brushed your teeth. Clay got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. And of course, you had to blush.

You quickly turned your head back to the mirror, brushing your hair. "Awh, are you blushing?" He teased, "I would've thought by now that you would've gotten used to it." He added. He used his hand to guide your face toward him.

He held your face and kissed you, "Love you," He then left the room. You tried to calm down, but couldn't stop thinking about him. You splashed water on your face and left the bathroom. 

Clay's mom was leaving early today, so you went downstairs and said your goodbyes. She refused to let Clay drive her to the airport. And that she would call an Uber.

After she left you were dragged upstairs into Dream's room.

"Fuck, I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you so much." He started showering your face with kisses, kissed you anywhere his lips could land. "Calm down Clay- I love you too." You laid your hands on his.

"I'm sorry, but I just really wanted to say that." He apologized.. for some reason? "You don't have to say sorry. Anyway's, I want to play Minecraft now." You basically demanded.

You walked to your room and got onto your PC. You maneuvered your mouse to click the discord icon and clicked on Dream's contact. You hit the call button and then clicked Minecraft Launcher.

You heard the 'ding' noise indicating that Clay answered the call. "Hey sugar daddy, uwu give me the new set." You said in a high-pitched voice, "I- y/n what the hell." He started to laugh, "C'mon daddy I can play a few rounds later on." You continued joking.

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